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Everything posted by shadetree

  1. if you can find one ?..i highly recommend a trx450fm ( manual shift model ) , these are very good atv's. only other atv i can say is..is the trx300fw, but parts for them are getting very hard to find for this model. what ever model you get ?..stay manual shift..this is my .02's worth.
  2. buy it from rocky mountain atv, they have both the lid and rubber seal, and shipping is only 7 bucks.
  3. not a bad idea to change voice mail, but if yer out in the sticks...where you can not get signal ?, how do you expect to call the cell service to change the voice mail ??..lol.
  4. issue 1: starter brushes are worn out, buy a new starter from D&B electrical. issue 2: rebuild the carb with a shindy carb kit, and replace the choke valve. issue 3: bad cv joints, you can not replace with new, and there is NO after market cv joints around, DO NOT BELIEVE ANYTHING YOU READ ON EBAY OR AMAZON...THEY DO NOT MAKE THEM !!.
  5. just the rear diff alone for a old 350 is worth 400-450 !. they are gold right now. expect around 600 for the complete rear end.
  6. fan is bad ?, fuse is blown ?, bad oil temp sensor switch ?, or the fan control unit is bad ?.
  7. before you rush out and start buying parts ?, check the wire harness at all connections to make sure they are clean and tight ?, also check for any mice chewing damage on the harness ?. check all fuses as well.
  8. ok, try a new spark plug, plug it into boot, lay it on engine somewhere, crank it over, watch for spark, if it does not spark ?, then chances are the c.d.i. is bad ?, or the stator is bad ?.
  9. kill switch in the center on left handle bar ?.
  10. is the neutral light on when you turn the key on ?. it will not fire if the neutral light isn't lit up.
  11. update: been a few sense i last updated this thread, here is a pic i took of the front porch/deck with new awnings installed i got off ebay, they turned out pretty good i must say. as for the driveway i cut in ON MY PROPERTY !, it took 46 tons of sb2 gravel ( 2 loads ), 6 rail road ties, 12 two foot rebars, and one 11 ft culvert at the main road. i used the rebar with holes drilled into the ends of the rail road ties to help hold them in place, not that they are going anywhere i hope ?..they are very heavy !. i needed something to keep the gravel from washing away on the high side of the driveway. i am working on getting a 4 ft piece of culvert to attach to the already installed culvert at the main road, i do not like the width of the one installed, i can drive over it ?, but with a trailer such as my utility or boat trailer ?, it will not get across it without going off the left entry side seeing how i am in a curve right there.
  12. haha..no..did not lose any fingers !..rofl.
  13. ash tray for smoking in there ?.
  14. yeah..you '' should '' ?..be able to remove part # 11 up off the shaft, then just pull number # 12 right out once you get it past the shifting shaft.
  15. can you raise this part up some on the shifting shaft, then rotate it out from under the change clutch ?. worse case, you very well may have to remove the clutches in order to get this part off the shifting shaft.
  16. and if you do not have that socket ?, you can use a 1 1/2x 1 1/2 sqaure tubbing to fit in the spec nut, will just need to round off the corners a tad to make it fit tight.
  17. rear diff to swing arm, uses o-rings, axle tubes to rear diff, same..o-rings, no need for any hondabond or yamabond on these places. only time you use yamabond or hondabond on the rear diff ?, is if you split the rear diff case halves. never..EVER..USE RTV SEALANT ANYWHERE ON AN ATV !.
  18. not me, i left the stone age yrs ago..lol.
  19. welcome to the forums, you are in great hands here for sure !.
  20. there's at least a couple 100k huh ?..lol.
  21. cute set-up, but i would have made the side car big enough to hold a decent size ice chest !..lol.
  22. did this carb sit with fuel in it for 23 yrs ??..or you just saying you've ran eth free fuel in it for 23 yrs ?..big difference !!. again..its always wise to drain the carbs ?, or run them dry when you do not use the fuel in the machine !!.
  23. side of carb has a number stamped on it, go to partzilla, find your make/model/yr, look below the carb name, it should have the carb part number showing you the correct carb for your atv. next time, please include the year of your atv, this makes it easier for us to help you ! :-).
  24. this is me, when i take on projects !..lol.
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