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Everything posted by shadetree

  1. i run reg gas in all my toys and truck. if i know its gonna sit for awhile ?, i put stabil in the tank ?, or drain the carb. it all depends on how much you use what ever gas is in it. i don't buy into ethanol or non-ethanol, is there a difference ?, prob ?..but i don't care one way or the other..as long as i run what i put it in ?, or treat the gas that its in ?, i've never had any issues to this date.
  2. we need the FULL make/model name and number, just telling us its a foreman does not cut it.
  3. bad angle sensor ?, or the bolt got lose at the shift drum behind front cover ?. my money say's the angle sensor is bad. if you do buy a angle sensor ?..DON'T CHEAP OUT ON ONE FROM AMAZON OR EBAY !!. buy it from someone that sells oem honda parts !.
  4. did not watch what ever it was you posted ^^^ ?, but your problem is either the reg/rec ?, or the stator ?.
  5. update: got all the trim up, base board down, i see light at the end of the tunnel !!..lol. worked 12 1/2 hrs yesterday, started at 4:30 am, then stopped at 5:00 pm. loaded truck up with most of my tools, made the drive home, ate some food, crashed around 7:30 PM ( not really sure what time it was ?..i was dead in the water when i got home ). all i like now is cleaning the scrap lumber and junk out of the yard near back door, clean off front porch, clean inside cabin out and up with its mess, fix the front entry door inside floor, then paint the ceiling in the main room, do a little painting up top around the surround on bathtub, some caulking, then i will be done for the most part. this inside work to me was just as bad as rebuilding the dang roof !!..lol. I'm about 3k into supplies, not counting the gas money it took to drive back and forth, ( thanks to the high cost of gas ). anyway, here is the progress pics of all the work i did yesterday. as explained above, i still have a bunch of little stuff to finish, but it wont be too bad to do, seeing how most of the hard work is done now.
  6. now..just because you got it fixed ?..does not mean you have to stay away from here !..lol.
  7. just think..one of these day's, we'll go from atv mechanics..to farmers !!..rofl.
  8. the grinding sound you were hearing from the starter to engine case ?, i can tell you right now..its because of the gasket on the starter reduction cover !!.
  9. flywheel is toast, you will need another flywheel and stator from a 1986 trx350 fourtrax only !!!!. no other flywheel and stator will work from any later 350 models. DO NOT GET TRICKED INTO SOME DUMMY TELLING YOU ALL MODELS ARE THE SAME FROM 1986 TO 1989 ??!!..the 1986 trx350 fourtrax is a ONE YEAR ONLY MODEL FOR PARTS WHEN IT COMES TO THE ELECTRONICS !!!.
  10. lol..the company that sold me this system is called ispring water, do contact them if you need any help fixing your current system. i got an email from that guy saying the free filters were shipped out today..at no cost !..where do you get that service from ??.
  11. update: regarding water filter system, spoke to a rep at the place that sells these water filter systems ( A REAL PERSON ANSWERED THE PHONE ! ) , he explained to me on phone, more than likely my pressure is low on filter side ( the big 3 canisters ) is because the spin down pre-filter is 50 micron ( the glass filter ), a larger mircon spin down filter '' should '' ?..solve my problem. he told me he would send two larger spin down filters out to me at no cost ? ( just..wow ! ) we'll see if he does this ?.
  12. reason brake parts would not come right off : there is an o-ring inside, stuck between the brake drum and axle splines !..lol. if this o-ring is not removed ?, then the brake drum will not budge !. yes...i have seen axles twist off like this..but not on a trx300fw ?!. they do..and will twist off if you put enough torque to them.
  13. update: got the well water filter system installed, took me pretty much all day to get it done. i wanted to install a bypass line at the filter rack ?, but my well house was not big enough to allow me to do it, so i had to just put it together with just the line going in through the filter system, then out. i am kinda troubled at the pressure coming out of filter system ?, i have great pressure at the pre- sediment glass filter, but after the main filters, the pressure is not as high as i'd like it to be ?, i am going to contact the makers of this system, and ask them why my pressure lower after the filters ?. at the pump side, i'm getting about 80-85 psi, then after the filters, its down to about 50-60 psi, not sure if this is normal or what ?, but i will find out. i had to re-arrange my pump motor and pressure tank to get my lines to go where i needed them in order to plug everything up to the pre-filter ( the glass filter ). yes, i know there is a few elbows in the line, but i did not have a choice, seeing how there was not much room to work with. here is a couple pic's of my install.
  14. never heard of this brand ?. i only ride honda.
  15. honda in their great wisdom calls this model rubi formans..i have no idea why ??..but that is how they list them.
  16. answer: timing is off ?, or not enough compression from timing being off ?.
  17. be warned !..when riding 2 up ?, watch out for climbing hills..as this will flip you backwards !. nice add on though !.
  18. update: finally got the shower faucet installed, AFTER I HAD TO BRING IT BACK, GET ANOTHER TYPE/ BRAND THAT WOULD FIT THE SURROUND WALL ?!...LOL. i feel sorry for anyone that comes across remodeling a bathroom ?..it sucks !. installing all those parts for the faucet, boards to hold them, and making sure it all fit right ?..yeah..it wore me out big time !. anyway, i got it all in the surround and i must say, it turned out pretty good. i stopped working on trim, base board, because my dewalt finish nail gun decided to not work right, set it aside, went and bought a new one. i did how ever get the broken one fixed..turns out..i very tiny o-ring on the bottom of the trigger was not only broken ?, but totally gone !, good ole harbor freight o-ring kit to the rescue. took couple days off, i needed some rest. been working on a well water filter system, trying to gather all the parts to put it together, let me tell ya..it gets very high dollar when buying sharkbite fittings !..lol. i will head down to cabin monday early, and start installing this filter system, taking today off to go tend to my garden. here is a couple pics of the shower/tub progress.
  19. drop the skid plate ( remove it ) then remove the stator case, it should just come right out after you remove all the mounting bolts.
  20. pick up coil ( or more known as pulse generator ) is nothing but a trigger for the c.d.i. to tell the c.d.i. when to fire off the spark plug coil/spark plug. the flywheel has a raised metal piece on it that goes by the pick up coil on every revolution.
  21. update: a few more things done last night ( 7-4-2022 ), got the tub down in its place, floor had to be cut for the drain to drop down through in order for the tub drain to let the tub sit flat, tub walls together, all went together great. got the walls built, door is just sitting in the wall frame, i started at 8:30pm, worked until 3:00am, drove home, was 4am when i got home, crashed.
  22. derf nailed it daddy, you have the engine on wrong stroke.
  23. here is a pic of the bathroom going back together, i got more done last night on the walls, ran out of lumber, but did get one wall up, but no pic, i worked until midnight last night, got home, crashed.
  24. '' So how do you decide if it’s on the compression stroke if the head is off to check the timing '' this has been said sooooooo many times on the forums here, but i'll try to lay it out once more..i need to make a sticky on this ?..as i'm getting kinda worn out by explaining to members on how to set and adjust timing on atv ( honda's ) engines..lol. by watching the intake valve ( valves ) ?, you can tell which stroke you have the piston set when doing timing. with the piston on TDC ( top dead center ), you rocker box off, rotate the pull starter ( if you have on ? ) with a 17mm ratchet and socket counter clockwise, as you are doing this..watch the intake valve, if it starts to go down when turning the crank backwards ?, then slowly turn the crank back to line up the tab on the pull starter ( the tang has a line on it ) it lines up with the raised arrow behind the pull starter stamped in the case cover, line these up. check the site hole for the letter T, make sure these are lined up, piston should be on TDC. if for some reason when you first started turning the crank backwards, and the intake valve did not start to go down ?, then slowly turn the crank to where you first started, then keep turning it all the way around until the timing marks line back up on the pull starter, then from here..rotate the crank backwards slowly...the intake valve SHOULD ?..start to go down, if it does, turn it clockwise back to the timing marks on the pull starter and stator case, adjust the valves, lock them down, DONE !.
  25. welcome, my money say's you got the timing off ?, or your throttle body is not working right ?. if it was running before you did the top end ?, then chances are, you got the timing off 180. check to make sure you got the timing set on the valves for compression stroke ?, you prob set them on exhaust stroke ?, it must be set on compression stroke.
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