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Everything posted by shadetree

  1. update: my parts came in today, started around 12:00 pm, just called it a night, closed shop at 9:30 pm, i'm beat !. for the life of me, i have never figured out why stuff comes apart..easier than it goes back together ??, i fought that tractor for over 2 hrs trying to get the front end attached back to the rear end...it ate my lunch !..lol. its not easy doing this work on this tractor when you are by yourself..it sucks !!..lol. now i am attaching all the hydro lines, clutch pedal, brake pedals, one piece at a time. i gotta have a look at the way the brake pedal and hydro pedals attach to all these brackets, will look at the service manual, and see what i need to do to attach them.
  2. nope, donate away to our site here, i'm all for it.
  3. will get my vote when the voting starts !..lol.
  4. well..he showed up, did not offer a lower price, paid my asking price, was very happy with my work when he pulled out of my drive way.
  5. pssst..atv's are made for one person !..read the safety warning label !..lol.
  6. update: have a buyer driving from TN, say's he wants to buy this, will know later or not if he shows and buy's this ?, i question his motive, he did not even ask for a lower price ?..hmmm..lol. i am pretty firm on price.
  7. go put yer trx450 on there..we'll all go vote..lol. ( but i think you can't win more than so many times a yr right ? )..lol
  8. welcome. you need to start having a look at the elec shift area, see if any parts are damged..loose behind the transfer gear cover. chances are..the angle sensor is bad ?, or you have an issue with one of the tranny gears ?. start with the easy stuff first, inspect the elec shift area first.
  9. update: went to dealer this morning, purchased engine oil filter, hydro oil filter, fan belt, air filter, center 3-point hitch bar, and 5 gal of hydro oil, out the door was 239.xx. then went to interstate batteries, purchased a new battery, 500 cca, that was about 189.xx out the door. then to wally world for some rotella 15w-40 engine oil, some new battery post clamps, and a battery hold down bar, another 43.xx out the door. now i sit and wait on my tranny parts from the dealer.
  10. haha..left a word there myself. now...will they honor the winner ??.
  11. if the cylinder is worn out ?, out of round ?, new rings wont solve your problem. cylinder will need to be bored over to next size up, most oem rings for these from honda are discontinued today. you may want to check with g&h to see if they can bore it over, and get you a piston kit to match.
  12. did you use a shindy carb rebuild kit ?, or did you cheap out..and buy a no-name kit from ebay/amazon ?. did you flush the tank ?, did you check the fuel flow ?, did you see if the oem snorkel was clear ?. did you check the intake boot for tears ?. is the air filter clean ?. is the valves adjusted correctly ?. spark plug fresh ?. check the timing ?, diaphram torn or holes in it ?. as you can see..there is more to a carb than just putting parts on an atv engine !. last but not least..if the c.d.i. is worn out, going bad ?, it wont rev right.
  13. @AKATV , someone needs you !..lol.
  14. black screen on what make and year ?, a part number does not give any info. some pics of the lighted meter will also be needed. ( if it will light up ? ).
  15. i did not take the clutch apart, it looked to good of shape to tear it all apart. there was hardly any clutch dust inside the bell housing at all ?!, this told me to leave it alone !. also, the fingers were very clean.
  16. update: got a few things back together on the front end, and got the front of the frame bolted back on, fuel tank in, hood on, all the hydro lines ready to plumb to the back once i get the rear pushed back to the frame. pulled the bell housing to inspect the clutch, right off the bat i could see black rtv sealant on the matting surface of the bell housing, clutch looks brand new ?, decided not to mess with it, but i did want to have a look at it before i got this tractor all back together...only to find out the clutch was bad ?..lol. i feel better now..knowing the clutch is in great shape. called it a day, can't do anything until my tranny parts come in next week.
  17. i got the front lines all flushed very well, even took the main pump off..took it apart, washed it out as well. can't do the rear end..not until i get it back together with the frame. still need to flush the power steering pump, but won't do that until i get it mounted back in its spot ?, its still connected to the pitman arm..lol. i'll blow it out once its mounted back down.
  18. update: not much done on this little project today, really not much i can do until i get my tranny parts around next thurs or fri ? ( this is what the dealer told me anyway ). i did pull the hydro cooler line off the front, and all the lines from the cooler, as well as the hydro main pump, flushed all of these out nice and clean. can't drain the rear yet on the transaxle yet ?, i can't get to the drain plugs while its resting on my atv jack. more than likely most of the hydro oil all drained out when i pulled the filter plug from the main oil line on right rear side and the hydro tranny off the front of the rear..not sure ?, but i will remove the drain plugs once i get the tractor back together where i can SAFELY !..craw under the back axle..and remove the drain plugs. this tractor only has a little over 800 hrs on it, and i am debating or not..now that i have all the hydro lines disconnected...would this be a good time to go ahead..and pull the cover to access the clutch...and replace the clutch, pressure plate, throw out bearing, and pilot bearing ?. if i wait until its all back together..then i will have to disconnect all the hydro lines again to be able to get to the clutch bell housing..and i REALLY do not want to have to do this all over again..so..some one please tell me what YOU would do at this point ???. i have no idea what shape the clutch is in ?, as it sits..it would not move to begin with until i get the hydro tranny fixed, soo..if i'm gonna change out the clutch parts, NOW IS THE TIME TO DO IT !..LOL. I know this is a boring project to some..if not most here ?, but i'm enjoying it '' some ''..just not enjoying forking out the cash..lol. my starter and alternator arrived today, but i will not be installing them anytime soon, i may end up sending the starter back..but use the alternator...as the charge dash light never went out when i got it running before i tore it down. i may have to replace the reg/rec as well ?, I DID NOT EVEN KNOW IT HAD A REG/REC UNTIL I GOT THE DASH OFF ?!..LOL. I still need engine oil, oil filter, hydro oil, air filter, hydro filter, battery, battery cable connectors, and gonna replace the fan belt..old fan belt prob would run for a bit ?, but i do not trust something that has sat out in the weather for months !. still waiting on fuel filter..shows to be here monday ?, don't really care..as that will be way down the line. coolant looks like its new ?, wont change that out..least not yet anyway. no idea on water pump ?, i never opened cap to see if coolant was flowing when i got it running ?, i will check that later after i get it all back together..LEAST I HOPE I CAN GET IT ALL BACK TOGETHER ???!..LOL. anyway..thats it for now..i'll keep this thread updated as i go..or in this case..when i get my tranny parts...so i can start to put it back together ?!..lol.
  19. something keeps telling me..once they see the voters are not on that site ?, they will say the votes do not count !. i do not trust those folks at all !.
  20. this tractor only has one fuel filter ( that i've noticed so far ? ) it is mounted on the right side of frame, below the engine. plastic outer bowl, inner paper filter, with a screw on cap that slides up the bowl on the outside , then attaches to the shut off valve. not sure about this run/kill solenoid switch ?, its working..so..i'll leave it alone !..lol.
  21. yeah..i have already thought about this..i know the system is dirty..no doubt about that one bit !. i'll have to figure out a way to flush the system the best i can..i've got a good amount of money spent on new parts to fix the hydro transmissio..i surely do not want to damage it all over again !!.
  22. i watched every video he did...noooo..i will not do what he did..did ya notice he never said what his cost was on parts ??..lol.
  23. Yeah, yeah, its not an atv ?!..lol. but its a nice little tractor. the hydrostat tranny was toast, its costing me an arm an leg..a few toes and fingers to hopefully fix this tranny ?, but it will be well worth it in my book. WORD OF CAUTION !..never...EVER..HAVE TO SPLIT A TRACTOR ?..IT SUCKS !..LOL. gave 2k for this kubota b2100, so far, i'm about 5k into parts and purchase price..sigh. but look on the bright side.. A BRAND NEW COMPACK TRACTOR COST OVER 14K !!!. i simply can not afford to make payments on a new tractor at all. i'd love a new one !..but the wallet says no way. anyway, here is some pics of the hydrostat damage, its not pretty to say the least !. this thing uses the same set-up as the hondamatic to operate the forward and reverse movement if anyone is interested in knowing about these things. last word from the wise owl...THERE IS NOTHING...AND I MEAN NOTHING...CHEAP ABOUT PARTS FOR THESE KUBOTA'S !!, today i had to fork out about $ 2,600.00 bucks just for tranny parts..take that to the bank !.
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