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Everything posted by shadetree

  1. wow !!!..is this metric gallons ?..lol.
  2. yeah..i've had day's like you did bro..hope ya get better !. hang in there..it gets better as ya age !..lol.
  3. i'm amazed no one has came out with a recliner version..lol.
  4. i marked my gas can for my chain saws with a black magic marker, weed eater, leaf blower, i run all of them just like i did when i had my 2-stroke , 25hp outboard mercury, 40:1 mix.
  5. not sure ?, but i can tell you this..'' seal all '' can't fix this !!..lol.
  6. what's the bark power ??..lol.
  7. let's see some progress pic's of this build !!, who's gonna finish their 2004 trx450fm first..you ?, or me ?..lol. prob you..as you know i go all out on my builds..lol.
  8. the trick to installing the reverse shaft, WITHOUT tearing the new gasket is easy, install the reverse shaft, get the spring up where its suppose to rest, then take a flat screw driver, push the spring in ( bend ) it back a good ways, this keeps it away from the case edge at all times when you are setting the new gasket on. been doing it this way for yrs.
  9. musta been in arkansas !
  10. i use my parts washer to clean my cases, save that 3 bucks a can !..lol.
  11. update: a tad more progress, got the muffler painted and installed, got the fuel tank heat shield all cleaned up and installed, i have the fuel tank on right now, but did not have it cleaned at the time i took this pic, i'll try to remember to take some more pics later. had a cust bring me a trx300fw for some brake work, made an easy 100 bucks, road it out, pushed the '04 trx450fm/s back in the shop, called it a night.
  12. tell that to my sore body will ya !!..lol.
  13. mad prop's to this guy..that was a bad to the bone build and video !!.
  14. update: still no response from the ebay seller ?, but i did file a dispute with paypal and conatcted ebay over this piston ring problem. we'll see how they handle this. spent most of the day out at catfish's place trying to get the 2001 trx450s rolling, just so we could get it in my truck, finally was able to drag it to my truck, push it up in the truck bed, got it home, let me tell ya...its a royal pain in the butt to pull an atv by yourself !..lol. but i did it..just took a million times to go back an forth to turn the handle bars on the 2001 trx450s !..lol. got it stashed close by, as i will start removing parts off of it to complete this 2004 trx450fm/s build. got to change out the front tires ( picked up a better front set from catfish with more tread..but not the same name brand ? )..they don't match name wise ?, but oh well, i'm not buying all brand new tires for this, tire cost, LIKE EVERYTHING ELSE HAS GONE THROUGH THE ROOF !. today is my BD, and i'm not even sure if i want to work on this at all ?, but knowing me ?, i'll get another breath of wind..and feel like doing something..lol. I need to get some parts off this 2001 trx450s, and move them over to the 2004 trx450fm/s, muffler, fuel tank, air box, front bumper, front rack, front skid plate, then some paint work..aghhh..least the sun is out ?..maybe work up a sweat ?..lol. i did manage to get the front left brake hub torn down off the 2004 trx450fm/s late last night, tore it all down, cleaned all parts up, still need to do the front right brake hub, may do that first today if i feel like it ?, its easy work..so won't be too hard on this old man ( 58 today !..woohoo..lol ), i'll update this tread as i go.
  15. update: well, as the story goes...if anything can go wrong ?..IT WILL !..lol. opened the piston kit i ordered from ebay ( same kit i've purchased 2 times already, plus told jeep to use them ). when i took the parts out of the box, i found the rings on the bottom of the box..UNDER THE CYLINDER SKIRT ?, yep..you guessed it..'' i wonder if the rings got damaged '' ?..YES..YES THEY WERE !..LOL. as you can see in the pic..both main rings were in pieces !..aghhh !!!. contacted the ebay seller, never heard back all day yesterday !, spoke to catfish, he say's he has a brand new shindy piston ring kit on hand..but missing one of the oil ring scrappers ?, i told him..i can use these oil rings from this kit...i just need the main two rings. so i headed to his place, but on the way, i stopped by my local honda dealership, picked up a set of std rings for a 2004 trx450fm/s they had in stock, $ 45.00 bucks, just in case catfish rings would not fit this cylinder ??!!. got to his place, checked his rings in cylinder, they were a great fit, so i came home, installed the top end, it al went together great, around 8:30 pm my time, i got the carb on, did a test fire, IT LIVES ONCE AGAIN !. Waiting on ebay seller to respond to my complaint , they offered me 8 bucks for the damaged rings ?, EVEN ASKED ME IF I COULD RE-USE MY OLD RINGS !, ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME ??. lol i should send them a pic of the old piston, AND ASK THEM..WOULD YOU RE-USE THIS ??..LOL. gonna try to head out to catfish's place..pick up his 2001 trx450fm/s, grab some parts off it to finish this build when i get time today, i need some important parts off his to make this build complete. will update later when i get time.
  16. lol..i got a new piston ordered for that suzi, gonna rebuild the engine, the oil pump drive gear is bad, but you can run pre-mix, once all back together, catfish is in about 450 bucks right now in new parts from suzi, maybe we can cut your mini a sweet deal on this bike ?, i'd love for her to have it !. yvw on the rear end bro..glad i could help a bro out !.
  17. haha..well..they don't sell many of those models here in the states that are manual shift models with a meter/display, least i've never seen a single one !?!..LOL. if you had to replace it ?, it will be very hard to find another one to fit that model ?, as its not very common at all to have a meter/display made for that model. they made tons of them for es ( electric shift ) models..but no fm/manaul shift models that i've ever seen to this day.
  18. update: got my oil seals in yesterday, finished bottom engine build. discovered i had left out the oil filter screen..grrr..i could have left it out..it won't stop the engine from running..but if anyone knows me or my work ?, i hated the fact that i forgot it..and it would bother me..so..you guessed it..i tore the engine back down far enough to put the filter screen back in. it's a good thing i did too !..i noticed i had installed the cam chain sprocket 180 out back on the cam ?!!. hey..i do screw up..and prob not the only person who's done this ?, but i did fix it..no harm, no fowl. i got the lower engine installed back in the frame lastnight, top end piston kit shows to be here today, i'll get that installed, pick up some honda oil, honda oil filter, and '' should '' ?..get to do a test fire some time today. i'll post some progress pic's later on when i get this all done. jeep69 stopped by, picked up his 450 rear end, rear shocks, drive shaft, we chatted for a bit...always good to talk to another honda mechanic..thanks for the chat jeep69..its good to take a break here and there !..lol. i came out good on the ignition switch..brand new switch was in one of the trx500faa, so i temp hooked that up to check the shape of the meter/display. meter/display works, i buffed out the top cover, turned key on, it shows 694 miles on it ?..it has to be a recent new meter ?..no way a 2004 ( unless they did not ride it like i do mine ? ) would have this low of miles on it ?!. stay tuned , more progress pic's posted later !. I got a suz jr50 ( that you can see in one of the pics ^^ ) i am working on, got some parts coming in today ( paid for over night shipping..we'll see ? ), should get it going again like new when i am done..i hope anyway ?. someone has worked on it..had the new gaskets on engine, but the kick start and cutches were not set right ?, fixed that. also noticed they installed a CHINA CARB !!!!..STOP DOING THIS FOLKS !!!..THEY ARE JUNK !!!. got a new oem carb coming, it should run great when i get that installed. i got too many logs on the fire around here it seems huh ?..lol.
  19. if it were me ( AND ITS NOT ! ) i would just buy new tires. tubes and slime just turn me off..lol.
  20. very rare to have a fm model, spec made in usa !..come with a meter/display ?!..hold onto it..its worth a good penny !.
  21. yeah, i've never seen a manual shift trx350fm come with a meter/display, and i've hand my hands on a ton of them..lol.
  22. my only concern here is..when did the trx350fm ranchers come with a meter/display ?, my understanding is nothing but the trx350es have the meter/display as far as i know here in the states ?.
  23. yw, he'll get you fixed up !.
  24. welcome to our forums, @AKATV
  25. was it sunk ?, if so ?, it will prob need a lot more than a top end !. welcome to our forums.
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