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2008 Trx500fm

2008 Trx500fm watts info

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I was wondering if anyone can tell me how many watts my 2008 Trx500fm produces and uses. I would like to install a led light bar, heated hand grips and maybe a winch I would like to know how big of a light bar I can install currently the bike is completely stock.

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The service manual will list a charging rate for certain rpm. Keep in mind it doesn’t list draw at idle. Your accessory circuit is probably rated at 10A.

use P= I x E to determine maximum loading on that circuit:

Power (watts) = Inductance (Amps) x Electromotive Force (Volts)


for a 10A circuit on a 12 Volt system, expect the fuze to blow before you draw 120 watts.

actually fuze probably won’t blow with temporary  excursions to 120W. A fast blow wouldn’t tolerate them though

Edited by Goober

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11 hours ago, 2008 Trx500fm said:

I was wondering if anyone can tell me how many watts my 2008 Trx500fm produces and uses. I would like to install a led light bar, heated hand grips and maybe a winch I would like to know how big of a light bar I can install currently the bike is completely stock.


I have heated grips, winch, and this lightbar on my 06 with no issues at all. 







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