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Tony Suniga

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  1. Thanks! I’m going open up the case later this afternoon and see if there is anything out of the ordinary. I’ve seen a few videos of guys disassembling utility and sport quads with this motor so I’m some what familiar with it visually but I’d still like to know common failures in the clutch system and if it’s even worth saving money replacing disks only or having everything swapped out since I’m in there. Thanks for the reply.
  2. Hello Folks, I just joined this group as I followed the rabbit hole in search of a service manual in another forum. Anywho, after locating one from model year 2011 I hope to get some education on the topic referenced above. I’ve owned the ATV for 2 months and have restored it from the shambles it was in. The original owner told me he thought it was a clutch issue but the quad didn’t start when I looked at it so I couldn’t confirm. I got it home and running after cleaning the carb, putting a new battery and putting fresh fuel in it. It had sat abandoned behind a house since 2019. Fast forward to last weekend and the restoration was complete. I fired the quad up and attempted to ride it only to find out it didn’t move in gear. I checked the clutch cable and its connection points. It all checked out with no binding or issues. No issues with stretched cables according to the service manual tolerances. If I pump the clutch handle I can feel the quad move slightly just before my hand lets off the clutch handle. Like it’s engaging at the very top. No grinding, no weird noises, and nothing obvious. I assume it’s the clutch but my question is how can I tell if it’s the clutch disks inside the basket or if it’s the wet center frugal assemble that needs servicing? What can I look for to narrow this down? I can throw more money at the problem and replace it all but I’d like to learn about the issues I’m experiencing so I’m hoping someone can educate me or offer suggestions. I've searched before posting this just in case someone else had a similar issue. I’ve read several posts on replacing those parts but I’m looking for the details. I’ll be opening the front of the case this weekend to look at the components. I’m hoping it’s burnt or stuck disks in the basket but I’ll take any suggestions you guys might have. Thanks in advance! Here is my before and after photo of the ATV I took ownership of.
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