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  1. This is a little weird, but I out a new key ignition on that was oem since it was smoother, and the e start works now? Could have been something with the wiring but it works now, so does the neutral light, weird but its fixed.
  2. I've never had to, even on my old wiring harness I didn't have to, but eventually I found out why that didnt button start since the wires to the solenoid weren't actually connected. But when the parts I ordered come in I'll go ahead and have a look at the wiring harness and stuff, especially since I'm gonna put a light on it.
  3. No, all I have to do is turn the ignition, the kill switch off, and then all I have to do is jump the solenoid and it starts. The neutral switch light still doesn't show up.
  4. Yeah it didn't do anything, I tried every possible thing, the bolts to the ignition coil, the battery itself, and was no different.
  5. Alright, but what do you mean by grounding the wire.
  6. I've bought maybe 2 or 3 db electrical solenoids and the connector is like a switch, so I cut it off and put connectors from a different solenoid, but I'm gonna just buy one off ebay to see if it is just the solenoid, but I don't even hear the solenoid click which I thought they just click if they're bad, but it just doesn't do anything.
  7. So I just got my quad running, and I've been having to jump the solenoid, replaced it like 3 times, I'm gonna try buying another one, since these ones are old but brand new. Along with this when I turn the ignition the neutral light doesn't come on, even though the neutral wire is connected, this was a wiring harness from a different trx400ex.
  8. Alright, well thank you for everything, can't wait to go riding once I get some more parts
  9. I meant I swapped the oem kei hin carb I had for the chinese one and it ran, so could just be something wrong with the oem one, ran real nice afterwards.
  10. Nevermind, swapped the chinese carb and its idling fine
  11. Alright, the next problem is that it idles like crap, I have to go about half throttle just for it to barely idle, could it be the jetting or something wrong with the carb
  12. Started right up, sounded way better, thank you so much for everything, it took years just to find out that little thing was the entire problem.
  13. Alright, I'm at a lower altitude since I'm down in Florida, but I'm gonna go ahead and try starting it now.
  14. Just put the spring and plunger in, opened the carb and I have a 180 and a 45 jet installed, is this enough for it to run? I'm gonna go ahead and put this rotor and brake in the mean time while I wait for the battery to charge.
  15. Alright thank you so much, somebody told me I didn't need the spring and pin, but I'll definitely go ahead and order one soon.
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