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    • Can anyone tell me where I can get my 2006 350 Honda speedometer display refurbished. I can’t see anything on it. It is completely blurred out. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    • I never thought of getting one but I'm glad my father in law did. When I had my house built I saved all of the logs worth milling and made a really nice work bench out of it. It's all red oak made from 2 inch thick boards, if I hadn't put casters on the legs it never would of made it out of the barn.    He works for the southern company and still has some contact with Georgia power so his buddy brought him 30 power poles. So I'm going to mill some of that up for the frame of the coop and plane some old deck boards for the walls of the enclosure. It won't be huge maybe enough space for 10-15 chickens. But chicken math is a thing lol so might have to go bigger latter on.
    • I'm gonna need to see pics of that!   Dad bought a giant GH Tannewitz bandsaw with the idea that at some point I might want to harvest lumber on the farm and cut it   Not something I will likely ever do, but he always has an "excuse" to buy something he wants and doesn't really need, and his excuse for buying the Tannewitz was "we might need to mill our own lumber one day"
    • Tagging him in case he missed you.  @AKATV
    • Beautiful scenery as usual.   Some of those mountain/ valley pics look like the fjords we saw on our trip to Norway this summer, just without the water!   May I ask what country deported your friends?   Years ago a couple from church went to Izmir Turkey for several years.   They had to keep a very low profile there, as they were not allowed in as missionaries.  The husband was an engineer, so they were allowed in due to the job he took there.   If you would rather not disclose, I completely understand, was just curious.
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