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Everything posted by Mikey

  1. Thanks AK. Any leads on replacement displays? I'm assuming these are proprietary and there's no NOS ones out there. Aside from the display, everything works as expected on mine, so yeh, the board is solid.
  2. Here's a pic...I believe this may be irreparable, but I thought I'd give it a shot. It's from a Foreman 99 450s that is a complete basket case. Kids, never buy from Marketplace at night, no matter how good the deal sounds! 🙂 There was no back on the PCB housing at all...it was held into the front of the pod by 14g wires strategically tied to the 4 phillips screws, just dangling in space by tension! I also picked up some OEM connectors and pins, because I was pretty sure I was going to need to Mad Max something, and I was hoping to just trace pin-outs to something else that had the same signaling that wasn't made for a Foreman. Ideally, I'd be able to get MPH and gear position....that's all I really want. The backllght on this does work, as does the round LEDs, so that gives me hope that I could meter the pins and try to figure out what's going on to wire in a Chinese generic display or even an arduino. Anyway, AKATV, is this one beyond repair? Has anyone figured out the wiring to hack in a non-Honda display?
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