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AKATV last won the day on June 4

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  1. Welcome to the forum! Let me see a few pictures of of what you have going on and I can better let you know what needs to be done The 400 FGA screen is a hard one to come by What was wrong with the first one and what do you think happened to the second one? what are they doing exactly I will send my contact information to your message box as well -AKATV
  2. Welcome to the forum! I sent my contact information to your message box Stop in and say hello to everyone in the new member area and don’t forget to download a free service manual from our digital library if you need one -AKATV
  3. Hi Shane Welcome to the forum! I have sent my contact info to your message box We have a great digital library with free service manuals if you need them, don’t forget to stop in and say “hi” in the new member section if you get a chance Hope to see you around the forum -AKATV
  4. Welcome to the forum Check your message box. I will send my direct contact information. -AKATV
  5. Thanks for the pictures You could possibly have a power issues on the 350 as well as display problems if you can’t see any data at all It might help a little more to remove those top covers so we can get a better look and see if we see any hint at all of numbers at all being displayed on the LCD, sometimes it helps to remove the top covers and then hold them at a 45° angle and take a look let me know what you find out and if it’s easier, I’ll send my direct contact information to your message box as well -AKATV
  6. Welcome to the forum! If you need speedometer help, just let me know what you have going on with it, maybe post a few pictures and I will send my contact information to your message box as well -AKATV
  7. He just PM'd me and we are talking-Thanks!
  8. Welcome to the forum! Sounds like you’ve done some good troubleshooting. I’ll send my direct contact information to your message box and I’ll help you get it sorted out. -AKATV
  9. Welcome to the forum! Post a few pictures so we can see what you have going on and I will send my contact information to your message box as well Don’t forget to pick up a service manual or two for your machines from our free digital library and stop in and say “Hi” to everybody in the new member area -AKATV
  10. Welcome to the forum! I replied to your separate direct message and also sent you my contact information I can get you taken care of no problem Don’t forget to stop into the area and say “Hi” to everybody and visit our digital library and download a free Honda factory service manual if you need one Hope to see you around .-AKATV
  11. Welcome to the forum JD45! Post a few pics of what oyu have going on with it powered up and the backlight on (headlights turned on) so we can see whats going on with it I will send my contact information to your message box as well -AKATV
  12. AKATV

    Contact AKATV

    Ok, it sounds like you might have a circuit board issue I sent my direct contact information to you already and have responded to your direct messages as well -AKATV
  13. AKATV

    Contact AKATV

    Welcome to the forum! First thing I would do is make sure that you have power on both brown/black wire red/black wire with the key on i’ve been seeing a lot of these lately with a failed CPU and the card needs to be replaced Not saying that your case, but it could possibly be I will send my contact information to your message box as well I recommend downloading the Honda factory service manual from our digital library as well to troubleshoot that oil circuit -AKATV
  14. Hi, welcome to the forum! I should be able to help you out, but I will need to see a few pictures first of what you have going on I will send my direct contact information to your message box -AKATV
  15. OK, no problem. Thanks for the update. I’ve sent my direct contact information to your message box. Feel free to text me the pictures and any other details. -AKATV
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