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2002 TRX400EX Electrics

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So I just got my quad running, and I've been having to jump the solenoid, replaced it like 3 times, I'm gonna try buying another one, since these ones are old but brand new. Along with this when I turn the ignition the neutral light doesn't come on, even though the neutral wire is connected, this was a wiring harness from a different trx400ex.

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Could be a broken wire to the neutral switch. Or a bad neutral switch entirely. Are you buying oem honda solenoids? China ones dont last long. Ive had some work once before.

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I've bought maybe 2 or 3 db electrical solenoids and the connector is like a switch, so I cut it off and put connectors from a different solenoid, but I'm gonna just buy one off ebay to see if it is just the solenoid, but I don't even hear the solenoid click which I thought they just click if they're bad, but it just doesn't do anything.

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Take the wire that runs to the neutral switch and ground it. Thats all the neutral switch does. If its not getting a ground it wont allow the start button to work. Most likely the solenoid is ok if your getting db electrical ones. That is where i get all my starter motors and they have been great. 

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1 hour ago, JM09 said:

Alright, but what do you mean by grounding the wire.

Put it to anything with ground. Bare metal on frame or anything like that

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Yeah it didn't do anything, I tried every possible thing, the bolts to the ignition coil, the battery itself, and was no different.

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Ok so we can rule out the neutral switch. Cuz thats all it does internally. It grounds that wire inside the motor when shifted to neutral. Its gotta be a wiring issue. Gunna have to bust out the ohm meter and get the fsm and start tracing wires and checking voltage. Electrical issues are notoriously annoying. So you said originally you are starting it by crossing the solenoid terminals. Do you ever get a green neutral light? Also when you jump the solenoid you still have to hold the start button correct?

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No, all I have to do is turn the ignition, the kill switch off, and then all I have to do is jump the solenoid and it starts. The neutral switch light still doesn't show up.

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Man thats a weird one. Everytime i have ever had to jump a solenoid i still had to press the start button while the lugs were crossed.

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I've never had to, even on my old wiring harness I didn't have to, but eventually I found out why that didnt button start since the wires to the solenoid weren't actually connected. But when the parts I ordered come in I'll go ahead and have a look at the wiring harness and stuff, especially since I'm gonna put a light on it.

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This is a little weird, but I out a new key ignition on that was oem since it was smoother, and the e start works now? Could have been something with the wiring but it works now, so does the neutral light, weird but its fixed.

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Hmm that is very odd. That ignition switch must not have been registering it being in neutral and without a green light or a grounded neutral wire it wont start with the push button.

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