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Everything posted by SilentBob

  1. Looks like it goes in a bulls nose?
  2. I'm sure someone here knows what this is but I can't figure it out. It looks like something plugs into it, located just above the oil dipstick. This is a 00 Trx400fw. Thanks!
  3. What’s your method for removing all the rust? Flap disc or do you have a sand blaster?
  4. Hello, I'm in search of the air box and everything around it for a 00 Trx400fwa. Anything from a 95-03 will fit and I think even some Trx450 models will work to. I need everything pictured below. Also if you have a carb for the same years 95-03 or a 98+ Trx450 carb, I am looking for one as well. Thanks!
  5. Man I found this thread today and it doesn't disappoint! Question for you @shadetree did you reuse the shocks that came with it and just repainted it or were you able to find someone with them in stock?
  6. Thanks shadetree, I plan on keeping this bone stock where I can. The next step is finding an air box mine didn’t come with one.
  7. Thanks for the reply, I checked the jets on both and it looks like it would work. The only thing is there’s 3 different main jet sizes 120, 125, and 130. 130 is listed as the main for both carbs but it doesn’t say which size it comes with in either carb option. Do you know if the heater assembly on the 450 carb would give me any problems with it not being hooked up? #12 https://www.powersportsdiscount.com/oemparts/a/hon/506bc1bbf870023420a23799/carburetor
  8. Hello everyone! I have a new to me trx400fw that I got last year from my father in law for the great price of free. It runs and drives but from what I can tell its had a hard life, I'm currently getting a parts list together to rebuild this thing. So here is my first issue, I replaced the carb that was on it (not OE) with a Chinese knock off and while it currently works with this carb it leaks fuel and i'm not happy with it. I looked at PSN and they have an OE carb for $300 but from reading around here a 450 carb should work as long as I replace the jets? Would that work because I can get a 450 carb for $180 this is the carb I was looking at getting (link below). Also the choke cable is missing would I need one for this carb to work? Thanks! https://www.ebay.com/itm/232030987596?chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-117182-37290-0&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=232030987596&targetid=1645685073288&device=c&mktype=&googleloc=9011025&poi=&campaignid=16730423415&mkgroupid=135815925780&rlsatarget=pla-1645685073288&abcId=9300841&merchantid=137699629&gclid=CjwKCAjwzNOaBhAcEiwAD7Tb6JbIHRiARVU5VEP_xuIV7Zz1tznvWP8b7lRQVmf48yqcOKBtjJuAWxoCiFwQAvD_BwE
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