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Everything posted by Quadjunkie

  1. Quadjunkie


    That Toro is my go too. Turns out that orange Husqvarna looks like it had a mud bee hive around the carb area. I just picked up that blue battery powered 13" SunJoe this fall. I couldn't wait to use it. It does a great job, but its kind of heavy after an hour of use. Here's a pic you don't see every day. I snapped the pic and shut the door.
  2. Quadjunkie


    Car is out of the snowbank 2 feet from the garage. The big snow blower wouldn't start.... Used these two and did ok. At 31" of snow now,
  3. Quadjunkie


    Shoveling out, at 5:30 am. No success car is still there on top of the snow. Too funny. Need to regroup. Having coffee and it's still snowing.
  4. Quadjunkie


    We have about 2 feet of snow. The wife's Tesla got stuck in the driveway and we can't move it. lol. My quad with the plow wouldn't even make a dent. Time for the snowblowers. I'll get pics when it's light out.
  5. Quadjunkie


    Mother load. LOL. It's 11 degrees here in upstate NY and we are expecting snow but no one really knows how much yet. I'll try to get some before and after pics. Hope we get enough to get the snowmobiles out and ride.
  6. Quadjunkie


    Getting some snow right now in the NE. Nothing on the ground yet though. I just changed all the fluids in my Foreman. I'm ready.😁
  7. Quadjunkie


    Fireplace has been on every morning for a week . Saw snow two days ago. Turkey day will bring up to 50 degrees.
  8. Quadjunkie


    That weather pattern is coming my way - northern NY. Supposed to up 50 mph winds today in NYS. Can't wait.
  9. That looks like reversing the filter would be easy to do. The Napa is only around $9.00. Not to bad. How many companies make filters? The list in post #2 is long but how many are the same filter?
  10. I jumped on the Napa web site and with a little research found they have a category for atv's. The Napa filter has the wix # but there is a little oring around the metal opening. Wonder if that is worth $2.00 more....
  11. 😀 That is exactly what I needed. Thanks.
  12. I'm changing the oil and need a new filter for an 04 450 ES. Where are you guys getting your filters online? Does fram have a good filter?
  13. Ok thanks. Got a new one and installed. Has the same sound as the old one so I was wrong regarding the bad sound when starting. I learned but installed a new Yuasa battery and that solved my start problem.
  14. No dry rubber yet on these tires. I live just feet from a lake so I'll dip it in there. Been doing alot of work around the house lately using nails and screws so I'm leaning toward that as being the problem. Never ends tho. Had a moving truck take out my cable power and phone lines last week. BLA....
  15. Hmmm, first I want to find out where the hole is. I'm going to pull the tire, fill it up and stick it in water. I think a plug will work. Right?
  16. Just bought a battery and solenoid from Rocky mountain. Now I have a slow leak in a rear tire. UGH.
  17. Exactly, I won't just throw parts at it. I've had this quad for 2 years now and not sure how old the battery is. Sense the first post a couple of days ago I've ridden it every day and it starts up. I still need to pull a winch lead to see if there is a draw but I don't think that is the case now. I'm going to clean the cable ends on everything and might just toss a new solenoid on it because it is the easiest. It's 90 degrees outside so I'm doing everything slowly.
  18. Thanks. I'm getting the big picture now. And that is why guys just replace the brushes.
  19. No but when I typed that I thought a starter was around $40. and I would just swap it out for a new one.
  20. What about Ebay? https://www.ebay.com/i/290695087864?chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-117182-37290-0&mkcid=2&itemid=290695087864&targetid=915850928613&device=c&mktype=pla&googleloc=9004606&poi=&campaignid=9338046851&mkgroupid=94993845019&rlsatarget=pla-915850928613&abcId=1139336&merchantid=6324134&gclid=Cj0KCQjwoaz3BRDnARIsAF1RfLfroPSEj747hfQLzyzsMYYGBrwgf2Y2D48lFDCpL2YaN2J9LB0s2ykaAo5WEALw_wcB
  21. Thanks. Is arrowhead considered an oem starter? https://www.rockymountainatvmc.com/parts/arrowhead-starter-p?v=629
  22. Where is everybody buying oem parts?
  23. I was referring to the solenoid. You can tell it sounds like its working alot more by the noise it makes when cranking.
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