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Having trouble removing an oil seal from Stator Cover / Rear Crankcase Cover - 2000 Honda TRX250 Recon

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Hi everyone,


I'm in the process of replacing all oil seals on my crankcase cover / stator cover (2000 Honda TRX250 Recon).  Well, the main large seal was really old and dried up - when I tried removing it, the top portion tore off from the rest of it.  It looks like the lip part of the oil seal stayed inside the crankcase cover (hopefully you can see it in the pics). I was trying to scrape it out and started damaging the cover.  I'm not 100% sure but it looks like there's more rubber from the seal in the crevice (just hard to get in there to get it out).  I'm holding the new seal next to it in the photos for your reference.    


Is there a way of removing the broken-off part of the oil seal?

Rear Crankcase Cover Oil Seal 2.jpg

Rear Crankcase Cover Oil Seal 3.jpg

Rear Crankcase Cover Oil Seal 4.jpg

Rear Crankcase Cover Oil Seal 5.jpg

Rear Crankcase Cover Oil Seal.jpg

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Hi Viktor , can you catch the lip of the seal with a flat screw driver or a small chisel grinded flat on the tip and drive it out with a hammer  ---  if you can't pull that off , next thought would be a blind hole bearing puller 

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