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Like everyone else, the speedometer display on my 03 foreman 450es only has backlighting. Any chance this one can be saved? 





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Normally when they have moisture damage like that first pic they are not really repairable, but I'll let @AKATV look at it since he's the meter man.  The rest of the board doesn't look too bad.


Did it have water in it when you opened it up?

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No water inside when I opened it but the machine went for a swim in a lake years ago then sat for many years after.

I picked it up for a project and hoped to replace the meter but it is like trying to find a needle in a haystack.

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1 hour ago, OnHonda said:

No water inside when I opened it but the machine went for a swim in a lake years ago then sat for many years after.

I picked it up for a project and hoped to replace the meter but it is like trying to find a needle in a haystack.

Yeah they're discontinued, and getting harder and harder to find. 


No telling how many have been tossed over the years that @AKATV could have fixed.

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Will wait for him to read and possibly reply.

I'm hoping it can be repaired. If it doesn't work, I have no idea if the selectable 4x4 will work or be stuck in 2wd.

Might also need to convert to manual shift if I can't get the meter repaired considering the shift button are not working aswell.

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Hi and welcome to the forum!

Water damages are no good for sure, most likely not repairable

I can look at it for you at no cost and tell you what it needs etc

Most likely will need to be replaced, at least your LCD is in great shape

I will send my contact information to your message box as well



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