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  1. Yes sir. I replaced the valves, seals, piston rings, and gaskets. I didn't touch the rockers, valve stems, and the springs are original. The springs are close to the service limit. At the time I did the top end I couldn't find any. Since then I've acquired 4 new inners and 3 outers just in case.
  2. Thanks @Goober. Its probably clearer in person. Yes I was thinking about that also but the o-rings are on the bolt side of the shaft on the outside of the valve cover. I'm not sure to what extent they would help the rocker stay put. I remember when I worked on the cylinder head that one of the intake side valves had a slight wobble when I spun it. Decided to replace it and move on. Perhaps that valve stem is a little stretched and its causing the valve to tilt slightly pushing the rocker arm sideways. Hard to imagine since it runs so well, but this is my first rodeo.
  3. Thanks for this very well could be a ghost
  4. I'd agree with low oil causing uneven wear but the tippets are brand new. Cams and rockers seem hard to come by, but I'm going to take your advice and start looking 👍
  5. Thanks @toodeep. I'm pretty certain it originates from the intake side rocker moving horizontally as evidenced by the different wear pattern on the tippets. Does that concern you at all? I know my springs are nearing the service limit I'm wondering if replacing them would help.
  6. Thanks @_Wilson_™ for reposting the video in a better way. That ticking noise keeps me awake at night ☹️.
  7. Hi folks. I'd be happy to start a new thread for the benefit of others but I'll start here. Finally got a chance to replace the timing chain. The new one was noticeably longer than the one I took out and now the tensioner sticks out much farther when fully extended. Yay! The trouble is a sound originating from the valve cover. The exhaust side is quiet but when I put my stethoscope probe on the intake side rocker arm bolt I can hear the exact sound (like a ticking or clicking) I hear just by listening to the engine. It gets louder when warmed up. I also see an uneven wear pattern on the tippets on the intake side. The exhaust tippets have a nice line but the intake pattern looks kinda smudged. This tells me that the rocker arm is moving horizontally for some reason - fairly certain that is the sound I'm hearing. I've read that some horizontal motion in the rocker arm is okay, so I'm assuming something about the valves, valve springs, or valve stems is off but there are no other symptoms. I've adjusted the valve clearance about 20 times with no change in the sound. The link is to a video of the engine running. Any advice is greatly appreciated this is hopefully the last thing to address before I can take this nice machine for a long overdue ride. https://youtube.com/shorts/-NYo_i2Nc10?feature=share
  8. I see. Mine measures out less than 3/8'' going to change it out. I'm hoping that will clear up the sound. Dennis Kirk has one - https://www.denniskirk.com/did/cam-chain.p119274102.prd/119274114.sku. Any tips for replacing it? I've done the right cover twice before and I think I've learned the important lessons the hard way.
  9. Looks like about 1/4 in gap when the tensioner is fully extended and forced toward the cam chain. When its wound up it springs right back. I took a recording of the sound going to try to find a way to share it easily. Pretty distinct from the engine hum.
  10. Hey @Goober I've been going through the service manual looking at the maintenance schedule. I think brake fluid and diff oil are on the top of the list. At the moment I'm still stuck on the tapping sound coming from the engine. The cam chain tensioner looks good - shoots back out when I wind it up. I did a valve adjustment (and decompression cable free play) because the sound seems localized to the valve cover area (I bought an automotive stethoscope). It didn't seem to change so I adjusted them several times to see if I was just getting it wrong. Then I decided to change the valve adjustment screws - they came yesterday and I switched them out. The sound seems to be a bit louder. Its kind a higher pitched tapping, quite clear when the engine is revving down after I hit the throttle, and only noticeable after the engine warms up. The tippet screws I took out of the rockers have a clear X pattern on them. Any thoughts? I've read a bunch of threads on this but nothing seems to stick. Its really not an alarmingly loud sound, you have to pay careful attention to even notice it, but my paranoid brain picks it up and I want to take care now to prevent big problems later.
  11. Well I found a matched flywheel and stator, new reduction gear, new starter, and finished the reassembly last night! I decided to start with the kickstarter and it fired right up as expected and no strange noises. Then I shut it off and hit the electric start - fired right back up! Looks like it is charging well 14.4 V when running. Hopefully that clears up all the left crankcase issues! I did notice that it was idleing fast after it warmed up - saw a bunch of threads about this and going to try a few things. Really appreciate all the help from the dedicated enthusiasts here!
  12. Everything checks out with the alignment of the timing marks, magnet placement etc. The replacement has 4 dimples where the original does not...
  13. Found this section in the user manual (hiding in Ch. 20) thanks for pointing out the difference @Goober @shadetree. The replacement flywheel arrived today - complete with a one-way clutch and drive gear (seller claimed it was off an 86' TRX350). The original and replacement have slightly different numbers on the wheel: original: 032000-4510 10EY ND JAPAN replacement: 032000-4510 7EY ND JAPAN Any thoughts on the EY part?
  14. Uh oh. Thanks @shadetree. I bought the used flywheel and stator based off part # stator: 31120HA7-671 flywheel: 31110-HA7-751 Not sure I understand what a DC current model means. AC is produced from the motion of the stator which gets rectified and regulated. Is that correct for the 86’ also?
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