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  1. Im pretty sure it's been too long to do much of anything. It was Nov. 18 when it was delivered to me.
  2. @SlammedRanger @Tim-ANC it's sad due to way everyone works these days that doing what is right has been replaced with greed. I honestly did not expect them to make it right. Everybody seems to forget that at the end of a forum or email is an actual person that invested in your product. And yes I'm thankful that it was a $42 knock off camshaft and not a $500 piston. I knew better but tried it anyway. Sometimes that gamble works out and sometimes you get bit. Just remember avoid the seller motor-dream. Lol.
  3. For anybody that has read my post about my 400ex rebuild issues, the ebay sellers name is motor-dream. Because it was Nov 18 when I got the camshaft they are willing to do nothing about it. I tried to explain about how building a motor works sometimes and you have to wait on parts or your working and can't work on the project with out any luck. So of you are looking in eBay for parts avoid the seller motor-dream. That is all.
  4. @Tim-ANC I sent them an email telling them what happened to their crap, however I had already given positive feedback due to waiting on other parts. So I guess we will see.
  5. And on the camshaft, the ebay special I can hold the cam in one hand and spin the part with the tabs for the timing gear with the other. So yeah big waste of $40. Everybody needs to avoid those.
  6. Oh yeah, special thanks to @Wheeler and @SlammedRanger for all the help.
  7. So i just got done swapping the cam from the ebay P.O.S cam back to the factory cam. Fired right up. Still have some finishing touches on the carb but definately going in the right direction now. Thanks a bunch guys. Stay tuned to see if the oiling issue is resolved.
  8. @SlammedRanger I just got off the phone with @Wheeler and we both agree that the cam has to be messed up. Have to go get ready for work but tomorrow I will pull the valve cover and see what we see. Thanks again guys, appreciate the help.
  9. @SlammedRanger it turns over like the spark plugs is out. Free spins.
  10. @SlammedRanger you 100% correct but I promise you I can see the camshaft sprocket and the timing chain spinning. And yes the bolts are in the cam and going through the sprocket but the cam itself is not spinning. I just assumed that the decompression mechanism worked that way until it built enough oil pressure to engage.
  11. @SlammedRanger @Wheeler it's not letting me upload a mp4 video.
  12. @SlammedRanger when I say the cam doesn't turn I am saying that the cam sits and all the valves are closed but the timing chain and sprocket are spinning but the cam itself is not. Beginning to think that this ebay cam was a bad purchase. I will check the passages going up to the top of the motor.
  13. @SlammedRanger when I say the cam doesn't turn I am saying that the cam sits and all the valves are closed but the timing chain and sprocket are spinning but the cam itself is not. Beginning to think that this ebay cam was a bad purchase. I will check the passages going up to the top of the motor.
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