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  1. I think i read this from you on the other forum which kinda gave me the clue. So thanks
  2. No idea mate. It was a genuine bearing i got from honda last year in a packet.just assembled wrong i guess. Happy i found it but. I bought it nearly 12 months from a dealer an hour away
  3. When the rollers i guess you would call them arnt round so they lock up 1 way spin the other. When you take the spring off they can all come out 1 of them was around the wrong way making it so the bearing was locking up both ways
  4. Haha yea i only took a pic after i turned it around. It was a pain in the ! to work out though
  5. Bit of an odd 1 I was repacing the 1 way bearing today n my rancher, i had to knock them together which i thought was odd and the 2 halves locked up. I suspected this was wrong but put it all back together, started it, put it in gear and you guess it locked up. Took it all back apart which is a pain getting the front shaft off. Took got the bearing out. Spent a long time looking at it and measuring and finally worked out that 1 of the lobes of the bearing was fitted backwards. I only noticed because of the little lines on them 1 didnt match. This was a genuine honda bearing. Once i flipped it around all is good. Anyone else come across this ?
  6. Yea but harmless.....unless they come crawling out from your car roof lining while your driving scare the ! out of you and you crash haha. Or fall in your lap when you pull the sun visor down
  7. I just looked up snake bites here roughly 3000 bites a year but average of 2 deaths per year. Most aussie snakes have tiny fangs. Funnel webs live in holes (or your shoes) haha. We have those stone fish but we also have fresh water stone fish called bullrouts with spines on their back they chill out in rapids and will drop you like a sack of ! if you step on 1 very intense pain.
  8. Haha only crocs up the top. I havnt ridden on the rears yet. Everyone says stuff kills you here but you could go to sleep without a tent in the bush and no bears, wolves mountain loins ect are gunna get you.
  9. I think we are about 14hrs ahead im on the east coast we are GMT+11 west coast is 2 hrs behind us
  10. Australia i had a rebuild thread on the other forum when you guys were on it. I had the rusted out pos haha everyone said it was gunna snap inhalf. Currently its 820 pm Wednesday. Anyway its purring away now. The new 1 way clutch bearing can wait till i get back. Im not taking the chance of stuffing somthing thanks for the help guys 20210728_200102.mp4
  11. Got my parts today will chuck it in after dinner
  12. Ive got somthing sorted for now ill get a new 1 when i get back from shooting this weekend.
  13. Yes thats what i was assuming. As all the genuine pics of that part online show the 3 pictures. It was just the part guy from honda said it was only the single part. Probably only going off what he could see in the diagram. Part should arrive today. Nothing comes over night in australia even when you pay express post 😑 and the state it came from just came out of its 5th Lockdown last night
  14. Mate your not understanding what im saying ill just leave it at that
  15. Im talking about this part/parts Or have partzilla put the 3 components together or do they just show the 3 for the ! of it?
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