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2018 honda rincon

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Have a 2018 rincon that was rolled damaged the meter and key replaced the key after accident started and ran replaced the meter now doesn't start the headlights do not come one either seems to be no power other than to the meter the check engine light just rapidly flashes my question is does the meter need to be programmed or is it plug and play

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Welcome aboard.  Should be plug and play.  I replaced one on a buddy's a few years back who rolled his and destroyed the meter. 


Get a test light and check all your fuses?  Is the flashing a particular number of blinks or is it constant?

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So it ran ok after wrecking it but before installing the new meter? 


Have you tried unplugging the meter and seeing what it does?


My buddy's is an 06, so newer machines might be slightly different, but Honda usually leaves things as simple as possible on this kind of thing.

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Do you still have the part number for the new meter? It doesn't need the meter to run but if it's the wrong one then it can send a wrong signal to important things and mess with stuff. Maybe compare the wiring at the connector between the 2 meters.

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