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Posts posted by Kevron

  1. I have a 2012 500, been a good machine. No problem so far, but I’m not a mudder.12 and 13 are a two year run on model if I remember correctly. Redesign in 14. Maybe harder to find parts for a two year run. Look for a machine with an older owner. Most youngsters think that they’re boats!




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  2. Last year I was cutting an oil tank storage at work. I was on a tractor and another guy was weed eating. He found a nest of them and was stung several times,once on the nose! We let them settle and doused them with gas. Later on I found another nest and came out with just one sting. Way worse than a wasp sting, we rubbed them with bleach to try to take the sting out but didn’t help. Guys nose had a hole in it for a while. Cut the same place.Friday and was on the lookout for them but they weren’t there.

  3. My mom and dad cut out salt after his stroke. They never salted anything and would use ms dash instead. Came back to eventually put mom in hospital after she passed out and they said her sodium was too low! Hard to eliminate sodium in your diet, ever had blackeyed peas without salt? 

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  4. I’ve got a question for the carpenters and painters out there. My wife decided to start remodeling our bathroom starting with the cabinets. I had told her they would have to have the old polyurethane sanded off before we could paint. So while I’m at work she goes at it with a palm sander and 80 grit sandpaper. She informs me that night that she switched to 35 grit to get it off!🤬 My question is will the paint fill in where the grain was pulled or do I need to putty? Check out the picture, I intend on priming and two coats of paint. Thanks for advice 


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  5. Hey guys, I’ve been looking where to buy some tin straws. Not sure of the name but that’s what we always called them. They are long, skinny, pointed on one end with a rounded lead head on the other. We used them to wire tin to pipe frames by punching holes in the tin and taking two straws and twisting them around the pipe. I used to see them at the hardware store but they don’t know what I’m talking about. Any ideas? 

  6. Snapped a quick pic as this guy was leaving. This was on a Toyota Tacoma, the ramps are separate from the bed rack. Looked like they were pinned into his receiver hitch and then folded up behind the atv and attached to the bed rack. Thought y’all would like to see.


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  7. Hey guys, anyone have any ideas on how to remove broken key out of the ignition on my 2012 Honda foreman? It was frozen and tried to turn and it broke half off. Would it be easier to get a new ignition switch? Thanks 

  8. Almost looks like a small python, never seen a copperhead with a pattern on his head. Seen two rattlesnakes killed on the road this year by our place, cottonmouths too many to count up here in East Texas.

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  9. I grew up on about 100 acres of family land. My dad had some dozers and built several ponds that are visible from the state highway that cuts through the land. I couldn’t count how many people we’ve had to run off from visibly posted and fenced in land! Had a 12 ft. John boat stolen, fences cut, mashed down net wire, and trash left everywhere. Worst one was a pond below my grandma’s house, had a pier and stocked with catfish. Had a few albinos in there that would eat out of your hand and some s.o.b. told a guy I know that there were some good fish in that pond. The guy told him, they don’t want anybody fishing in the pond and his response was he thought it was ok because no one was living in that house! He then told him “what do you think the fence is for?”

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  10. Hey guys , I’ve got a husqvarna 455 rancher that the handle and fuel tank is busted. She slid off the back of a flat bed. Anyway I found the body of a husky 460 and was thinking of trying to swap it out. Does anyone have experience in swapping the motor from one case to the other? Just wondering if I want to take it somewhere or try myself. I’ve never really tore into a chainsaw before. Thanks 

  11. Had an 86 model just like her. Sold her after I got my 300, worst decision I ever made. Only wreck I had was on a sheet of ice when she tipped on me. Wasn’t hurt but scared the $#@! out of a 16 yr. old me. They can be dangerous but you have to get used to them. Had a buddy that had a Yamaha tri moto, it was lighter and faster than my Honda and we used to ride double on it! Wonder we made it.

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