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Posts posted by PROV

  1. Pretty rare to see anything but Stihl saws around here. It's most people's top pick including the loggers and tree trimmers. Had mine since 1990 and no troubles. My Stihl brush saw is an impressive animal too.

    • Like 3

  2. Got back from the hunting shack yesterday. 4 days of which we rode 3 and put on 190 miles. It was a bit warm but an epic ride. Rarely covered the same ground. Rode old logging trails and the remains of 100 year old  railroad logging spurs. Went through everything from swamp, beaver dams,sand, rock, clay, steep hills you name it. Saw deer with fawns, ruffed grouse with babies, black bear, tons of hawks, great grey owl, lots of moose tracks (didn't see one) and listened to the timberwolves howl. Even found an eagle nest on a picnic table at a hunting camp!! I had the Rubicon and we rode my buddy's Yamaha 850 R-spec also. Break in was done so it needed to be put through everything we could think of. 4500# winch worked great too since I sank it to the doors in loon s--t.





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    • Haha 1

  3. Sorry to see you go through this Wilson but I'm with you on this. She probably needed some kind of help back when you were a baby but didn't get it. I'm afraid it's probably too late now. No need to wreck your life. Call the appropriate officials and get her put away before she hurts anyone again.

    • Thanks 1

  4. 3 hours ago, Wheeler said:

    Just changed out a POD LED. They were cheap, & one just quit. I had two spares. 

    Now I’m gonna be on hunt for a front grill, as u will see mine is broke…


    Try some JB Weld Steel stick on the backside of the crack. I had sliced open one of my best poly gas cans with sheet metal and this stuff fixed it. Very tough stuff, cures fast.

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  5. 14 hours ago, Fishfiles said:


    A couple of ways to get rid of coyotes without firing a shot , get a few $1 car wash sponges , cut them with a scissors to 2x2 inch squares , soak them in bacon or hamburger grease , leave them in a container on a coyote trail , they will eat them and then can't ! them out and die from blockage , sounds cruel , but it is one of the secret ways the Wildlife and Fisheries was doing  it 


    take a five gallon plastic bucket , cut a 2 inch hole in the middle of the bottom , then cut pie slices from the hole to the sides of the bucket and stop about 1 1/2 inches from edge , drill a hole in the top of the bucket and run a wire thru and tie a piece of chicken or such for bait , then reattach the top , throw the bucket out but " don't " tie it to a tree , they will stick their head into the hole to get the bait and it will stick around their neck , they will wonder till they die from lack of water and food 

    Just make sure there aren't any dogs around.

  6. Aside from gang shooting and the like, I believe the media gives the nut jobs out there a platform to go down in flames and glory. Then everyone will know who they were. Hard to stop someone ahead of time if they have a death wish. Laws surely won't do it, so it's up to each individual to decide if they want to be a victim.

  7. 95 degrees today and unfit for human habitation up here. This is a heat wave for us. Glad I'm retired from the paper mill. It's gotta be 90% humidity and well over 110 degrees in there. I don't know how you Southern boys can live in this stuff. I would be thrilled if it never got over 75. I think I'm going to start spending June through August in Antarctica if I can figure out how to get my ATV there. 

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  8. So we took the boats out fishing this morning. 37 degrees and a 20mph north wind with some snow flakes. 2 hours of that was enough and back to the cabin.

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