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1987 Suzuki QR 250 4x4 lights

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Alright, well I'm posting this on here cause yet again, the suzuki forums ain't responding (I like this community a lot more, I should probably just buy a honda at this point lol). But I need to buy new lights for my quadrunner, preferably LED ones but I can only find the ones with connections like this (first link) and the ones on the quadrunner are like this (second link). I was wondering if these would still work or not.





(Also I'm not planning on buying those exact LED lights, just that one shows the connection points the best.)

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Is there a particular reason you want LEDs for main bulbs instead of accessory lights? 
LEDs can be obnoxiously bright—nobody’s gonna wanna ride in front of you. And you might have to modify mounting points and connections.
Maybe get the OEM lights working? No modifications. Less costly. Might be easier to sell this one with OEM stuff.

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21 minutes ago, Goober said:

Is there a particular reason you want LEDs for main bulbs instead of accessory lights? 
LEDs can be obnoxiously bright—nobody’s gonna wanna ride in front of you. And you might have to modify mounting points and connections.
Maybe get the OEM lights working? No modifications. Less costly. Might be easier to sell this one with OEM stuff.

I normally don't ride with people, but you kinda need brighter lights where I live because it's hard for people to see you and people like to go fast on this road. Only one light is working right now and even with both of the lights, you can barely see 5 foot in front of you, so that's not very ideal for making sure there's no deer or bear in front of you (or people walking). Also I've been somewhat thinking about getting accessory lights but I don't really have the time for the wiring and the fabrication of the mounts. Also for the LEDs you don't have to modify anything, it's basically the same as the OEM.

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37 minutes ago, jeepwm69 said:

I've seen this just I didn't want to take the risk of it because it also shows a picture of the OEM lightbulb and I didn't know if that was basically what they were going to send 😅 I'll probably get these and a small lightbar or pod like TBRider said. Thank you for helping me look for one of these though, much appreciated! 

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