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Transmission manual? Exploded view

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I have a 2002 trx450fe. I am completely rebuilding the engine/transmission. Everything is going well but I have a washer that I'm not sure of that may go on one of the gear shafts. I find exploded views of the gears/shafts but they do not show the same output shaft that mine has. They show a shorter, fully splined shaft with 2 gears and mine only has 1 gear and a short splined area. What I am looking for is a shop manual with an exploded view so I can make sure everything is in place where it belongs. Again, I can find a million exploded views online but they are not my exact machine. Any shop manuals available?


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You can find the download for a service manual on the main menu bar of the forum. Here are a couple snap shots from it.



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