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20230829_172753.jpgHello. I am the owner of a 2000 trx400fw. While loading the quad onto a truck the shifter got jammed up and atv would only shift down and got stuck in reverse . While taking it off the truck, we had to forcefully push it to get it rolling and now the shifter is just flopping around feeling unattached to anything. Was wondering if anybody knew where to start to fix it?



Edited by Merk
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Hi Merk , welcome to ATHHonda , I am going to guess that bolt number #28 in this print either sheered off or backed out 


It looks like the foot shifter is hanging low in the pic  



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Thanks for the reply. My friend thought from research it is the gear shift arm but we don't know.  Would tou know of any threads on here that discuss this repair?

 Thanks again

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14 hours ago, Merk said:

Thanks for the reply. My friend thought from research it is the gear shift arm but we don't know.  Would tou know of any threads on here that discuss this repair?

 Thanks again

There are threads that go into the troubleshooting and repair of the shift shaft  -- from what I remember reading , it is not that bad a repair ---- do you have a manual  , there are two 400 manuals , in the banner on top the hoe page , one is for a Foreman and the other for a Rancher ^^^^^^  , I think one is  for the automatic  and the other for the foot shift , here is a link 


400 Foreman 1995-2003 



400 Rancher 


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I ordered the hard copy manual. $38 on ebay. Thinking of opening the back cover after labor day and will post pics.

   Thank again

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Will likely be what Fish said.  Here's a 500 that I had with the same problem with some pics.  The 400 engine is laid out the same way.



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Got most of the job done today hopefully. It was the gear shift arm. My friend was able to see it was broken from the oil fill hole. While inspecting it when we got it out, it looks like a defect in the casting. After reassembly it seems to shift fine. Still have to put the rear drive shaft on but was getting dark. Reading the forum really helped with diagnostics. Videos on YouTube for the procedure.



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got the rear drive shaft installed with new swingarm bearings. they were completely destroyed. getting the race out was a bit of a pain. We didn't have a puller with hooks going out so wound up using half of the puller with a piece of wood wedge in to keep it holding the race and it worked with moving the hook 360° around while pulling a little at a time. That was after trying to get the dremel and chisel to do it which was useless. One thing I forgot to mention was we never did find the little piece of the gearshift arm that broke off. hope it doesn't become a problem. All said it took my friend and I about six hours together and he did about two on his own. Not all of ours hours would apply but also with two people it helped at certain times. What does a mechanic charge per hour for labor? I know that the Honda dealers here on Long Island would throw you out of the store if you asked them to work on anything older than ten years. I seems a shame that it would almost cost the same to buy another used quad that to get yours fixed if you cant do it yourself.



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Good job , it is hard to get them races out the swing arm ------  Never heard of that method , there is always another method to skin a cat ---- lucky I have a cutting torch and cut  them out 


The Honda dealer around here charges $160 per hour and don't work on anything older than 10 years too 



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kinda late to the party ?, but..better late than never !. when i remove swing arm bearings ?, i put the swing arm in my bench vise..from drive shaft side, i am able to hammer out the tin grease cup and bearing/bearing race. then for the far side, i flip the swing arm in my bench vise where i can come through the drive shaft's swing arm bearing opening, with a long drill bit, i drill a hole in the swing arm just left of the drive shaft opening, then i use a very long steel bar to reach all the way through the drilled hole..all the way over to the inside of the right rear swing arm bearing tin grease cap/bearing, bearing race..and hammer it out from the inside of the swing arm, works very well doing it this way.

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