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    Choctaw Arkansas
372 profile views
  1. Well me and HD got some snow today about 4 inches in an hour
  2. Yep I was a pretty normal visitor till I broke my phone (dropped it on the interstate) here on a $75 iPhone right now hopefully I don’t break this one anytime soon
  3. This is one of my friends with his cat
  4. Cinnamon rolls are sardines are actually good sardine pizza is good too
  5. Milk with Hershey syrup
  6. Best combo ever: macaroni and cheese with chocolate milk
  7. I rarely use fb I bought a few bikes off it and that’s it
  8. Oh dear my cousin had that happen to him he was messing with chain tension with the bike running on a jack (wheel spinning) and he got 2 fingers cut off I don’t know how the man just sat there like nothing happened
  9. Roe v Wade was overturned today
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