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Posts posted by shadetree

  1. 7 hours ago, TrxPipUK said:

    Definitely following this restoration! Loved following the last one 

    lol, well.its going slow right now, i've got way too many things going on out at my buds place. spent all day yesterday shopping for parts for this, and grabbing '' newer '' plastics ( red ) for my '89 trx350D foreman 4x4 that I have been trying to talk him out of for about 3 years ?, he finally gave in, and let me have them !!..lol.

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  2. 5 minutes ago, toodeep said:

    Either way, if the temp sensor wire is unplugged the light should go away if the sensor is grounding all the time. If it doesn't it's getting a ground signal somewhere else in the system. I haven't had to work on a lot of these older machines in a long time (just my own) so I'm a little rusty on them also.

    we'll know in a couple days huh ?..lol.

  3. 2 minutes ago, toodeep said:

    He should still have fire even with that sensor bad. These machines didn't have a high temp shut down system. I'm guessing 2 problems that are unrelated.

    very well could be ?. I know the old school trx350's were this way, I am not sure ( bad memory ) if the alarm unit stops fire to spark plug on the trx300's or not ?. i've slept sense then..lol.

  4. 4 hours ago, _Wilson_™ said:

    Yep, this might be it right here, .... Sadly all i have is this pic, but .. Check out these floor boards , if you notice there looks to be a foot brake micro switch, and defenntly a speedo drive (on the left side) now... I'm NOT sure, but i think this tank belongs to PatrickB I've emailed him, hopefully he will show up soon, because I've got some questions! This is the only old school tank, i have ever layed eyes on with a brake peddle switch, it's sure enough customized! 


    @shadetree are these the floor boards your friend has ? 




    nope, close, but not the same.

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  5. 23 minutes ago, toodeep said:

    Most of the guys are really proud of their parts on hoarders but it would be worth a try. If your thinking about painting one I can look, I might have a red one.

    yeah, gonna paint it regardless, all the pastics will get a fresh coat of blue paint, so even if I come up with a red right side cover ?, it wont matter when I am done..lol.

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