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Everything posted by WonderMonkey

  1. What sort of work would be involved if you got rid of the beavers and then YOU plug the holes however you want to make sure there some water in there for ducks?
  2. Maybe you already tried this but how about a chain saw to remove things until the water was too deep? It would chew up a chain but maybe it would speed things up.
  3. You are offering to get nude, got it. Check.
  4. If I need help with my ES you will run up and down the street naked? Deal? Also, capitalize "ES" to show some respect!
  5. There are 10-1 sales because they are so much more popular. There are manual shift people that want to sell, but nobody's is buying! Chances are they will be dumped into the river soon. I'm getting my FACTS from the government, who always tells me the truth, and I never question what they say.
  6. Electronic Shifting (ES) ATV's are far superior than crappy manual sifting ones. Also there are never problems with the ES system. THERE.
  7. I chose the day I gained my lightening super powers and sure enough, the strike was there.
  8. While I was twitching in the lake, like a dolphin doing a trick at Sea World, I should have thought to start counting to see how far away it was.
  9. /Wow, lots of power. I'd like to take a look inside that tree.
  10. Small guitar story. A bunch of years ago, before the kids got old enough to earn travelling all over playing ball, my brother and I was at my sisters house and was playing around the firepit. A bunch of new people were at this part so we were playing, telling a story, playing more, making fun of each other, etc. We also have a little guitar came called "That's good, that's bad" where we would play a bit, launch into the "that's good that's bad" and then play out of it and we would do that until it ran it's course. As the sun started to go down, and playing and drinking was about to get serious, a lady came up and asked us how much we charged to be there and did we want to come and play her BBQ in two weekends? What? We let her know that the host was our sister and we were just messing about and yes, we would come and play her bbq. We would do that because we thought it would be fun. So we did, though we did make a formal list of songs and agree upon a version to play against. We did the bbq and it was fun. It wasn't as spontaneous as my sisters house and we felt we were forcing things a bit but after several beverages all that went away. We thought of trying to do that as a side-business, but since he lived in Kentucky and I lived in Ohio, it would be too difficult. Also our kids were getting older so in reality we would be doing it because we liked to play guitar, entertain, and drink beer. It would probably get old real quick. I did emergency sit in on a band here and there if they needed a player and didn't expect much. I also recorded a song, which a few of you here have heard.
  11. I think I'll sell 5 of them. I also have a rack that will fit four, some cases, large music stands, etc. I'll keep one for times when I want to strum around the firepit. That won't be that painful and I'll retain enough knowledge of the basic chords to have a good time.
  12. Due to my hand situation, I can't play guitar. Well, I can play but practicing how I like to and spending the times on songs is painful. I've come to realize how much I miss playing music so I'm researching drum kits. Today I purchased a practice pad and a set of sticks and will begin going through the process of getting used to the daily drills that a good drummer does. If I'm still pushing forward in a month or so I'll buy a kit. Also, I'm selling most of my guitars first. I'm selling them because if I buy the drum kit, my guitars will sit down there in some hope of a miracle that I can play again. And I'm sure that doesn't warrant a miracle! Any drummers here?
  13. I was waiting to hear why he wouldn't cross a bridge!
  14. I don't see a smiley face like I'd get in school, Wilson.
  15. WonderMonkey


    I love that entire movie, especially since there are real musicians playing the musicians. Adds to the charm.
  16. Maybe they meant that a charge has to build up until the insulating layer of the air cannot handle it anymore, and then there is a rapid discharge and ta-da, lightening. I'm guessing he means something like that.
  17. We felt it before we heard it, which is how it goes. This was the first thunder of the day ..... AFTER the hit. I didn't think to count to see how far away it was.
  18. Dang that first one was a good hit! I'm glad I have some extra insulator hanging around my belly.
  19. Well I can say I'm a little smarter now! YOU SHOULD HAVE CHANGED YOUR LAKE TRIP TO MY LAKE AND WEEKEND. And also let me ride your jet ski.
  20. Went to a lake in Tennessee this weekend. While out on the boat we were floating around in the water when it started to rain, for the 3rd or 4th time. When the rain started to come down a bit harder we floated under the front of the pontoon boat to continue ..... floating. Cue thunder. My brother, brother-in-law and myself head to the side of the boat to get out of the water. The BIL was out and my brother was on the ladder. I had hold of the side of the boat moving to the ladder. My brother and I both suddenly felt a current go through us from the water to the boat (and probably back to the water), or maybe the other way around. It wasn't a light buzz, nor was it enough to seize up my body, but it WAS enough to REALLY feel it and jolt the body and make me have to re-grab the boat. My brother stayed on the ladder but probably because he was already gripping it. We felt the jolt then heard the sound (of course), and it wasn't at an alarming volume, so it was a bit of distance away. We got out of the water a bit quicker. Water is a poor conductor, but when you load it up with lightening, or a downed power line, etc. enough gets to you to get the job done. Well .... PURE water is an insulator, but since a lake isn't anything close to pure water, we can put it at "poor conductor".
  21. What in the ! did you just call me?
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