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2012 TRX420FE starting issues

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Continuation of this post: https://atvhonda.com/topic/1365-2012-trx420fe-not-turning-over-runs-intermittently


Got all the parts in and changed out the multifunction display, shift motor (the factory grease job was a joke), and ignition switch. Display and shifting works great but still having issues with starting.


So here's the basic situation, fully charged battery less than 2 weeks old, turn switch on and get nothing but headlights if on. No fuel pump noise or anything on the display. Short the solenoid and turns over but no crank. Ran a jumper wire from battery positive to ignition coil with a blade splitter. Jump solenoid and cranks easy. Remove jumper and it dies and back to previous state. If I kill the engine using the stop switch I can crank it back up using the electric start. But if remove the jumper at any point I'll have to jump the solenoid to get it to start. Don't want to leave the jumper in place as otherwise the display is on constantly and will drain the battery.


Not sure what else to try...

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were all new parts oem from honda ??. all this jumnper wire crap needs to go !. ask yourself this..did it come from the factory with jumper wires on it ?..NO !..LOL. display MUST have a neutral light lit up on the display, or the the electric start will not work !. it also will not let it fire the spark plug if there is no neutral light lit up on the display.

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Display won't light up until the first time I jump the solenoid with the jumper in place. I used it initially as a test to see if other systems were keeping it from cranking.


If I remove the jumper while it's running the ATV immediately dies and display blanks. Won't get any info back until I replace and jump again. 


Relays have been tested and unless they went bad in the meantime we're working.


Trying to solve this final issues so I can get it back to factory and button it all up

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Hi: Remove the cover off the fuse box --- use you meter or test light -- turn key on -- leave the fuses in place -- you will see a little gray dot on the top of the fuses test each dot for 12VDC.

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I had a similar problem with my 450 and the 3 way diode was bad , #6 in this print , it is in the fuse box image.png

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Only getting 6v across the ignition circuit


Any idea of the correct values when testing the diode? With positive cable on the middle prong and common on the outside I have a reading of 4.2 M ohms. With the leads reversed nothing.

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Hi: The test for the diode is good -- when you are checking the fuses are you checking each gray dot on the fuse with the black meter test lead on the neg. of battery?

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8 minutes ago, Melatv said:

Hi: The test for the diode is good -- when you are checking the fuses are you checking each gray dot on the fuse with the black meter test lead on the neg. of battery?

Mel , that is what they call a 3 way diode  , which I think is a two way , 3 prong diode , sounds like he only check it one way , can't they blow  one way and not the other  ??? 

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Yes fish 3 terminal Diode -- I was taking it that he was doing it right.


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