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Everything posted by CamKnouff

  1. Nice, but will it take a beating like the original?🤔
  2. Idiots, take the motor from the front and put it on the back, which is something you can't do with ATV's and trucks; no need for a shovel. lol
  3. Thanks ordered, up here in Can$. 110.23 with tax.
  4. Was wondering if there are some recommendations for driveway alarms. I do not have cell service where I live (yes, I know hard to believe) so, no to the phone notification ones. The dog works well, but when inside he doesn't hear a thing or thinks he's off duty.
  5. Should of used a double box end, crescents just don't cut it.
  6. Basically, that's it. work on the Aluminium build up/deposit. Do not leave on too long Q-tip rubbing (rubbing,rubbing), rinse, repeat more times than you would like. Works well, common practise on two stroke snowmobiles, which I have a lot.
  7. The muriatic acid is used to remove the aluminium build up (q-tips-h2o rinse), won't do much for scratches. It is readily available and cheap at most hardware stores.
  8. Makes sense to me, Oh, I'm Canadian. lol
  9. I one found by accident, desperately looking for something to hold that nut. I found the perfect use for those millions of thrown away popsicle sticks, fits perfectly. Grab one ever time I deal with the battery nuts now.
  10. I was in shock, for construction here, I believe it $160 a ton- used to have a free dump day (one pickup) they have done away with that.
  11. No, metal is free to dump, drywall, minimum charge $8.00 (like a square foot), form needs to be filled out. I am very conscious of what I burn. It is just a shame to see some things not being able to be reused. I am more of the mind that dumps (for many things) should be like a free Can. Tire store. Was like that in the far north.
  12. You wouldn't believe the restrictions here of what the dump will take, and if it's not household they will have a look. One can not remove anything one could recycle- (just about want to stop someone before the dump, some great material (new) is wasted. Pay for all that wrapping on a product and then have to pay to get ride of it. My rant. I burn as much as I can-no plastics.
  13. I don't believe I am familiar with the wet bread trick for blind holes. Have used grease and a stick (sorry, I meant a non-marring specialized impacting tool - biodegradable)
  14. I have heard, that anti-seize is some what water soluble, I have been trying to use Merc 2-4-C where things are exposed to the elements.
  15. Not too bad if I remember correctly, bought on eBay a few years ago. Thought I had a metric set also, but seems to have hidden it's self, now I will most likely need it very soon. lol. Break that hardened stuff off, a whole new world of frustration, and if it's small hard/impossible to tack without damage.
  16. I have this blue point set, my issue is when broken off near flush, getting a straight run when drilling. Love left handed drill bits.
  17. Not his first time, already has the winch mounted on the rear.. I am at that stage now, sooner winch back up and go home than fight through it.. Is this sign of old age, or growing intelligence with age? Use to be keep going till we run out of beer.
  18. She will be soaked, I have the Berrymans Chemos dip. Never needed a generator before, had nothing electric, lived off a battery, charged at neighbours. Life has changed as I finish building this house.
  19. Thanks, that's an idea, It's has been sitting for a long time, not 10 years but should be close. I took it off and cleaned it as best I could, it will run but needs a shot of starter fluid to get going. Just trying to do it right once (will be twice now), hopefully not a whole bunch of times. Have not soaked it in chem dip yet, though have a gallon can, would all plastic need to be removed for that, I do have an o-ring kit and have replaced one. Was just hoping to get lucky-didn't happen, oh well.
  20. I have an old EM 5000 SX generator and it seems to need some carb work. I was looking for a carb kit, thought Shindy but see they do not deal with generators only ATV etc. Any suggestions for where to get a carb kit for this? Thanks
  21. I used to try to be the helpful person pushing vehicles when stuck, then as intelligence and age kicked in I changed. If you had summer tires you were your own, being 20/30+ years older than the driver, what was I doing pushing a vehicle getter splattered by dirt, gravel, and snow by some idiot who thinks peddle to the metal will work. Skiers were the worst, all sit in the vehicles while you did the dirty work, I am not sexist but women can push, every little bit helps.
  22. Hmm, not seeing any talk about JB Weld?
  23. I am sure many of us have 1,2 or ? in our herds. As this being such a Honda pro site, I think our various justifications should be entertaining. Mine is easy to load needed stuff to move or use; back off a pickup with no ramp, no problem.
  24. Any reason that air filter looks so white?
  25. 200 yards away, must be some bow you have. I question your hunting ethics!
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