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Everything posted by Freedomflyer

  1. Derf, I think it would be a real trick to get him to come! 😉 I'd like to ride your area myself, he'd ride there and here and never want to go home😁. Wilson, I had looked at those a little bit, even rode a couple used ones I had come across, rode nice. I had just heard there were some concerns with the transmission, pretty complicated set up and if anything went wrong with it very expensive to repair. On top of that it is still a single rider machine and they watch that pretty close around here. Just decided to go with the factory dedicated 2-up. Th as it's a nice looking machine though.
  2. I don't believe I ever said anything about my Honda's being under powered. Our Rancher 420's had 28 horsepower and took us every place we wanted to go even when we rode 2-up. The engines ran like sewing machines and never missed a beat other than a fuel pump going out on one of them, even then I was able to limp it back to the truck. I loved the reliability of those two machines, I NEVER worried about getting back to the truck when we went out, plus even towed a couple of machines out of the mountains a couple different times. Having my wife be comfortable and to "Want" to continue to keep riding was the main reason for looking for something different. When we would go out with friends that had machines with independent suspension and would follow them and see the smoother ride was discouraging for my wife. So just started looking around and landed where we landed. I've never ridden in the mud like that so wouldn't even be fair for me to comment on it. There are aspects of it that look like it would be fun.....especially if it was someone else's machine and I didn't have to clean it up😀. I get the competition part of seeing who can get through what, but because we have such a different terrain that we ride in, the rocky, twisting switch back narrow mountain trails require a different type of machine if you don't want to get beat to crap. And......frankly I don't want to get beat to crap🤣. I can tell you if Honda came out with a 2-up machine, that had power steering and IRS all wrapped up in one package, I'd be first in line. Even if I did have to go back to shifting🙂, I will have to admit that part has been nice for my wife to not have to worry about what gear she should be in when going up a steep rocky narrow trail. If she's confident in the machine it makes it way more fun. So Fish, come on' up I'll take you on a couple rides and see what you think😀. I KNOW my machine wouldn't do well in the situation above so don't even ask LOL! Plus I would have to clean it up. YUCK!!!! Well gotta hit the road and earn some $$$$ have a great day.
  3. That would be kinda fun. I'll see what I can dig up.😉
  4. You know I'm not exactly sure. Been up there 4 times, 2 of the times went with a couple different friends I had asked them what they knew and they weren't exactly sure either. What we've kind of gathered through hiking around the area a little, is that it must've been some sort of office. There is a built in bed area in the corner, an old stove in the center of the room, and a desk area in another corner. This particular area had several different things going on in the late 1800's early 1900's. Granite quarry and mining to name a couple, based on the railroad tracks, cables and pullies and different pipes coming out of the ground there had to be some sort of mining operation going on. I need to call the bureau of land management and see if the can shed any light on it for me. I have heard there is a huge tressel bridge up there somewhere as well that is on a old railway bed leading to an old mine. A lot of different history in our area. Lots of mining in our state. Just over the top of the mountain from this area is the old Berkley Copper mine. It was at one time one of the largest open pit mines in the world. They destroyed the city of Butte mining for the copper ore. https://g.co/kgs/G2nJHT https://images.app.goo.gl/9zuqGJGA6oRKFpMB8 I feel bad for the people of that town. There are tons of old mines in western Montana, they have labeled our state the Treasure state but when it leaves that kind of mess behind that's not much of a treasure. So all of that to say Wilson, I'm not exactly sure what that cabin is😁. Kind of got off on a rabbit trail.
  5. Yeah, was on one of the tamer trails that is in the area. I guess my wife and I take for granted our experience in riding, things that we don't give a second thought about going up or down becomes an issue and our responsibility for the ones we take out. So......we have be very careful with the trails we choose. All in all was a great day only scared one of the ladies (my sister in-law) bad enough a couple of times to where she got off and walked through a couple of stretches. Other than that was a very positive day and sounds like they al want to go again.😁
  6. Was great, cool in the a.m. tshirt weather for me mid to late afternoon. Great day all around.
  7. Was a great ride today, perfect temperature, much to Shades Chagrin (I'd be willing to bet), all four Can Ams performed flawlessly and allowed a very comfortable 50+ mile ride. Great day to take 2 rookies and their wives out, and my one brother who just bought the above blue 800 to an area none of them had ever been. I'm just happy we had a safe incident free day, and all parties enjoyed themselves.
  8. I sure understand that from the older Honda reliability aspect, however being the age he(we) and his wife are, the comfort of the ride is a huge factor. I know people say that power steering isn't that big of a deal, and the independent suspension is for lightweights😉, but after a day like today of riding 51 miles on rocky mountain trails on a factory two person machine, having the wife comfortable and happy is HUGE! I have another brother who also just made a new purchase. With a below their cost sale going on and him trading in a little Suzuki Osark 250 he picked up a 2020 Can Am 570 Max 2-up for $6500. This allowed he and his wife to get out and comfortably ride together today for the first time ever. Was great to see them get out of the house, he's 70 she's 66. They would've never come out with us if they wouldn't have had something comfortable to ride on. Just glad I get to spend some time with my brothers regardless of what they ride. Was fun to see them all have a food time today.
  9. Like I said, my vehicles are old, our newest car is an 07 Toyota Camry. If the body is good on em we drive till the mechanics of them wear out. I have almost 300,000 on my Duramax.😁
  10. I know exactly what you mean. I'll take our -30 to -40 anyday.!!!!
  11. Riverec thanks, should be a good day. Dredd, the Beartooth highway and pass is about 2 hours to the East of us. Get to the top and you are in Northern Wyoming, then back into Montana to a town called Cooke City. It is a snowmobile haven in the winter time. From there you can get into Yellowstone National Park, it is the south entrance to the park.
  12. We have an area like that too, called the Beartooth Highway, closed 4 1/2 months out out of the year. Top of the pass is at 10,948 ft. Absolutely amazing in summer. As far as humidity goes uhmm.....yeah......no thank you. We virtually have no issue with rust, my pick up is an 02 GMC Duramax no rust, also have a little runaround car an 01 Nissan Altima and no rust on it either. Vehicle bodies last a long time here. Not uncommon to see cars from the 70's, 80's and 90's running around here. I'll keep the dry cold winters here.
  13. Dredd, been looking at photos and images of Cape Breton, that place is beautiful!!! If the world ever opens back up that would be worth the trip to go see someday. Pretty cool.
  14. Loaded and ready to go for tomorrow! Supposed to be about 70 perfect riding weather! Get to share a riding area with 2 of my brothers, a good friend, and their wives.
  15. Man, when you get on Google maps it makes you realize how small we really are and what a variety of landscape there is on this earth. Living in an area with that much water around would be so foreign to me. Our area is so dry in comparison. That looks like it would be a cool place to visit, I love seeing the ocean and coastlines of any kind. Very beautiful! Where I live is so unbelievably landlocked we have to drive 800 miles to get to the Pacific coast. When we ride or hike to the highest points in our area all we see in every direction is mountains, trees and farmland. I think it would take some getting use to to be around all that salt water, and humidity. All that to say it sure is a Beautiful area. I can sure see why people like to travel to see different parts of North America. Thanks again for the pics.
  16. 😁😉 Yeah it was a great find, He learned after he passed up 3 previous deals that he better jump on this one. I told him if he didn't buy it I was going to. Even though it's 5 years older than my '16 I would've snapped it up in a heart beat. Really nice ride.
  17. They're out there, right place at the right time on this one. Felt bad for the seller, could really see he was having a tough time letting it go. Received a really nice text from him the next day telling me how glad he was that it went to some people that were going to use it and take care of it.
  18. Brother just picked up a 2011 800R Outlander Max Limited Edition. Was well taken care of and in excellent condition. Only 1100 miles, Sad story for the guy that sold it. He had jumped out of his work truck about 4 years ago and broke his ankle. He thought he had just sprained it and didn't get in to the doctor. He had splintered the bone and got an infection ended up losing his left leg below the knee and spent over a year in the hospital and rehab. During that time developed diabetes and ended up losing his right foot. I went with my brother to look at the machine And you could tell the guy was pretty bummed in having to sell it. He said he just can't feel the machine anymore with his two prosthesis. Anyway, looks to be a very sound machine and Should serve my brother and his wife well. We are heading out Monday for a Memorial Day ride should be a good time.
  19. That's some bog filled area there! Love the contrast of rocky area and the trees with all the colors. Always thought it would be cool to be able to ride somewhere that would be next to the ocean. Looks like there was quite a group. Thanks for sharing the pics. Have a ride planned for Labor day, possibly my two brothers and their wives are going to go. Will be a first for my oldest brother. Looks like weather is going to cooperate.
  20. Yeah I was shocked they were on there and actually thought it was crazy to have them on a trailer that small but am actually glad they are on there. This isn't even the pretty area we ride LOL very unique and interesting landscape compared to where we normally ride. Nothing we can do they just keep coming and coming.
  21. Fish it is a pretty cool area, Will be even more beautiful when things start greening up, our trees are just starting to bud out. I didn't realize how nice this area was. We had heard a lot of rumors that it was packed in very dangerous to ride due to the amount of people. There are those individuals who have about as much common sense as a rock and fly around blind corners without thinking. So we just ride defensively they're always expecting somebody to come around the corner even though we haven't had it happen yet. One thing funny yesterday, Or maybe not so funny, came around a corner and there was 3/4 ton full size diesel pick up coming up the trail. These trails intersect County roads and some bonehead decided he was going to see how far he could take his diesel truck. That's why areas get shut down somebody always has to screw it for everybody else. Riverec, my trailer is a 7" X 12' 6" I had done some wheeling and dealing with a couple of trailers that I had. Bought them did little work to them sold them for more than I paid for them then had a friend of mine give me an 8 by 10 snowmobile trailer. I cleaned that up re stained the deck And sold it for a $1000. I bought this trailer 1700 bucks and put 500 in my pocket.Seems to work really well. It was home made by a guy who builds them in his spare time and just likes to tinker. Even has trailer brakes.
  22. No work today!!!🙁 So.........Screw it!!!!!! Went Riding again, back up to the same place we went to on Saturday, it was AWESOME!!!!!!! Middle of the week, Hardly anyone there, went exploring. We will be hitting this place on a regular basis, was a great time with my wife. Trail was winding up and down and around and in between huge granite boulders. One trail we took went through the trees down to Interstate 90 to a small tunnel that went under the Interstate and continued on, we stopped because the trail didn't loop through to another tunnel to get us back to the side of the interstate we started on so we decided not to explore any further today, will save it for another time. This will be a place that we will ride and explore I think for years to come, as well as share it with our friends who haven't been there. It Was Hot!!!!! Well hot for us, it was 81 degrees today, after a low of 28 degrees last night and sleeping with the windows open it was almost miserable, thankfully we were winding through the trees which kept us in the trees a lot of the time. Trails were so poorly marked I was a little uncertain as to where we were a couple of times but because I knew where the Interstate was, I knew what direction I needed to go so knew I would run into a familiar trail and find our way back. Was a beautiful Day and a was one of those spur of the moment days that don't come along very often and needed to jump on it and go. We had a commitment for this evening otherwise we would've stayed out later actually doesn't get dark until about 9 now. Hope you enjoy the pics.
  23. We have people moving in here. Have sold their homes in California, Paid astronomical prices for homes here in cash, and have money to spare. Did a job couple years ago for an older couple that body 2nd home up here. She was a Realator in California, Up here visiting and saw a property listed. They talked it over and listed a condo they had for sale in the San Francisco area. They sold the condo down there, bought a 5000 square ft. home on 3 acres Next to the river coming down one of the most beautiful canyons Around our area And had half a million in the bank beside. The more I got to know them they told me they bought a house in California 40 years ago for $160000, It is only 1400 square ft. It is now in a very affluent area and was appraised at 4.2 million dollars. Totally asinine, No wonder that can afford to move out of where they're at And come and screw up our area. Besides that this is a home that they spend about 2 and a 1/2 months or so a year at. They don't like the cold they show up in the middle of July And leave mid to end of September. Beautiful home beautiful setting And barely gets used. They come here get involved in city government behind the scenes because some of them dont have to work and if they do they can work remotely from home and have more time to be involved in the community. Then it just snow balls from there. They need to separate that state from the Union and make it it's own country. Lol
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