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bryanc5712 last won the day on February 11

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    Isle of Lewis, scotland
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  1. That's a good shout on the moose shocks! Do you know how much bigger they are to stock by any chance? Hopefully the brackets will make compared to the 400, I had to make spacers on the front for it to actually fit mine and still sits to low for my likeing compared to the rear, Im not a fan of lifts myself, but it was a means to get a bit more comfort out of the 450, now to just get it sitting levelish, let us know how you get on with the kit when you get it!!
  2. Hi Dave, well impressed with the kit still and it's standard shocks I'm running, it's softer than stock and seems to soak the bumps up a lot better, ain't no independent rear suspension though but for a straight axle I'm very impressed! Yeah I need to sort out the front on mine though, sits to low for my likeing as the 400 bracket holes sit lower than the 450 and 500 let us know how you get on!
  3. I need to get on this forum more often! Lol 😂 I've got a fancy phone that'll do anything bar cook your breakfast, BUT my computer dates back to the stone age does that even it out? 🤣
  4. @shadetree Now that's a work in progress aswell... 😂
  5. Finally got round to taking it out and very pleased with it!! Got the rears on the highest setting, the front I didn't gain much as the front brackets are meant for a foreman 400, but all round it sits very nice now slightly higher in the back by a tiny amount but nothing noticeable was never that bothered about the lift side of things, but the ride is so much better than it was before!! Not exactly can am or Polaris irs obviously, but for an old straight axle honda what a difference, I'm Very very impressed with it, Next step is slightly bigger tyres to fill that arch gap a wee bit 😂
  6. Perfex kit arrived and fitted, was surprised how quick the delivery was from Canada, rear went together no bother apart from the spacers being to large, put it the highest setting and pleased with the height, front being since it was for a foreman 400 the bottom shock eye would catch the top of the arm, so made a spacer to raise the bracket up just enough for clearance, haven't ridden it yet but so far pleased with it and will get pictures up, again many thanks @jeepwm69 wouldn't have pulled the trigger without your knowledge!
  7. Thanks jeep, I'll play about with it when I get it and see what works out, not really after a big lift as such as lower centre of gravity the better were we ride in certain places, it'll be next month before I get it though so a long wait lol
  8. That's great to hear jeep, any small improvement is definitely worth it on the old sra setups, I see the rear has two settings, I'm assuming the top hole gives the highest lift and softest setting due to the angle of the shock, did you notice a difference between the two?
  9. Thanks for the reply jeep it's been ordered! I've always been intrigued to try the perfex out, but they are getting harder and harder to find these days, I've had the 450 for a number of years now rebuilt it from the ground up along with the 300, we ride a lot on moors we call it a lot of up and down, drops and old peat banks which we used to and a lots of people still do cut for heating there homes here, so the moors littered with these banks, and peat bogs which will sink a machine out of sight if you don't watch! The straight axles will never have a comfortable ride as such, but did you notice a difference with the perfex?
  10. Thanks jeep! Yeah I found it through a company in Alberta Canada, they mostly deal in Harley parts by the looks of it and there clearing out old parts, seem very reputable, and at a heck of a good price aswell, wanted to be extra sure it would fit as I live over in the UK on an island in Scotland!! So import charges delivery etc, but I don't mind if any modification is needed either
  11. Hi there guys, I've found a perfex long travel kit for a foreman 400 and wondering if it'll fit a foreman 450? I know there similar dimensions but wouldn't mind if it needed a bit of modification to work anyone know if it would fit? Many thanks! Bryan
  12. No idea how to delete that photo I've been gone so long I can't remember!! Plus me and technology... 🤦‍♀️ Anyway how is everyone, long time no speak, been off the forums for a while, rebuilt a 300 during lockdown, but thought I'd make a reappearance, just a convo starter really, what is it that causes the infamous Honda tick? My foreman 450 and 300 are silent, but it seems every other Honda quad I've heard does it, both my machines see the rev limiter quite regular, I paid for that limiter so I'm going to use it, it's there for a reason I say 😂 there not babied in the slightest, I'm very, very parnickity with maintenance etc though, by the book etc, but what seems to be the main cause of the tick? Valve issues, clearances, timing chains, wrist pin noise, all that, seems the pushrod engines are noiser, just curious really
  13. Massey Ferguson red is the colour 😂 close enough to honda red imo lol!! 🤣
  14. Welcome to the forum!!
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