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Everything posted by Fishfiles

  1. The " BikeMan " of Lacombe always gets some interesting bikes --- I think of every bike I see as having a engine on it ---LOL
  2. ahhhh right , but I got first divs on " I told you so " !!!!!
  3. I have seen new chargers , where if the battery is lower than a certain low voltage threshold , the charger won't start charging until you jump the battery a few voltages Last few years I also seen another freaky thing happen a few times now , batteries going " reverse polarity "
  4. This is really funny if you know about the Pope
  5. When is enough , enough !!!! The hole is getting bigger and bigger ---- you could be riding one , instead of planning motor rebuilds and swops , which is money and time
  6. Wasn't it the song from "Frozen " , " Let it go , let it go ....."
  7. I had to look: " Dennis Ray "Oil Can" Boyd " His unique and memorable nickname has been reported as coming from his beer-drinking days in his hometown of Meridian, Mississippi, where beer was referred to as "oil".[
  8. Thank you , not what I was hoping for , but it is going to work ---- I was hoping it would have been a first gen with the hotter cam --- i never did find my manual
  9. Every now and then there is that problem ....... >>> ------ " the difficult takes a little while , the impossible just a little longer " >>> hang in there , " good things come to those that wait " You have fixed quite a few things in my life , by pulling on wires.... long time ago I found a problem by accident while pulling on wires , the plastic outer coating steatched as the wire had corroded inside the covering , after that I got into the habit when checking wires for damage of sliding the individual wires thru my fingers with tension when ever possible , esecially around connectors I had a 450 with a wiring issue , very similar atvs ------- standing in the rear looking forward , on the right side , mid way , about where the fuel tank starts , the wiring harness goes from traveling along top the frame , switches to the bottom of the frame , right there it was cut on the bottom edge of the frame
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