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  1. mrbb


    well again, I NEVER said I LIVED IN hazleton, I said NEAR it, I also live near Harrisburg and Scranton, I own TWO houses! you wish to CALL me a liar, you better be able to PROVE I am, and you can take that any way you wish I KNOW where I live and AM, YOU don't? you want to talk FACTS< yet you DON"T have any on your side to PROVE I am wrong! you wish to CLAIM my weather reports are LIES< and again they are NOT< NOR can you prove they are?? your just being a BULLY cause you want your views on NO climate warming to be right so, just go ahead and BAN me if it makes you feel better about yourself! I have better things to do than LIE about weather, and its a SAD that you would think I would? I also HOPE you MAKE everyone esle that posts about weather PROVE they are being honest too? ONLY fair right?? LOL or doesn't that matter to you?
  2. mrbb


    here some more for you https://www.citizensvoice.com/news/region-s-annual-rainfall-total-already-exceeds-average-1.2386071 and I have said this before, I don;t care what name or word, things are NOT The same, agree to disagree both sides of the argument on if its real or not, can provide there own FACTS to view there side, I am NOT alone, nor are you! https://climate.nasa.gov/evidence/
  3. mrbb


    well I am NOT IN hazleton so?? your wrong right there? here read this and tell my I am wrong?? 26 inches above average! in 2018 near me! and second link show rain about every 40 hours JUST as I stated https://www.pennlive.com/news/2019/01/2018-saw-record-breaking-rain-in-several-pa-cities.html https://www.pennlive.com/news/2018/09/record_rainfall_pennsylvania_f.html
  4. mrbb


    well I got news for you, the info I have posted here (else where really) have come from MY local new stations, 3 of them all telling me the same thing, so where are you getting your FACTS on rainfalls in MY area MY area, broke a ALL time rain fall record LAST yr, and is again going to break it again according to MY local news stations and there weather depts> and where are you getting your Historical data from, as again, MY weather is NOT the same based again on local weather man giving historical data as a fact, today NORMAL temp should be in the 30's and it was MID 50's am I Lying?? you like to CLAIM to know things, maybe state where you r info is coming from! you need me to PROVE things to you, that your already claiming I am wrong with NO proof?? provided? I dopn;t even think you have a clue what county I am IN so how do you KLNOW my historical data period? I don;t appreciate being called a liar as I am NOT one and quite honestly if you have a personal ISSUE with me, shouldn;t you be talking to ME in a PM you wish to act all high and mighty, I got news for you, I don;t back down when being called a liar when I am NOT one feel free to show me the door if you think me responding and sticking up for mys elf is wrong , as honestly you r being the bully here NOT me! power ego maybe WHO knows?
  5. mrbb

    Forum Hunters?

    personally IMO I think most places deer got very very nocturnal due to both many places allowing feeding, and bigger picture, so many hunters that now pretend to be farmers and plant acres of food plots, feeding deer more like cattle , making them into more grazing animals than browsers that there supposed to be! deer learned to eat in bulk at night in fields, when its dark out(safer) and the food is there 24/7 if need be and its easier to eat in one place, than have to roam miles to get enough GOOD browse, and have to eat often all day long, as they do in heavy forested area/ NOW ,They can sit in one spot almost all day, move to a food plot, fill up and repeat, pretty much staying nocturnal if they wished to be! add in how many deer now live in SMALL sections of wooded area's as to larger tracts of undeveloped lands the safety factor alone, has made many deer learn night time movement are just safer! and YES 100% on Walmarts selling corn, here it even says DEER CORN on the bags, yet, its Illegal to actually feed deer here in PA doesn;t stop many folks from doing it, and the game dept is fully aware of it for decades(heck for yrs it was part of there actually JOB to feed deer in winter time, even had a bunch of there own feeders on a farm I managed still with the state game dept ID tags on them LOL) there view typically is, unless they get complaints about it, they turn a blind eye to it, UNLESS its in hunting season, then they LIKE to find folks hunting over./near it and fine them for hunting a baited area! one of the funny things, or I sort of laugh at it is, here in PA< the game dept did a study a few yrs back about baiting deer, they did a few yrs of research, and afterwards, came to to the conclusion, that using BAIT< had ZERO difference on hunters killing deer! stating there was NO difference in hunter success , to those that baited and those that didn't so, they STUCK to there ban on baiting. IMO< that's a LOT of BS, all animals live by there stomachs, easy food, attracts deer, and as such, your odds increase on killing ANY deer most folks that bait, are being more picky, looking for antlers and such, not just filling tags!, not all, but many SO< IMO< if there is NO difference in baiting or not, why is one illegal over the other! real answer IMO here in PA< is, they make a LOT of money off handing out fines to hunters they catch hunting over bait, easy money for them ! LOL if they really wanted to stop baiting here, they should be targeting the folks selling the corn labeled for deer feed? just like catching those that sell drugs, over just them that buy it?
  6. mrbb


    well remington owns marlin now LOL and I sort of agree, but they both still do make some nice one 's yet very few gun makers still make guns of the same high quality bluing and wood as they used to in normal lines, now its all custom shop over priced , for what your getting as to what they did yrs back IMO! I'm just glad we don;t have boat loads of made in chine cheap junk flooding stores, like we do with all other sorts of things from ATV parts, to carbs to cheap knock off everything! so I can at least say I am glad the firearms were DO get from other places tends to be of GOOD quality! and hope it stays this way,!!
  7. mrbb


    feel free to block me if MY opinion is wrong to post on a tread and its NOT just MY opinion, there are thousands if not million that feel the same way just cause YOU don't doesn;t mean your right either you know, its also YOUR opinion here too you know where are your facts that are Proven TO BE 100% CORRECT, MAKING MINE WRONG! where is your PROOF its NOT abnormal weather? and also where am I wrong from forum rules to post MY opinion, right OR wrong! sounds like your just being a bully here to me? so do as you wish!
  8. mrbb


    well it was low 50's today here and sunny(sunny and mid 40's yesterday) and calling for warmer tomorrow! sounds like a great day weather wise fore most folks but its DEC, winter is here, should;cold and snow ?? I have a orphaned cub here right now, all confused due to weather, NOT helping me HELP it learn to den when weather gets warm and shouldn;t be! this iis what I am talking about, when accused of complaining LOL its NOT normal weather and it has BAD effects on wildlife, maybe some don;t care about it, and rather have nice weather to be in, but its NOT normal weather, and its screwing up a lot of things we all take for granted will work out! crops rely on weather, and farmers plant based on TYPICAL normal weather, when the weather isn;t normal, it can mean loss of crops , from just LOW yields to NO yields and costs to re plant, get reflected to the consumer, so it effects EVERYONE! not just me complaining here LOL I haven't had a decent apple harvest here in 5 yrs now due to extreme temp swings so often and late frosts and early warm ups followed by extreme colds haven't seen an acorn in my yard in 6 yrs now for same reasons! ever wonder why so much wildlife is NOW near houses its cause the natural foods they USED to live on in the wilds ain't there like they used to more PLANTED and cared for foods near houses!
  9. mrbb


    Jeep, I can agree with you some of the older win's were pretty accurate rifles in .22's but I shot a few things better , all the more so when I get into the .22 mags my old Mossberg Chuckmaster 640 , was and is amazing for how old and how many rounds down the barrel, it out shoots all my newer one's as for lever guns, well, I have/had a few here are two I just let go of to a fellow down south( Louisiana) last month! one was a Old Marlin 336, (30/30)from 1949, second yr production and the other is a older Marlin 1889, from 1890, second yr gun as well never shot either to say how accurate they were however, but are classic guns in my eye's and I love aged wood on them, and all the more so, I knew the whole story on both of them, the 1889 was bought by a friends grandfather NEW< and he bought the 336 new himself in 1949 which to me adds value to things as honestly these days, these old guns, most times have been sold several times over, so finding them from original owners is getting hard to do!, or just finding the old owners still alive to tell the stories of them sorry not a great pic of the 30/30, but was pretty darn clean for the age! new owner is very happy with both of them and a shotgun he took off my hands as well a beretta 687 ultra light deluxe, also a low produced gun, but of modern times, or late 90's any how more likely one I rill regret letting go over a lot of the others I sold recently! LOL as they are almost impossible to find, and this was like new in box yet, not a mark on it, yet used on a few great hunts out west also used it on the first hunt with my last dog and his last hunt , but cannot keep em all!
  10. mrbb


    here is another older one a Rem model 14A from 1925, in .30 rem
  11. mrbb


    and another older shotgun LOL here is a nice pretty clean Ithaca Lefever grade A 12 ga as well from 1940 I think I have a bunch of pre war guns like these, just a few I have pic's handy last few yrs I think I sold about 50+ or so, all before the 1940 age mark and still selling some more LOL
  12. mrbb


    yes it has a older age correct weaver scope on it, and the scope is like brand new clear and all LOL which you don;t find often anymore! on these old one's! and it also has the original scope mounts made for it, they only made them with checkering for 4 yrs, 1936-1939 if memory is correct yet! and then her is another older shotgun, this is from I think about 1914, a Rem, model 10 ,, 12 ga bore
  13. mrbb


    I have a few older .22's and you'd be surprised how accurate they are compared to a lot of the so called NEW one's made today here is a 1930's savage Model 5
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