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Vlad Brover

2003 Honda 350 ES 4x4

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Welcome Vlad, if you need some help with your machine there should be a service manual available, look at the top menu....

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Hi and welcome to the forum!

Post a picture of  your speedometer with the backlight on so I can see what you have going on 

it might help to open up speedometer case and see if you have any water damages going on in there as well

I will send my contact information to your message box if you would like to contact me about a repair


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Thanks for the picture it’s a great help believe it or not

it looks like you just need to have your polarizing films replaced as well as your back light filter

I have all the materials on hand to take care of your repair and I currently have about a one day turnaround

I sent my contact information to your message box if you’d like to look into getting it done

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