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Everything posted by Freedomflyer

  1. Freedomflyer


    🤯 Praying for you guy's safety!!!! I'm sorry, but I'll take my snow. At least when it comes I know there's no hidden unknown mixed in with it,just accumulates and stops, and then you clean up with a shovel/four wheeler.
  2. Yeah thats right, bring an America hating liberal Dyke home, and abandon an American loving soldier to rot in prison. Another dagger in the heart of America.
  3. There are some insane people in this world!
  4. I did know that, absolutely sickening. There is another privately funded coalition that I can't imagine he's not part of called The Great Plains Ecotourism Coalition. Their goal is to bring back the great plains to their original status, bringing Buffalo back to it original population. That means doing away with cattle ranchers. It has started uo here in Montana, they are coming in and buying up the leases on state and National forest property that cattle ranchers have had for decades to graze their cattle, and shutting that down. The goal is to put Buffalo in place of the cattle. Their argument is that cattle are too destructive to the earth and are destroying the eco system. We go riding in the mountains all the time where ranchers run their cattle on forest service property. We have not seen any destruction of any kind. They replace them with Buffalo and we're going to see people getting attacked in the campgrounds and out on the trails. They are not a passive animal. Every year people in Yellowstone Park are attacked and injured because they get too close to the Buffalo and "their space". That starts happening and it will give the forest service reasons to shut things down. That is their goal to control nature, these wealthy people are pure evil for our world!
  5. That really turns my stomach🤢, poor thing. Hope they were able ro get it out
  6. Freedomflyer


    You sent that to me. I think I'd be coming up with a different way to get that dock in and out........just sayin'!😄
  7. Freedomflyer


    We have fools living in campers on the side streets here in Bozeman. A 9th circuit Court Judge out of Boise Idaho passed an ordinance that prohibits cities to kick people in campers off of public city streets it says: "Ordinances must allow homeless individuals to take “the most rudimentary precautions” against the elements." If they force individuals to leave they are in violation of the 8th ammendment. So for some reason this judge has the power to make decisions like this for our area. So any street in our area that is not residential or has been layed out for for future businesses that has not yet been developed is fair game for squatters to park a camper or set up a tent and live along the streets. Even in winter weather. There is garbage everywhere, who knows where they're going to the bathroom, there's no way they have running water this time of year. Pipes and septic lines would be frozen solid. So based on what I'm seeing, the cold isnot keeping the riff raff out.
  8. Freedomflyer


    This was just before the sun came up
  9. Freedomflyer


    🙄 Oh brother! That's T-shirt shorts and flip flop weather!
  10. Freedomflyer


    Little chilly this morning,, at least it waited until November. I think our riding season is done, in the mountains anyway.
  11. I really like the Maxxis Bighorn 2.0's great tread good traction.
  12. Freedomflyer


    Not warmin' up much today as usual the weatherman lied again. Supposed to be high 40s. This was the sunrise as I headed to work though.
  13. Freedomflyer


    Yeah, stop teasing! I would still take this any day over the flooding a flooding and storms that move in to that area. We at least know what to expect with what we're getting.
  14. Freedomflyer


    Alright, Alright, that's enough! Not EVEN funny! View from the job today. 39° right now at 12:30p.m.
  15. Freedomflyer


    The dreaded white stuff showed up this weekend 😕, got about 4 inches or so, 7 inches in town (Bozeman) wet snow all the leaves werentnoff the trees so a lot of broken branches laying in the streets. Chilly start to the day, warmer right now at 6:40 than it will be at 8:00 - 9:00, high of 47 today, not supposed to get much above 45 this whole week. Think our nice weather is gone.
  16. Freedomflyer


    Man, it was over 70 here today😁! Supposed to be these temps til Friday then cool down to about 50 on Saturday with some moisture. Don't care I'm going riding anyway! Taking the rain gear and heading out, wife will be gone so won't need to worry about her being cold and soaked.
  17. Riverc, Yes she loves being out, converting to the machines we did made all the difference in the world for her. If she's not comfortable she's not going to want to go, if she doesn't want to go she's not going to gain experience, if she doesn't have experience, she's not going to have confidence. She is growing more and more confident as she rides. Prov can attest to her abilities, and complimented her when he was here in August. She is really starting to have a lot of fun. Was a blast this last weekend, were able to hit some some trails that were more technical. Was fun to see her make good decisions and pick good lines throughout the turns. Hope to be able to do it for years to come.
  18. 😁 Thanks Prov, Will pass that on to my bride!
  19. Not quite ready to be done so a bit more exploration. 3rd pic in, the only red we saw all day.
  20. A little lunch then some more exploring.
  21. Had an awesome weekend, was my wife's birthday. The anniversary weekend was going to be a tough act to follow but.......not so much, was a gorgeous day that turned out to be so much more than we had expected. We had invited several friends to come join us for a planned ride but none of them could make it. Football games, sickness, yard work, just too much stuff going on. In the end it worked out for the best. I'm learning that time spent one on one with the bride of my youth is very special. We love to take others on our rides but with that comes expectations and sometimes unneeded pressure. Our rides alone are much more relaxed and laid back. No worries of others getting weary, or impatient with time spent exploring new trails. Best to explore, get familiar with the area, then share. This weekend was just that. A ride with no pressure, no push to be back by a certain time. Just go ride some new areas and get done when we get done. Wasn't sure how the day was going to be, drove into fog that lasted for 45 miles, drove out of it about 5 miles before our destination. We went to one of our favorite areas seeking some new trails that connect with ones we are familiar with. We weren't disappointed. The day was perfect, temperature wise, not a stitch of wind, barely a cloud in the sky and a starting temp of around 50°. Cool enough for a sweatshirt or jacket, but not cold. Decided to start at the top of the pass which is on the continental divide. We drove over an overpass above the I-90 interstate, and connected with a gravel road that would, after a couple of miles, take us onto a forested trail. The trail opened onto a winding maintenance road underneath a major 5 wire power line for about 3 miles. There were some pretty amazing fall colors as well as some very interesting rock formations. This area is really unique, has huge granite rocks jutting out of the ground as well as randomly sitting on top of other rocks. Some of them are huge, no idea how big until you get right up next to them. After working our way down the maintenance road/ trail, we went back into the trees onto a two track then onto a roadway that lead to a familiar trail. We worked our way back to the trails we frequently ride via a culvert tunnel under I-90, then down to a beautiful little area next to a creek for some lunch. The colors were just popping amidst the rocky mountain junipers and pine trees. After lunch we decided to drive an unfamiliar trail that I suspected would take us below an old trestled train bridge. I was correct and it took us down into the bottom of a drainage that crossed a small creek on a cool atv bridge. From there we worked our way out of the drainage back up to another familiar trail. After reaching the top, we decided it was getting late in the day and should probably back track to some other familiar trails and work our way up to where we had parked. We moved through the trails quicker than expected and git back to the truck at about 4:30. Decided it was too early to quit and went back out to hit some more unexplored trails. We found a couple loops that took us to some really neat areas that had some spurs coming into them from some other trails we had been on but had turned around due to time constraints. We know now we can connect this with other looped rides in the future. We were so thankful to get out, and have the day together, we put on about 45 miles by the time we got back to the truck. Loaded up and headed home. Pulled in about 7:15 which is almost dark now but witnessed a huge moonrise on the way home. Sprayed the machines down, filled them with gas and reloaded for the ride we took today. We are trying to get as many in before the snow flies. Hope you enjoy the pics.
  22. Wife finally sent me a few pics of our weekend. She stopped on the drive out and snapped a final photo. Sure it looks completely different this last weekend. Trees down here in the valley are changing fast. Wanted to go out again but rained all weekend, plus had a work day at my Mom's place, getting it ready to sell. We'll see what the weekend holds.
  23. At least in our area anyway.
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