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Everything posted by Freedomflyer

  1. Freedomflyer


    Bite Me!!!!😁 Not here man, 2Β° 30mph winds supposed be -19Β° tonight with same winds. Blowing and drifting snow, will probably have to call the home owner of the project we're working on and have him come with the tractor and plow the road so we can get out of here tonight. πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’« we'll see at the end of the day.
  2. Sorry but that's funny, I wish that guy would come up here and drive around. Be a buttload of offended liberals. He's got a lot of critters on that truck.!
  3. Warmed to the mid 40s over the weekend, snow settled then got hard. Almost hard enough for me to walk on top. Was able to cruise around during my lunch breaks and do a little trail blazing through the soft spots.
  4. πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ˜‚πŸ€£
  5. πŸ™‚ I did make the tow rope from paracord. The crate however I did not use balsa wood, I contemplated using balsa but in the end decided to go with Poplar, We are trimming out a house right now with paint grade wood and this was made from scraps from that. I ran it through the tablesaw to get β…›" thick strips then, then ripped them to the width I wanted. I decided to go with the harder wood because if I rolled the thing over and that's up on top I think it would crush the Box and break it. It is unfortunately a little heavier so therefore adds some top weight to the center of gravity. I glued each of the planks together with with Elmer's wood then Took the strips and nailed them on with 23 gauge pin nails 3/4 inch long. I think that adds a little bit to the realism. They are about the diameter of a stick pin without the head maybe even smaller. It is a very sturdy little Box I think it will survive a roll over, Not that that would ever happen!πŸ™„ That Jeep looks like an old RC Willie, There was a guy I knew 40 years ago that had one. He beat the crap out of that thing and it kept on going.
  6. Wilson hope that link answered your question, was quite a competition in its day.
  7. Basic truck is around $550, with upgrades I'm putting in and have already put on in nearing 1k. Kind of stupid I guess, but have an older brother that bought one first and his health isn't that great. He's 14 yrs my senior so didn't have much of a relationship with him in younger years. He was a lot of miles away from me in my adult years and moved within 5 blocks from me about 4 years ago. Figure this is a great opportunity spend time with him. Looking forward to this summer. He also bought a Can Am 2up so we go riding with he and his bride. Am loving getting to know him. This along with riding is something he can do that isn't to physically taxing on him. It's worth the $$$$ in my book to spend time with him.
  8. Was a pretty amazing competition. These little RC trucks like mine are really slow, mine has a top speed of about 17 mph in the high range of the speed setting. Object is to crawl and see what you can make it over and through. I'm kind of a wimp with mine, even though the radio and motor are totally water proof I won't do it, don't want to deal with bearing issues down the road. Will run it in snow when it's well below freezing, snow won't melt and stick to anything. Little hard on the fingers though, these pics were taken in front of the house was -26, hands lasted about 5 minutes at a pop. Amazing tra tion on the frozen snow and ice. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camel_Trophy
  9. Just got done making this crate for the roof rack, have some other accessories coming. Then when you think you got it handled, you find out they make 1/24th scale as well.🀯
  10. Got myself into another hobby since winters are so long. You'd think I could find something cheap to do. This one is more expensive than the airplanes I have πŸ˜•. But a lot of fun and can take it along without taking up much room. Wings take up a lot of space. Been fun to add upgrades. Amazing how realistic it is when crawling slow, has locking front and rear differentials, 2 speed transmission. High speed setting it will lift the front end off the carpet and wheelie for 4 or 5 ft. Amazing traction even in and on snow. Been fun to add upgrades and accessories.
  11. Freedomflyer


    I can relate. When I was working out it North Dakota we had a stretch of cold, -64 abient temperature, with wind, -103, not an experience I'd like to have any time soon. We are currently 36 high of 43 today, time for lawn chairs and lemonade.
  12. Freedomflyer


    Downright balmy this morning.
  13. Freedomflyer


    They lied!!! As usual.πŸ™„
  14. Freedomflyer


    Heading home, -8, is only supposed to get to 12 below tonight. Can crack the bedroom window open another 2". Beautiful View from the job site.
  15. Freedomflyer


    Little cool today don't think I'll work outside for an hour or so, let it warm up an hour or so.
  16. Freedomflyer


    Yeah we're supposed to get sub zero as well.
  17. Freedomflyer


    We're supposed to get 10"-12" of snow starting tonight through tomorrow. Then turn sub zero over the next 3 or 4 days. We'll see, never believe those liars, believe it when I see it.
  18. 😁 🍿🍿No, now.πŸ€£πŸ˜‚
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