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Everything posted by 87Iroc

  1. Thanks for the input. All of the bearings that carry load will be replaced when this is all done. The seals are here as well. I was arguing with myself on the seals as they aren't leaking but then when I cracked open the case it only made sense to go 'all the way' with wear items. I have learned so much its crazy. 6 months ago the inside of a motorcycle type engine case was a real mystery. The head is tired, very tired. Exhaust guide is worn out. I keep looking at it and thinking about what I want to do with it. If I didn't put any new parts in it right now. All bearings, seals, o-rings, Crank/Rod, and Piston/Ring would be new on this. So 'short block' in my car world would be essentially new. The head is still up in the air. Its serviceable but will need attention in the next couple years if I don't touch it now.
  2. I am just inspecting parts while I wait on bearings and deal with ups fiasco. Pulled open oil pump as in my world you always replace the pump. surprised how little info manual gives on what to look for. yes...it was thankfully a false alarm on oil filter.
  3. Ugh. OK. I'll take a look at the bushings. I measured them and they meet spec. I'll look for grooves in them from debris. I had all of them in my fingers this evening and they looked OK. Haven't seen any other signs of debris yet but will look closer.
  4. Another question. Springs on clutch pack are just at or slightly below service limit. Bushing od is just slightly above limit. Plan is to replace at least springs. Clutch cage looks like this. I assume normal. And should springs behind clutch drum shown rattle? The ones inside gear.
  5. This normal on oil pump? Feels like it’s had debris thru it. Which for a 22 yr old bike woul md be surprising if it didn’t. Rear face plate has similar marks. Faces of rotor look good though
  6. saw this in northern Indiana last week. Amazon is all over up here now
  7. Oh, as an update on the crankshaft. I didn't end up getting a new one. I got queezy about the money I'm pouring out after the ebay guy declined my offer(after 23 hrs of it in his inbox). I decided to let him keep them and I sent it to Vince at Mr Crankshaft. He had it inspected(Said the big end of rod was surprisingly fine, small end was a bit bigger than he would like to see) and pulled rear bearing for me...put it back together in less than 36 hrs and its on its way back to me. Should be here tomorrow or Tuesday(I shipped it Wednesday of this past week). His take on the crank was there was nothing wrong with it that would have caused the issues of binding I was seeing. He did say the bearing, when pulled, didn't feel right and not use it....but I suspect that was due to pulling it. I have a new one on the table here so that's why I had him pull it off.
  8. I'm hoping they hand it back to the delivery driver tomorrow(it was delivered Friday) and they look and say 'oh'...then its back on track. I successfully filed a claim with UPS and sent Partzilla a note. Hoping it gets sorted(Either UPS finds it or Partzilla drop ships a new one) and I don't have to call local powersports place and see if they can get that one too. Little worried they'll hand me non-honda bearings anyway on other 2 I asked them for.
  9. Rocky Mountain ATV rocks. All of their stuff has arrived and beat their estimate of delivery. Partzilla shipment was delivered Friday which is awesome for them...but it was delivered to some address 20 miles away. Signed for and left at reception. No idea where or who. Partzilla had my address right(4th shipment from them). Thinking UPS dropped the ball. And now their claims website is unresponsive. ARGH!
  10. Well, we'll see how this works out. Going through the order. I was missing a few ball bearings I wasn't expecting. Tracked down all but 1 of them. I think I accidently removed it and left the rear shift drum bearing in the cart. DOH. So now I'm not on order with the rear mainshaft bearing(one that was stiff to turn and RM shows no availability). Called a local powersports place that I bought Yamabond from this morning. Said their supplier has some of both bearings(I went ahead and ordered the one RM has on backorder I'm waiting on a ship date for...supposed to be next week) in stock and price is better/same as Rocky Mountain price. Said 2-3 days. If this works out, I can see talking to them more often. Place has gotta be good. They sell Honda/Suzuki/Polaris ATVs and motorcypcles....but also also are an authorized dealer for Bush Hog.
  11. Per your question on the phone @shadetree...all but 1 seal is Made in Japan on this. ONe small seal says 'made in China' on it. All bearings say Japan.
  12. Rocky Mountain shipment showed up 3 days early today. Any special instructions on driving in new bearings? I have a bearing/seal driver kit. I remember Shadetree saying support case. On two I saw a seal on one side. Put those toward cases. Any other special notes?
  13. Went out and checked head for flatness as you suggested and with best straightedge I have it looks ok. Here is pic of combustion face. Dark area predates my ownership of it. Probably common to do that under exhaust port. gasket shows no issues there.
  14. Hey. Random question. What would engine run like with a blown head gasket?
  15. Cleaned, scrubbed, sprayed, flushed all the cases this evening. Hands are cut up from Honda's sharp edges. Its not Shadetree pretty, but got most of the mud off of it and I don't get oily just touching the housings. The gasket between the cases was hard as a rock, as was the 'inner rear cover' gasket. Assume those 2 were originals. Those marks on that bearing were metal chips of some sort. I couldn't even see them looking at it tonight. Everything wiped off and it all looks good. No idea what they were really. I pulled the shift lever out to replace the seal and to wash the part. Do I need a new #21 shown below? Honda manual says replace. Looking at it....I know why they want it replaced, but not sure its super critical. One one tab was bent up. Figure I can bend the other tang up this time.
  16. lol. I forgot about the 'bread trick'. I used toilet paper....i 'think' on the one successful pilot bearing/bushing I ever pulled out.
  17. I haven't found any sand inside the case, but will invesitage the 'slime' under the pickup and see. I plan, since its torn down way farther than I ever envisioned to clean the inside and outside of the case before I start reassembling. All of the ball bearings are on order. Don't shoot but I'm spending so much I decided to skip the shift drum bearings. They seem to roll fine and was trying to save 60 bucks. They just go back and forth and aren't really used much...so figured it'd be OK. Feel free to quote this if I'm tearing it back down in a year to replace these bearings. 🙂 My first RM order is sitting in Louisville today. Suspect it will be in my hands tomorrow or Friday at latest. Way better than Partzilla even though it wasn't 1 day like they had said. Now to sort out how to remove the bearings. I found that remover tool at Harbor Freight. Anyone had any luck with heating the case?
  18. I will look. That’s the front main. Surely it’s never been changed(I saw not knowing really) but I agree. It looks like something hit it
  19. considering lack of a smoking gun of reason it wouldn’t rev Or run right previous owner has suggested I arrange a excorcism.
  20. Suppose it was run without oil for a bit? Possible. I just assumed it was a coating but could be from heat. I was expecting heat in the inner part rather than the ball carrier. here are some pics of the bearings. The inner ball holder things don’t wipe clean but just generally appear dark but not bluish or anything. top pic is one that feels like speed bumps sometimes. Likely debris maybe as it comes and goes. Bottom is front main bearing(with flash hence the shiny ness)
  21. Yah, after finding that other oddball I was going to price the bearings. Once I get one pulled, I figure they all will come and go pretty easy. The bearings have a weird black to them...but I have no idea what its from. Looks like years of soot has eaten in to the outter shell where its been exposed to the oil and stained them. I will get a pic of a couple up close later. There are no heat marks inside any of the bearings I see. How about the front cam bearing? I believe only replacement of that is a new cam. Correct? It spins free. I've checked it. I have not run a magnet through it. I have never owned the thing w/o fresh oil in it. The previous owner pulled front covers last winter so he was the one that could have run the magnet trick. Total run time is probably a half hour with rough idle since.
  22. I told Shadetree on the phone that my average order time from Partzilla has been 2 weeks even if I paid for expediting. I had seen Rocky Mountain and surfed their website intially....but totally missed the OEM parts section. I thought all they sold was a few aftermarket items til I saw someone mention OEM parts from them and I went back looking closer. So I went back out to the garage and I popped the main shaft bearing out(just behind clutch packs) as it had come out yesterday and I gingerly pushed it back in. As I spin it, not all the time ,but enough of the time, it fees like the ball bearings are running over pot holes. So looks like another order to RM.I just did a quick tertiary spin on those last night and they felt fine, but looking at everything closely now... And that one is on back order...
  23. On a side note. Rocky Mountain ATV order shipped out today w/in 4 hrs of placing it. See if it makes it tomorrow. So far, impressed, very impressed. @shadetreeI went to Partzillas website and the 6204u they are showing 'ships in 2-3 days' so I'm going to hold and wait on Rocky Mountain ATVs part for now. Many other sites have it, but won't tell me a shipping date...so suspect they order it when the orders placed.
  24. I'm getting recommended both directions obviously. I have a offer in on the ebay rod that's well below asking to see if he'll budge on price. He's ignoring me or he hasn't logged in. I was just sharpening my pencil and I can get it to bince for 15-20 in shipping(original estimate was 50). So cost at Vince's would be 270 total there and back and work on it. Appreciate the advice. I'll see where I end up.
  25. OK. I am proceeding with assumption those two bearings need replaced and ordered them. Thinking of heating case up beside them in hopes they'll come out easier. Saw an article online of how to do it. Just placed order with Rocky Mountain ATV(my stuff is shipping from KY...says it'll be here tomorrow? WTH...cool if its true). I have not ordered crank yet...put offer in on NOS one. See if I can get it or not. If not, I'll order one from RM ATV tomorrow. The one bearing is on back order. (6204U must be standard p/n)....trying to find it elsewhere, but doubt i find something that would have it hear quicker than RMATV. So far, no dice...although it appears used in Civic transmissions so its all over the place for availability.
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