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  1. its okay... we all take a turn on the merri-go-round of being laughed at.... jeep has had his fair share as well..lol there are a group of 5 of us on a group text and my wife started reading some of them and told us that we are just plain out hateful to each other...lol... i said no, we think its funny....
  2. i bet my a$$ couldnt pick one of those up now!!! lol guess i need to locate that fuse box...
  3. actually,i think my 06 with the 8s steers just a bit easier... i like them 8s....thats probably what i will go with from now on with any new tire i get...
  4. i didnt get that for me dummie...i got that for the wife... i mean, i did ride it alot more when the EPS worked....and it was nice....soooo nice....
  5. ha.... i would now...in my younger days i would be taking one home, then had the numbers to the other women for the rest of the week.... these days i dont use my brawn or my brain...😆
  6. ha no bullrider..... i did grow up getting into fights about everyday tho..lol...we had to stop when we got old and actually started doing real damage..... i COULD tell some stories about good ole jeep....buttttttt- i wont...😄 they like to talk alot of smak, but the first one to be called when some sort of heavy lifting needs to be done is good ole me.....lol it gets pretty bad sometimes when we ride.... if all the jokes start out on you, its gonna be a long day...:-(....... we dont get to ride near as much as we used too...! life gets in the way....
  7. i got 8's on my rubi....it drives as easy as EPS.... now there is a ton of play in the old hog...but she is old....it happens.
  8. i used to be way more of a hulk....now its more of blob...😁
  9. you should see him use a paint roller and roll on roundup in his yard....pretty funny... and really kills the grass too..lol
  10. well he was doing like 15mph...and it was the same dang pole he has been around a million times... literally about the ONLY thing to hit on 3 acres other than the house itself......hit it just right not to do any noticeable damage until you get on it.... he does have a freakishly hard head tho...like his old man.. 🤣 but any help would be appreciated... i can live with the tweeked frame...but the steering is terrible.
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