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Everything posted by _Wilson_™

  1. oh... that was a great one too! (shooter) ? him, and that senator got just what they deserved, i heard my grandfather tell me you never messed over with a Gunnery Sargent / drill Sargent .... they are all hard core to the bone.
  2. fish...... i bet you've seen this one.... lone survivor...... released back in 2014.... based a factual events... truly sad, but very exciting of how the brotherhood stuck together i keep it to myself what the military should have done IMO.....it airs in a few (6:30) direct channel 264 station BBCAHD..... I'll tell you something.... if i could live my life all over again, i would have joined up....... my grand father Raymond p. Phillips proudly joined up, and not once did i ever hear him say i wish i had never joined up...... when he went down couldn't do much and stayed mostly in bed or his recliner, he would always have me find saving private Ryan, i recall him telling me it was about as real as being there.
  3. yeah i know what you have told me fish, i just had to,say it, by the way i love this thread !! intresting question you posed, i doubt they have a clue..... and those type people frighten me, i mean really..... get this.... they (MTEARS) joke about this.... often.... they had one ham on there that wouldn't shut about man made global warning..... some how or another they banned h im, and the FCC in conjunction with MTEARS snatched his ham license.... which he cannot get back, and that's what should have happened, even i got tired of hearing go on and on, about how people that didnt believe man caused global warming..... most likely didnt even have enough sence to come in out of the rain........ i maybe narrow minded in my thinking..... but people with little to no sence (brains) bother me, i don't want stupid people around me.... am i selfish ? maybe to a point....... but that's just me...I've delt with farm hands that just wanted to get done working, didnt matter what / how they destroyed equipment...... i gather you've seen this being a heavy equipment tech, and it cost us money which is exactly what these man made global warming people are going to do, cost is money all of us in some way or form.... from those small tank toliots etc etc...... which are making people sick (fact) hm save water, yet doesn't matter if some of population gets sick.....
  4. I've had my soap box momment....... fish...... please pardon my disruption on your thread, your more then welcome to move my post where you wish...... when you posted about your friend, and what that idiot is pushing now something in me just snapped........ if it's okay with you ill be posting some classic coal rolling semis trucks here....... I'm going to sit back and have me some coffee, read and try and get to feeling better..... the stress on me over the last couple weeks has been terrible.
  5. i have to agree...... and you bring a great point NOT MAN MADE, what killed the dinosaurs ? weather for the most part, and this happened way before the man of age, and people blaming man kind is BS GOD designed our climate over time, and whos to dispute his works ???? I'm sure....those who do are playing a dangerous game..... <<<<<< exactly, these idiots who think man kind has cause global warming, would good to realize nature can't be stopped or controled, and no i don't believe in cloud seeding, let Mother Nature do what she does best.
  6. _Wilson_™


    what really burns me up is..... the so called climate change / global experts <<< bullsh-ters have made there ruling, and in the long run.... who's it cost ? US,...... I wander just how many family's, drivers have been killed in the cheep electric pocket cars ? not to mention what happens when the catch fire ? have any idea that fireman take there lives in the own hands when dealing with these problems ? when you talk fire fighters ? your talking about my brothers !!!!, and the main reason this came up is a money making deal who are pushing the redicious idea of global warming..... California was first here, what happened ? unleaded gas, and catalytic converters slowed the pollution...... so this in fact tells me how much BS these global / climate change idiot know....... NOTHING! except getting in the working mans pocket.
  7. _Wilson_™


    there forecasting severe thunderstorms Tues, Wed, and Thurs for us with just rain moving in this morning..... they say a much better chance of tornatic weather with this round, so we're starting with mid 40's this AM..... so far the pressure is holding, and not a word from MTEARS yet, so we shall see.
  8. he has made such a fool of himself..... he's right up there with spotted al bore, on all this fake global warming and climate change, there's NO SUCH THING AS GLOBAL WARMING OR CLIMATE CHANGE, it seasonal spring summer fall and winter etc..... I'm so sick of the idiots...... trying to feed us lies.... all these so call experts..... know oohing at all, they just want to control us, and feed us BS, I'm sorry for going off the rails fish, but this mess burns me up, and anyone who believes this garbage just tells one thing, it's frightening how many idiot this country has in it....... i say more power to those who love big powerful cars trucks etc.... and they can take those electric bug cars and show them where the sun don't shine, because there not a chance in h--l I'll give up my gas / diesel burning equiptment! let um try..... cause it's not going to be too comfortable for them when i shove my big size 12 boot where there mommy used to shove the thermometer. Edit: if they had any brains at all they would dealing harshly with the one going street, and perscription drug problems...... you get busted once, maybe you live, twice ? put them in old sparky flip the switch, that will send a clear message!!
  9. i got that handled...... but you don't need to run that tractor if the exhaust is in fact glowing, I'm just telling you, but you do what you wish, IMO you should joine here https://forums.yesterdaystractors.com/ long ago and seek those guys thoughts, because your tractor has a number of issues (from what you've posted) too many for me to address....... i wish you alot of luck on getting it fixed.... and when you do, DON'T LET ANYONE ELSE TINKER WITH IT!!
  10. i had to think about this, but i seem to recall you Bcs and myself all watching live pd, and chatting in the coffee time chat, and all the sudden it got real inactve in the chat room i believe it was a very attractive female office that pulled a driver over...... i recall a comment about how attractive she was...... so yeah.... now i recall a few of us here really enjoyed that reality show. this movie looks good! (ambulance) I'm a fan of jake, but i hate he was even associated wi to the movie broke back mountain, talk about a sick a-- movie ESPECIALLY about cowboys, and NO!!!! i have never watched and never will..... anyways hers the Ambulance movie trailer. also that old sitcom Emergancy comes on at 4 PM today on direct channel 323, runs today from 4 PM - 10 PM
  11. fish....... we who liked t he show live pd.... might have lost out for now, but i see reelz (channel 238 on direct tv) has new episodes of jail, i just told Bcs about it..... thought you might it, but i don't recall if you watched live pd, before it was pulled off the air, i think you did ? you should check out jail.
  12. WonderMonkey, AKATV, and Mac thank you all for the kind words, thoughts, and prayers.
  13. if you haven't seen concussion it comes on this evening @ 6:54 direct channel 526, it's based on true life facts, it's about CTE (chronic traumatic encephalopathy) a disorder that causes brain trama in football players
  14. I couldn't agree more, thank you for the kin words thoughts, and prayer Bcsman, just hanging out reading, has helped me so much.
  15. well..... i was thinking the same, I'd like to see that tried with an elm tree.
  16. thank you TBIder, just dealing with it as best i can.
  17. if it's not posted anywhere, i might add it to the handy forums link thread if need be, y'all just let me know, or anyone else can add it, it's fine with me, just as long as we help newer members navigate the forums better.
  18. I think newswr members have to make a few public post here before they can access to PM's @Fishfiles is this right, or has it changed ?
  19. thank you 87Iroc i appreciate your kindness.
  20. that's alot quicker then most non commercail wood splitters !!! @bcsman check that out ^^^^ Purdy slick, but I'd still have use that razor sharp fiskars spitting axe...... mine couldn't keep up with him, even with that 4 way slip on wedge..... of corse, mine is a stand up lay down model, vertical spitting was always a tad faster.
  21. yeah that polished nickel rear end looks great, is this like a chrome plating just plated with nickel ? the rear almost looks like a ford nine inch.... at quick glance, but when i looked back..... i believe it's bigger..... but I'm all in for a rear end with a pinion tail straddle bearing like the rear of the 300 has.
  22. backfiring out the exhaust ? or sneezing [backfiring) out of the carb ? driving it just that short distance makes me think it's the carb, because i don't recall you ever posting about have the timing altered, but didnt you have someone mess with carb ?
  23. _Wilson_™


    we made it okay here, not much of anything, however i was looking forword to letting the claps of thunder help me sleep....(sigh) just a few claps.....no flooding, no hail, no downed limbs / trees, no tornadoes, but the wind ? had to be up around 40-50 mph gust at times, the good thing is MTEARS storm spotters didnt have much to say.
  24. hm..... interesting this critter has polished nickle ? I've never heard of anyone using polished nickle for customizing, the turbo model would be a silver 12v92 some called them a silver 92.... it was rare to find these big long engines in trucks, if you did,? most times they only came in conventional trucks (long nose, not cab overs) also the 16v71 -16v92 for there size they didnt stack up against.... the cummins, or cat engines, but to me they will always be a classic, with a very distinctive.... design, and sound.
  25. _Wilson_™


    the line is just about to cross us, but all MTEARS is saying is severe storms.....I'm just now seeing lightening flashes, and hearing the static on the grundig short wave radio, pretty heavy static discharges...... hope y'all faired well fish..... I'm sure to be sump pumping out my storm shelter later but I've got to cook me something to eat (not eaten in a couple days) just fruit juice water, and coffee, just haven't felt like eating till today.
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