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Everything posted by _Wilson_™

  1. lol! yeah you see outfits like that at talledage...... they get crazy down there.
  2. i wonder if anyone here will bite ? lol......i reminded of a good old song (take this job and shove it) :D we warned um... they made there bed now lay in it NO sympathy from me!
  3. _Wilson_™


    ouch! man alive! i hope none was injured....... the worst one we have here scoured pavement up...... just carved a dirt path right across U.S. highway 43 in lawranceburge TN...... and completely flattened a lumber distributer ware house..... and channel 2,4 and 5 put in a request for people in the surounding counties to gather lumber tickets...... so the company could do there taxes and it was comfirmed a extremly strong F-5..... i hope that never happens again. because....i watched it play out over myders fire department, and community center.... sheets of tin, paper cardboard, insulation.... etc came raining down.... we were super lucky that monster did hit usstraight on.
  4. yep, if one sinks that girl, she stuck! i wonder if it's fwd.....no manaul locking hubs on the front, so it could have military top loading axles, I've seen some guys convert over to those before..... talk about a tough setup.
  5. good eye fish!! yeah..... i sure did, that's the only medium duty chevy, or GM truck I've ever seen with a split window..... i wonder if it was a factory install, or custom add..... my guess would be a specail order from GM..... what do you think ? I've have seen those old square body Chevys that myself and jeep like, with two small wire antennas in the glass...... starts out at the bottom center, and goes up and one turns right, and the other turns left.... i looked for a pic but couldn't locate one...... something else i noticed, no door handle in plain veiw.... a six door, with a camper shell ?? talk about a bad a-- suburban....., i figured @jeepwm69 would have flipped out over this like i did.
  6. uh hu........ my kind of truck, just needs a bull bar, and heavy duty bumper with a winch.....and a cummins plant, most likey has a 3208 cat, or 427, or 366 industrial gas engine, both Re good engines, we have a straight grain truck with a 427, and a spreader truck with a 366, and they both are super tough engine, i wouldn't have a 3208 v-8 cat...... wished i had more pics of this rig, but both our trucks have the same nose,..... but the body and split wind shield ? that's a new one....toss two big cab clearance lights would have to go! and she would have to be 4x4...... two speed rear ends and manual trans...... and i favor blue and white paint...... west coat mirrors.... instead of those small chevy, and no grab bars on the body..... delete the horn on the roof, And add a train horn under the body...... and Alcoa wheels.
  7. yeah....... in the documentary there were three guys that went in to drain water off so if the core melted down it would not hit water and explode radiation into the air...... from what happened those three saved alot people, and didnt suffer from exposure to radiation..... the part that got me was the coal miners..... tunneling under the plant to build a hudge cooling system....... they also say.. the suits the firefighter safety gear is still stored and extremely radio active..... and there was a show on the plant, and something was mentioned about radioactive lava....... this is supposed to be a real picture from inside the plant (1st, and last) middle shows where it was formed.
  8. thanks fish..... i had no idea they had defrent switches.. if i recall right ? mine (which is a wide open brand) had 2 the instructions don't show, and it's been over 5 years sence i took the switch apart to add a heavy duty spring, and fine tune the gear clearance.
  9. happy belated birthday shade..... I've been away a while so just catching up.
  10. it was for me to....... could you imagine.... being in that situation ? i couldn't take responsibility for that jerks mistake...... no telling how many people died, and came down with thyroid cancer because he was so arogant.... and people are still coming down sick..... years after this happen...... i can't post here what i think should have been done to him. i believe you'll like den of thieves, i figured you had seen before, but if you haven't the next showing is sat 4/2 @ 4:00 PM on direct tv channel 265 A&EHD or plain A&H same channel same time, METV Nashville WFJB IND channel 66 HD is bringing back that old show emergancy..on April 4th, I'm glad some of those old shows are coming back, sure beats whats dumb sitcoms there coming out with nowa days..... they even brought back Gillian's island..... i believe it's on sundance channel 239, and also on METV channel 66
  11. _Wilson_™


    i forgot to mention MTEARS came online (amature radio) last night.....so i and them broad casting on one of baofeng radios.... while watching the lightening and hearing the rumbles of thunder..... all i heard were reports of flooding..... not much of anything else...... how ever i have read that tornado alley has been on the move from the year 1980...... i didn't .ike hearing of this news, because we have been hit hard in the past, and now there's a chance it could get much worse ?? if i live long enough i may have to move....... fish and i have been talking over the last few days o er radio... and i believe we are on the same page... he and i both have a few radios, ham, marine, 10 meter conversions, baofeng grundig short wave radios, and icom....so I've been thinking of starting a thread,.... we both agree, if society falls, one better have away of communicating.....
  12. speeking of the movie life, wasn't that critters name Calvin ? and no fish i don't think you should veiw that one...you might have bad dreams for a while........ man i could go on and on about movies.....I'll tell you another documentary to see...... Chernobyl 5 part show...i don't really know if this documentery was based on actually facts... or some made up...... but its said that accident was the fall of Russia..... but a real eye opener!
  13. fish....... i ended finding the movie bullitt...... i enjoyed every minute of it...... any of you fellas watched den of thieves ? i thought the movie was great especially the ending.
  14. _Wilson_™


    we just had alot rain...... a few rumbles of thunder, and some high wind, but nothing too bad, i just sat turned off the lights and watched the lightening light up the night sky...... helps me think.... anyways not to ramble on..... but fish i did have the ipad on watching the radar down around your area glad y'all wearnt effected, i hope everyone came out okay, this ight be a year for severe. weather for the southeast.
  15. Bcs ....... I'm speechless,..... and ashamed i have been away so long (fish told me about this) and i am shocked, and sorry, you have helped me over some rough times, you fish, wheeler, and wondermonkey, along with others here..... i can never repay this group for the friendship...... Bcs my thoughts and prayers for you, and your family, if there's anything you wish to talk about plz let me know.
  16. did the detent balls come out ? they gave me a fit putting the switch back together.....when i went to fine tune mine, i wonder if wheeler, jeep, wheeler, or Mac had that happen along with anyone else here who has a 424 kickout, i take it the switch is the same on the warn as it is on the wide open model, i would think so.
  17. i may watch then1st part, if I'm home, I'm still very disappointed in what NASCAR did over the last few years...... the sport never will be the same.
  18. eh..... it was okayish...... not one I'd look forward to seeing again.
  19. i agree it wasn't what i was expecting..... ether...... i think he was venom too.
  20. i don't know once him, and his wife.... started behaving very strange, i stopped following his career.
  21. yeah thats right, thanks my bad.... how about way of the gun....and the hunted......
  22. how about any which way you can, and every which way you can......both great movies, a couple more .... Memphis belle, and flight with Denzel Washington.
  23. _Wilson_™


    well..... i was expecting more then just a dusting...... so just cloudy and cold.
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