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Everything posted by PROV

  1. I found years ago that mounting it that way is much faster to get at. It rides just inside the fenders so I won't smack it on a tree. I mount it mostly level so it doesn't stick up higher than anything else for the same reason. I've converted my son and several of my buddies to this method. I also have a shotshell holder mounted so I can grab shells fast as I dismount.
  2. I was with my buddy at his hunting land in Texas. Between his land and a nearby friends I mowed trails all over a combined 600 acres. It was in the 90's every day and 97 yesterday. Also put up feeders, cameras and checked deer stands. One afternoon it was 95 and the hitch broke on the mower. Lots of fun welding in those temps. Saw tons of deer, quite a few turkeys and some quall. To bad he had a Piglarus to pull the mower.💩
  3. Should be able to post a picture Monday or so when I get back home. Anchor is very inexpensive too...under $20 I think. Have had to use it several times. When you are alone 20 miles in the bush from the hunting shack it's great to have. We don't have cell service in that area so you better be wearing good boots.
  4. All the above. I also carry a sand anchor you would use in a small boat. Where we get stuck in the loon s#+t there usually isn't a decent tree to hook a winch to. I plant the anchor in a beaver dam or in the scrub and winch out. Very light. If you're interested I can post a picture when I get back home.
  5. Wilson, your A coil should not ice up at all. Coil should never reach freezing. Your problem is either air movement past the coil or it's level of refrigerant. Check your filter. If that's clean and blower is normal it's probably refrigerant. Do not use high efficiency filters, they plug too fast and restrict air flow. In spite of the claims of filter manufactures, furnaces are not meant to filter out your household air, the filter is there to protect the blower motor. Also, each refrigerant has a spec for which compressor oil it runs with. You cannot put modern refrigerants in with older non-specified oil or it will eventually wreck your compressor. This was in effect in 2006 when I was doing it and has not changed.
  6. Ruffed grouse are very tasty. White meat about like chicken. One bird will feed one person. You can shoot five a day and have ten in possession. A large majority of hunters won't do that good.
  7. Grouse flush like they are shot out of a cannon. You need to be pretty fast to be successful. They can run to beat heck too. They are so high strung that they cannot be raised or held in captivity.
  8. PROV


    Wife said weather at home didn't amount to much. When we arrived here in Texas yesterday it was 92 F but low humidity so not terrible. 63 F this morning. Very nice, turkey's and deer running around. Saw really nice 10 pointer. Gonna get hot again today. We are about 90 miles dead east of Amarillo.
  9. Bear season is about over here but I didn't do that. We did shack work and mowing/brushing. Ruffed grouse season opens September 18th. That is my main passion and my hunting shack is smack in the middle of the wildest country and best grouse hunting in the continental U.S. My friend was headed to Texas though and I went with since I've never been here. Hoping to wack a few coyotes as I mentioned on another post. Just arrived today and be home on the 20th. Then I'll grouse hunt a couple days when we get back take a couple days to regroup and go back for 15 days straight. That will be a good start. Told my wife I will see her at Thanksgiving. 😁
  10. PROV


    It finally rained off and on for a week and temps have been in the 60's - 70's which is fantastic. But now I'm on my way to Texas with a buddy to his hunting land and it's supposed to be in the 90's.... yikes!! Gonna see if I can wack a few coyotes and feral hogs.
  11. I was tent camping once and heard a noise by my truck. Shined a flashlight on it and there were 3 racoons. One held the topper door open while the other 2 unlatched the lid to my food box. They ate my crackers. I hollered at them to get out of there until they left. The next night they took a bag of marshmallows out of the hands of a 4 year old at a site next to me. I wacked him with a piece of firewood. Night number 3 I got out my wrist rocket and some ball bearings. You should have heard the one howl that I hit in the forehead.
  12. Closing areas because of eagles is BS. I've seen tons of nesting eagles in populated areas. They are commonly seen in and over our town, along highways etc. Friend had them build a nest right over his cabin. They have a nest between a lake shore drive and a lake where we fish and they watch cars go by all day. You can't find a road killed deer on the side of the road without eagles and vultures on it. Sorry for your friend.
  13. Wolves are a beautiful animal but the large number of them is really taking down the deer population. Turkey Vulture's and eagles have really rebounded since they got rid of DDT. Biggest killer of eagles now is each other battling for territory.
  14. Finally remembered to swap chips on my trail cam at the hunting camp. Here's a few pics. Plenty of timberwolves. Camera is 50 yards from the cabin.
  15. I have used a come-along hooked to the garage rafters to put it up on blocks too. Do one end at a time.
  16. He wasn't moving after I visited him the next day 😃
  17. Me and my hunting shack partners son were up at the hunting shack last two days. He works for a logging outfit and borrowed their skid steer and mower to clear our trails. I checked on him when he was about 1/2 done then took off for my deer stand and brushed 500 yards of shooting lane. Got dumped on by 4 different rain storms. When I got back to him it turned out the skid steer didn't start after I left. Went and got tools and back to him. Had a funky relay. Hooked the jumper cables up to the Rubicon, gave it 15 minutes to charge, wiggled the relay and it started up. What a day. Good thing I didn't have to drag him out ...I might have needed low gear.😅
  18. PROV


    A nice light steady rain here since supper time through tomorrow. Has greatly helped the forest fires. The big one has not gained any ground the last 4 days and is about 40% contained.
  19. PROV


    We could use quite a bit more but my lawn has rebounded nicely. Roofing crew was here this morning to reroof my garage and repair the holes. 7 guys had it tore off, replaced boards and reroofed in three hours. I just dragged the magnet around making sure there were no nails.
  20. Quite a few oxen we're used here in the early days of logging. Streams and rivers were utilized but could be labor intensive, unreliable and did not pay to skid very far. When logging railroads were introduced that's when the logging got really intense. To log my hunting area they had a 123 mile main access line with over 1000 miles of spurs off of that. Many I can still follow through the woods and have found many old log camp sites.
  21. PROV


    When we have an outage I use my EU2000. Run my freezer, fridge, lights etc. A bit over 2 gallons in 24 hours.
  22. They are thinning pine right across the road from me. This is a forwarder that loads finished logs out to the truck. Harvester ran this morning. Cuts off the tree, slicks off the limbs, cuts to length and stacks for the forwarder.
  23. PROV


    Glad to hear you are ok Fish. Clean up isn't a real fun hobby but I know where you're coming from.
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