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Everything posted by shadetree

  1. OP, too bad your not close ?, i just finished up a 1993 trx300ex the other day, my bud wants 1500 for it. its not new body wise ?, but the motor got my touch !..lol.
  2. yes, i ride my motorcycles, '85 vf700c magna, and '08 shadow spirit 750, big diff between a motorcycle, and a atv..lol. yes..i can and have road sport atvs for testing reasons ?, but i will never own one !..lol.
  3. its all automated, lol, i gave up..course...you knew this...right ?..lol. ( and yes..i did try to call them ).
  4. pull up the micro fich, you will see clutch cable on the left lever, in the pic he posted ^^..you can see the clutch cable leading down to the right side case, which is where the clutch is on most atvs.
  5. sounds dumb, they even have a clutch cable running to the right side, but you can still shift it semi-auto ?, yeah..dumb in my book. glad i don't ride sport atvs..lol.
  6. it has a clutch, you must pull the clutch lever in order to keep from stalling, or..be dang good at your throttle and timing ?!..lol.
  7. the only reason i brought up the bonded title subject ?, is because i've been there..done that !..lol. its ok to get a title ?, but like i said...10-20-30 yrs from then..me, or whoever gets stopped, and come find out it was reported stolen way back when ?, i'm out my ride..or they are, then your screwed so to speak. i will never do it again..lol.
  8. wire wheel. trust me, when i paint it ?, you will never see those fins...cept silver ?..lol.
  9. off road vehicles is totally diff than road worthy ones, off road you do not need tags, insurance, where is on roads..you must have insurance, tags, taxes paid, all that crap..this is deff a road issue !..lol.
  10. gone as far as i can go on the engine build until i get an oil pump ?, started working on the front hubs/brakes/a-arms...what a mess !..lol.
  11. well..for starters..if i sold a part to some one, and they did not get it in a certain amount of time ?, then yes, i would refund them..i'm too honest ..maybe i need to start ripping folks off ?..hmmm..i'll think about that part. the good news is, at least i got the rear brake panel in today, so not all faith is lost...yet !. monday is a holiday, so he's got a couple more days for it to show. your prob right, i should just buy a new pump, at least i know it will get here !..lol. last but not least...this is NOT my build, this is for the guy i work with..its HIS money that is footing the bill on this..not me !.
  12. tell ya what..you pay for the next part...how about that ?. if ya ain't got nothing good to say..then don't say anything.
  13. UPDATE: well, i got as far as i could, seeing how i still don't have my oil pump and fan ?, so now i must wait until monday, if my pump is not here by the end of the day monday ?, i will ask for my money back, i dont have time to dittle dattle around, playing '' where's my parts '' !!!, screw that crap. so for now, i am on hold on the engine, guess i will go back to cleaning the frame and other parts for now, i'm not a happy camper right now, fair warning !!! : my blood pressure is through the roof right now !.
  14. mail man just ran, NO OIL PUMP, NO FAN !!!. I KNEW I SHOULDA JUST BOUGHT A NEW OIL PUMP !!!..( SIGH ).
  15. i'll make it simple even you can understand !..a bonded title is only to register the object in your name once you file for a bonded title. if and when 30 years down the road, you/someone gets stopped by the law, they run a vin number check, and it comes back stolen ?, your out the object, and all that money you paid for restoring it, and tags, bonded title fee, all of it, kiss it good bye. if you are in arkansas ?, this is how it works !. YOU CAN NOT FILE FOR A LOST TITLE IN ARKANSAS..ONLY THE OWNER CAN !. bill of sales don't mean crap these days in a court of law..but the title, or bill of origin from the factory/dealer/first owner will make it all simple. now do you understand, or do i need to draw you a picture ?..rofl.
  16. if the title is lost ?, then who/what ever sucker buys this ?, will have to file for a bonded title, and this does not give the new owner a 100% owner ship !!!. from the sounds of it, it would be an upside down buy for who ever buys this, cuz its gonna cost more money to replace all the parts than what it would to just go out and buy a complete running can-am in decent shape.
  17. just checked the tracking number for my parts from 1080, no oil pump in little rock, but the dang brake panel is there !? ( thank god ! ), i dont know what the heck took place once my parts left kemp,tx ?, but i'm not a happy camper one bit !. if i dont get my oil pump by monday ?, i will ask for my money back..THIS IS NOT HOW YOU IMPRESS A MOD ON THIS FORUM !..LOL. gonna go out to the shop here in a bit, and start putting the engine together as far as i can ?, then work with some other parts that i have to replace. ya'll say a prayer for me !..rofl.
  18. welcome to our forums, glad ya found us !!. nothing but the best honda owners and mechanics here !.
  19. and the oil pump and fan still does not show to be in little rock from memphis ?, holy crap man,
  20. just tracked the rear brake back panel, it went from kemp tx, straight to little rock as of right now. say's i wont get it until tuesday ?..good thing i'm not in a hurry for the rear brake area on my build..lol.
  21. no, i need my dang parts !!!. and you need to go build an atv !..rofl.
  22. I'm prob wrong here ?, but is this cedar its splitting ?..try that on red oak or white oak, or better yet..hickory , see how much it bog's down ?..lol.
  23. update: well, some good news, and some bad news today !. got my crank, cylinder, shindy piston kit in, MOST of my large orders from rmatv, and partzilla ( had to get the pinion gear from partzilla, rmatv did not have it in stock ), got my new rear brake drum in SNAIL MAIL in my mail box, only part that i ordered from rmatv that i placed on one of my large order's was the new rear axle, they show it to be here on the 11th by fedex , which is on a sunday...AND I KNOW FEDEX DOES NOT RUN ON SUNDAYS HERE !. then i got one last order from rmatv, have no idea where the freak it's at ?, cuz when i go to track it, it says ( pretty much...( we wont tell you where its at ! )..lol. i called rmatv right after i had a chat session with someone, got the same ole b.s. as to why they split orders up, but only give you one tracking number ?!. finally called them, AND LET THEM HAVE IT..BOTH FREAKING BARRELS !!!. some of ya'll will take this crap..and let carriers get by with getting over on you ?..I WON'T PUT UP WITH THE CRAP !. anyway, after my blood pressure goes back down, maybe i might try putting my engine together ?..oh wait...i can't ?..CUZ I STILL DON'T HAVE THE FREAKING OIL PUMP THAT WAS SUPPOSE TO BE HERE 2 DAYS AGO ??!!!..WELL CRAP !!.
  24. @jeepwm69, sorry bro. catfish wanted the used parts from the trx500tm today when he dropped off the cylinder, crank, and piston kit, i said you could have them ?, but he asked for them, had to hand them over seeing how he paid for brand new parts.
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