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Posts posted by shadetree

  1. 8 hours ago, ChadD said:

    Yes and I even read through the manual and made sure that each fork went into the appropriate gear. I'm sure it something little I am over looking and it really ! me off.

    ok, well, lets take a step back shall we ?. first things first, double check that all the gears are facing the correct way when installed on the main shaft ( tip : you can look at the matting other gear , and see wear marks ! ), and the counter shaft ?. second: make sure all washers are where they are suppose to be ?, if my memory is still good on this model ( that don't say much..lol ), there should be a thrust washer on the bottom of both shafts when you install them down in the case ?, I don't have my service manual in front of me to verify this ?, so please check !. when stacking the tranny, you will need to slide the output shaft down in the rear case bearing, this means there should be a large gear sitting down in there when you slide the shaft down in, and through the gear. third: place the correct shift fork in its correct spot, with letters facing up, R on bottom, C in center, F on top. MAKE SURE YOUR INSTALLING THE TRANNY INTO THE CORRECT CASE !!!!, if your installing all of this in the wrong case ?, then it all will be backwards !!..surelyyyyyyy your not doing this....right ??..lol. ). forth, move the shift forks out of the way a tad, so you can install the shift drum, pin faces up, slotted end down. fifth : carefully with a mech's pick ( its what I use, reach down in between the shift forks and shift drum, and lift the forks up, and into the correct groove on the shift drum. yes, you must lift them a tad, if your not doing this ?, then your not getting them into the shift drum groove !. sixth : once all forks are into the shift drum grooves, oil up the fork shaft, carefully slide it down into each shift fork, this is tricky, cuzz as your doing this, you run the risk of moving the shift fork tang out of the shift drum grooves !, this is why I use my mech pick too steady them as I am installing the tangs into the shift drum.


    At this point is makes no difference if the shift drum is not in neutral or not ?, you will get to that point here soon, so don't worry about it for now. after you get that all installed, install the reverse idle gear, thrush washer on top of it, thrust washer sits on top of large gear. I don't recall if a thrust washer sits down on shifting shaft at this point or not ?, check the manual to see BEFORE you install upper engine case half !!. matter of fact, double, triple check all places where a thrust washer may go BEFORE you install upper case half !. At this point, you can now lower the upper case half down on the lower case half.

    . install your oil pump on the crank, the oil pump must be lowered down in there as your installing the centrifugal clutch primary gear, bolt the oil pump lines down, install the change clutch, don't forget to make sure all washers are installed where they should be ?!!. there is a large washer that goes under the change clutch. do not install the centrifugal clutch yet , you need the room to stack all the shifting shaft parts in here. slide the thrust washer down on the shifting shaft, carefully line up the star wheel with the small pin, and the hole in it, install the center bolt in the star wheel. check to make sure which way the shifting parts stack next. slide the shifting arm down on the shaft, it will only spline down on it one way, as you get to the case, notice which way the tang on it sits down in between the return spring ?!. now attach the long spring to the hole in the metal bracket, if you followed the manual, post a pic so we can see how you installed everything ?. if everything is down in there right ?, install your centrifugal clutch, washer, it has words on it, says '' this side out '', make sure you install it on the crank facing the correct way ?!. hit it with your air impact, double, triple check all your work, slide cover on, couple bolts hand tight, then just barely snug them.


    Now flip the motor over. on this side, your output shaft has a large gear that slides on it, then a large thin washer, if I remember right, there is another gear that sits right next to it ?, ( again..i dont have my manual sitting in front of me ..sooo..if I am wrong ?..please dont sue me !..lol ) find the end of the shift drum, there should be a pin or two that pokes up from it ?, install them if it calls for them. find the gear position cup, and the reverse stop lever. install the reverse stop part, if installed right, the long end of it should face about 4 o'clock position ( give or take ), next install the gear position cup, then bolt it onto the end of the shift drum, next locate the reverse stop lever, it has a spring that wraps around it, with a hook on one end. carefully install the lever with long end facing the stopper part, it should rest right at about the 4 o'clock spot under the tang sticking off the reverse part. install thrust washer on reverse lever shaft. check the tang on gear position switch, longer end faces letter N on top of switch. double, triple check all your work. its best to make sure your shift drum had that slot facing that section on the case before you installed the parts to the end of it ?, this should give you neutral from here on out ?. slide case on after you re-checked all your work, couple bolts hand tight. sit motor up. vise grips on shaft on left side, reach around to the output shaft, try spinning it , it should free spin if you have it in neutral ?, lift up on vise grips, you should now be in 1st, try spinning output shaft again, it should be very hard to turn. if you have another pair of vise grips ?, I clamp them on the output shaft to spin it. if you found first ?, lift up on vise grips, while your spinning output shaft at the back, you should hear it '' click '' so to speak ?, means your now in 2nd. keep doing this through all 5 gears ( this is a 5 speed ). if all checks out, now just shift back down, while spinning output shaft. once you get back down to neutral, it should stop there, you wont be able to go to reverse until you get the reverse cable attached to the reverse lever to pull the shaft, to lower that tang inside, so the shift drum will rotate further.


    If I got something out of line here ?, I am sorry, its hard to do from memory, please forgive me :-). 

  2. 1 hour ago, ChadD said:

    Well got the cases back together and everything required to turn the motor and shift it. Doing the same thing. Grabbed a cold one and shut up the garage and came in the house. Also found this hiding on the bench. Anybody have a clue where it might go? 



    its a thrust washer, which and where ?, I could not tell ya.

  3. 9 hours ago, ChadD said:

    Lol. Shadetree that's exactly what I was thinking. I have went back through the manual and I can't find a thing wrong with it. This is exactly how it came out. Looks right to me.


    in this pic, looking straight down once its all in case, could you see all letters facing up on shift forks ?. if not ?, then one of the shift forks was upside down.

  4. 12 minutes ago, cflor said:

    i did.   thank you for the tip.   I do like this little thing.   it's pretty fun to ride and working on has been actually not too bad either   ( compared to wrenching on a superjet)

    depending on what all parts you may need in the future ?, I think ???..my bud may still have one or two of these in his bone yard ?, keep us updated on your build !.

  5. 8 minutes ago, cflor said:

    my son's early xmas present was a 91 trx200d that was a mess.   plan to finish taking her back to stock form and making it as usable as a 91 was back in the day.   it was gutted, bent and built up with parts off other honda's that happened to fit from the kids that had it before us. 


    I see you found us !. those D models are pretty nifty, spec the rear trunk !.

  6. Just now, Macarena Man said:

    Let the 350 4Trax go about a year ago.  It was Father's Day, and a young family had driven 80 miles to have a look at it.  He'd had one before that he'd inherited and sold.  It went to a good home. It's mixed feelings, but just didn't have the room anymore. 😎

    I am working on a blue '88 trx350D foreman 4x4, you can drive down here to buy it a few months..lol.

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  7. when you get all the inside together, when it comes time at the very front, make sure your putting the star wheel back onto the end of the shift drum facing down on the small pin, where the center bolt goes ?. before you tighten down the case bolts, use the emergency shifter ( or whatever you got ? ) to shift through all the gears, and make sure it shifts correctly. at the back end, make sure the reverse lock-out piece is installed and facing the correct direction on the end of the shift drum.

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  8. unless you did not get a shift fork in the correct groove on the shift drum ?, I would just pull the whole assembly out, stack it back together, and install it all over again, paying close attention as you go, making sure all your gears are on the shaft's facing the correct way. make sure your shift forks have their letters facing up, R on bottom, C in middle, and last one on top, which would be F.

  9. 1 minute ago, Fishfiles said:

    Gramps use to always have saying for everything , one he used , paraphrasing him was " if you don't learn something new everyday , you are not paying attention to  life " ------ my problem now days is remembering what I learned  , CRS ( can't remember .... )  is a terrible thing


    I worked with a pipeline mechanic named Wilton Shaw , he was about 75 and still working in the early 80s when I was coming up in the Operator Union ,  he  could fix anything with a hammer , a  crescent wrench , his pocket  knife  and his imagination  , he use to always say " son , I forgot more than you will ever know " , I can relate to where he was coming from  now 


    another good one old Shaw you to tell some of them hands , " son , I seen stupid and I seen lazy , bit I ain't never seen the likes of you " LOL 

    I wonder if this wilton  was related to anywhere in my family tree ??..lol.

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  10. 16 minutes ago, Fishfiles said:

    What makes it all good , is people from all over the country and world , with different lifestyles and goals ,  getting together to help one another out with a common goal , having fun on atv's 

    and most of us here have been together for a very long time !.

  11. 7 hours ago, fatcat said:

    That would be great. Shadetree has helped me big time on this project so far. You guys all chipped in while I was struggling with spark. So glad I found this forum!! I will be sure to post pictures/video when I get her finished up enough to pull my daughters on the sled. I’m racing the snowfall here in north west Indiana. It’ll be here before I know it and the kiddos are patiently waiting for Dad to get the new toy going. Again, thanks for everyone’s help!! Pat 

    like I have been telling ya, there are some great members here !!!!!, some i've known for 10 years, others not so much ?, but the one thing I can count on ?..IS ONE OF THEM WILL ALWAYS STEP UP, AND HELP ANOTHER MEMBER OUT HERE !!!!, I never can thank these members enough ! :-).

    • Like 1

  12. ran into a slight snag on rear swing arm late lastnight, while finishing up tightening the swing arm bolts, left rear went in no prob, right rear bolt went in ok, but when I started to torque it down ?, I then could grab the rear swing arm, lift it, then it would get in a spot, and bind ?, well crap, this tells me the swing arm bearings are not as good as I had thought ?, must have flat spots on the rollers ?, because the race was pretty good. sooooooooo..i had to put in an order for two new rear swing arm bearings. these were removed from the front swing arm, and used in the rear swing arm, as the rear swing arm bearings fell apart when I dropped it from the get-go. just a small set-back, no biggie..whats more money spent huh ?!..lol.

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  13. 4 hours ago, Macarena Man said:

    New guy here . . . have a pair of old Foreman 450's.

    Like to learn new stuff, and looking forward to learning here.

    Glad to be here!


    now...you know dang well...anytime your with us reg's ?..YOU LEARN EVERY DAY !. I just learned today that the honda trx300fw's all do not have the same length air filter element ?!!.. ( credit goes to fish ) who says ya can't teach old dogs new tricks ?!!!!..lol.

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