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Yearly rendezvous ? Why not!

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Hey yall, I was thinkin, wouldnt it be a good time if we could meet up once a year for a 3-4 day camp and ride? Maybe we could organize a yearly get together. I would think some of you guys would really like to do something like that. I know that it would be something I would surely look forward to. We could do different places every year at our places, or even campgrounds around areas we know,  im sure some of us have places big enough to accommodate a bunch of us. I have a 8 acre spread with a couple horse pastures, a stream running through, one pasture is perfect to camp in, stream runs right through it, excellent water quality, could set up a campground that could hold a bunch of us. Campers, tents, whater ya wanted to come with, could even bring family make a vacay out if it! We could ride right out of here and get right up into the mountains. And again im sure theres a few of ya that have places we could meet up also.

Just a thought,  so I thought I would throw it out there and see what you guys thought.

what better way to spend a few days - a week , whatever, getting together for some good riding, camping, kickin back, im sure we would have a great time and would get to ride all over the country.

What you guys think?

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We've talked about meet, and greet for a while (a couple years now) but with what's going with this covid-19 going around .....  I think it's best we Waite and see on this .... At least , For a while .... Many here have had there lives changed, from being  forced to adjust, to work from home, others getting prepared/prepped,  and those of us who are worried about sick family members .....and alarge crowd gathering is just not a good idea at this point in time, but thank you for bringing this up..... It's still a future plan. 

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Absolutely, would not be a good year to actually do it, but theres always next year! it would probably take us a good year just to get it organized, thinkin we could chat about it at least and maybe develop a plan for a future meet! 

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Too far for me to travel, especially crossing a boarder

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Maybe we could explore a central location to everyone interested, when all the present challenges going on in the country right now blow over, and we getback to the norm we could find out who is interested and explore some lactations that may be doable for all !

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I had brought up before , to maybe have chapters , north central , south central , maybe east coast , west coast --- 


Thinking about what you said ,"  get back to normal"  , I was thinking about things last night and wonder if things will ever get back to how they were  , after this is over and will it ever really be over , can the virus be totally removed from society ????, hmmm , I think people will be more cautious of interacting with other people from here on out , this could easily happen again , I know my hand shaking days are over , I don't even know about a knuckle knock ----  LOL 


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Something to think about for sure!

this may be the new Normal, but again if we have to live life in a bubble so to speak 

were does that leave us?? I understand this Virus has actually been around for a while, why all the sudden is the world stricken with it in epidemic proportions? Will we ever really know the How, Why, and Where this actually manifested? We know what we are told,  and have to change our lives accordingly. This is definitely a game changer, as to what extent? Who knows guess we can only wait this out to see how it actually affects us with the way we live our life's. But one things for sure! It is not for the better!!

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Stevie , I was one of the ones that was GunHo about getting a meet and greet together , I was volunteering   myself as DJ , Cook and Bar Tender , LOL , I hope that one day it is going to happen ----right now ,  I hope I can get my riding parties back up and running every weekend , it is the thing I miss the most since Corona , there isn't much more fun then riding thru the mud in the woods with friends , eating and drinking and forgetting about your problems at least for the day 

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You can count me in if its ever put together, your right thats always a good time, I would not have a problem driving out to wherever to join in on a get together. 
so count me in im all for it basically anywhere it may be!!

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On 3/21/2020 at 8:36 AM, TBRider said:

Too far for me to travel, especially crossing a boarder

Pfft, hop in with me! When things get back to normal lets gooooo!

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17 minutes ago, Fishfiles said:

Stevie , I was one of the ones that was GunHo about getting a meet and greet together , I was volunteering   myself as DJ , Cook and Bar Tender , LOL , I hope that one day it is going to happen ----right now ,  I hope I can get my riding parties back up and running every weekend , it is the thing I miss the most since Corona , there isn't much more fun then riding thru the mud in the woods with friends , eating and drinking and forgetting about your problems at least for the day 

Hey Fish, last time I was in Louisiana there was a worm festival going on!!

a little parish called Sopchoppy!!

ever been there?? Cool place!!

friendly people invite right in there home got lunch!!

loved it there!

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I never heard of it , googled it and this is what I found Sopchoppy is a small yet unique town located near the gulf coast; 45 minutes southwest of Tallahassee. Nestled in the heart of the Apalachicola National Forest, ... you thinking Fla. maybe and not La. LOL Worm fest , eh , what dey got dem worm burgers !!! 

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You must have had a real good time for sure  , I mean forgetting what state you were in , LOL -----    sorry to have messed up your good thoughts of La. though , we do have a good time here , but don't know about any worm Fest , LOL 

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We had a great time Fish, if I remember right we did stay in LA the night before in a campground right on the edge of a big bayou. We drove all over the eastern half of the country with a truck camper on my F 250 spent about a month and a half just checkin out the states, LA was definitely on of our favorite place everywhere we went they were the friendliest people we meant. Talk about laid back!! And yes they did have worm burgers at that worm fest !

 I didnt eat one but they actually had worms mixed in the burgers, couldn’t get past the thought of eatin them but they were sellin!! We plan on takin another trip like that in the next couple years so i will pick you up a burger and swing by for lunch!! Bring ya 2 in case you like em!! LOL!

will definitely look ya up next time we are down that way!!

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We got all kinds of Festivals ever year , come down during the season , the Alligator Fest in Luling is a good one , you can get about anything you can think of to eat , except worms , they do have rattlesnake , which like ever other exotic food , taste like chicken , but I can't see worms tasting like chicken ---- 

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Dont have any idea what worms taste like either, all they tell you is they taste like worms!  How something like that ever got started is beyond me, but they sure do make quite a deal outa that festival. There was about 500 people there doin all kinds of worm dishes, from burgers to stew, all kinds of gear for fishin with worms, and worm shockers they put the probes in ground and run current threw them , 120 volts and the worms come crawlen out! There was an entire area where they had all kinds of devices for catchin them. 

up here we want em for fishin, we go out at night and pick up big ole crawlers on the ground that come out right after dark. I always thought everybody did that. But they take it to a whole other level.

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Mix you up some Dawn dish liquid and some water and the worms come right on up out the ground , no digging ----and they be clean too , LOL 

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That yearly rendezvous would be nice if a fishing spot were close by , have a little Calcutta Rodeo for some prize money  , do a little fishing and cook the fish for the party , come on down here to New Orleans , the fishin' is great right now , and if the weather turns and we can't catch no fish , I am sure we could catch Corona !!!!  

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Back in 2013 I attended a Provincial ATV Federation Rally.... They had really good ones prior to that... Well 2013 was a bust in my eye... I had my Brute Force at the time... The  trails they picked for the ride we're crazy... flooded out beaver damns ect.. I had invited my old man who at the time drove a Yamaha Kodiak 400. He barely got thru.. bikes were getting swamped all over, trails weren't marked & people got lost.. it was a real gong show.


BUT... I'm always game for a Road Trip & adventure.. Just depends on where, when, etc....



Some of you must of heard of Ostacruiser on YouTube?? (IF not look him up!!!!!!) Well he's only oh say 5hrs from my place. They have crazy rides... I'd love to go on a ride with them, but not sure the ole Honda is the rig for his type of rides.... Still be awesome to attend one....

Edited by Wheeler
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Wolf Pen Gap in Arkansas and Red river Motorcycle Park in north Texas are a few suggestions that i can recommend. Meeting in Silverton Colorado would be great too. I know that area well enough to be a guide.

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