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Everything posted by shadetree

  1. while rocking atv...push the foot lever down..keep pushing the foot lever down..until you can roll the atv back and forth with ease ?..this will be neutral.
  2. ok, first off..the engine does not have to run in order to shift through all the gears !, you can ( or should be able too ! ) shift through all 5 forward gears, and reverse with the engine not running. if you can not do this ?, then this tells me you have issues going on with either the shift drum ?, or the ratchet paw area behind the front cover ?. DO NOT MESS WITH THE CLUTCH ADJUSTMENT FOR NOW !!!. you can remove the front cover, i do not remember if the front cover can be pulled without the front drive shaft being moved out of the way ?, its been a min sense i worked on one..lol. if you can get the front cover off without removing the front drive shaft ?..then pull the front cover. ( make sure you have an oem gasket on hand to replace the gasket that you will tear up when doing this ! ) if you do not want to drain the oil ?..you can however get the front end up pretty high, and still get the front cover off without losing oil. if you plan on replacing the engine oil anyway , with a new oil filter ?, just drain the oil then. once the front cover is off, you will need to inspect the lower right hand side ( you..at front...facing engine ), down on right hand lower side is the shifting parts you are after, there is a few parts right there that you need to get too. sometimes you can get to them without removing the change clutch ? ( clutch basket ), other times...this change clutch must come out in order to get to the shifting parts right there. i would pull the change clutch if it were me doing this. chances are anyway..those friction disk are worn out ?, now would be a great time to replace them !. If you do not see any bad parts with the shift parts right there ? ( service manual is a life savor ! )..then the worse has came to light...you will need to pull the engine, split the engine..and have a peek inside the engine to see what is wrong with the shift drum, and all those parts that make it shift gears. YES..I KNOW YOU DID NOT WANT TO HEAR THIS !!..but the real deal is...THIS MUST BE DONE !. if you have to go this route ?, then be warned, now is a good time to get a whole complete engine gasket kit, this means all gaskets, all oil seals, a D.I.D. cam chain. now yer gonna say '' why do i need all this '' ?..simple..YOU ARE TEARING IT ALL THE WAY DOWN..NOW IS THE TIME TO GIVE IT ANOTHER 30 PLUS YRS TO RUN !. last but not least, you say you are not an atv mechanic ?..well guess what bro ?,,30 plus yrs ago..NEITHER WAS I !!..LOL. we all have to learn..and hands on learning is priceless !. i've been where you are right now, i've been down that road..many..many times, hrs, days, weeks, months, yrs. never once seen a class room to learn this trade. you either save money, do it yourself ?..or..you pay someone else to make money to fix something you can do yourself..IF YOU PUT YOUR MIND TO IT !..JUST ASK BCS, he was just like you, but as of right now..with our help on here..he now knows how to work on them !.
  3. as for breaking down tire beads ?..lol..well..i've been doing this for many yrs. i always use my front tire on my truck. i will drive my truck tire up onto the tire..then carefully mind you !..work the front tire right next to the wheel bead, all i need to do is get a gap ( i noticed you had this gap when you had the board on the bead with your truck tire )..once you get a gap ?, spray some wd-40 ( this is my go-2 lube )..into the gap...or..you can use some dawn liquid soap in the gap. the trick is keep spinning the wheel..each and every time i drive my truck tire up to the wheel bead..all while working the truck tire right next to the wheel bead. i back off..spin wheel..drive back on. this has worked for me many times. the worst time i ever had was breaking down the oem tires on my '89 trx350D way back when i first restored it...took me about 1 1/2 hrs on each rim to get the bead broke down !. mind you..these were the oem tires that were on it from the time it left the factory, and never have been replaced, they were soooo rusted on the rim bead...is why it took me so long to get the bead broke down. if the rim lip is bent ? ( like i see in your last pic ) clamp some vise grips on the bent part, simply pull the bend back out. when re-mounting tires back on the wheel ?, grease both sides of the tire bead, as well as grease the wheel bead from about 2 inches from the lip..inwards, this makes it sooo much easier for the tire bead to expand ?, AND...THE GREASE WILL MAKE IT EASIER FOR THE TIRE TO NOT ONLY SEAT THE BEAD ?..BUT ALSO KEEP IT FROM RUSTING IN THE FUTURE !. 30 plus yrs of doing this kinda work...i've learned a few tricks of the trade to make my work easier.
  4. i see my brother's tractor in the background ?!..lol..i've got the b2100 model, brought it back from the dead all on my own, never worked on them until a couple yrs back, that auto tranny cost a good penny in parts !!. some jb weld, some sanding, long hrs !!..and it runs and drives..love it.
  5. not sure if its been asked ?, where are you located ?, if yer close to arkansas ?, load that puppy up, bring it to me, i'll fix it, you will have to pay for parts if and when needed ?, but i will not charge you labor !.
  6. do not buy from partzilla !!..their prices are too high !..buy from rocky mountain atv !
  7. i'd like to see the package..i dont trust anything on ebay... read further down in ad..it clearly says reproduction !..lol.
  8. time wise ?..it would be better ( to me anyway ) to just replace the wire harness.
  9. this is after market gasket,,,made in china...lol.
  10. before you go removing the front cover ?..THERE IS NOTHING BEHIND THE FRONT COVER THAT IS STOPPING IT FROM SHIFTING THROUGH THE GEARS AS FAR AS THE CLUTCH GOES !. you can down load the service manual for your atv from the site here for free.
  11. yeah, just did a quick search on ebay, no std rings, couple over size though. even checked my honey hole web site, they had 3rd size over rings.
  12. the reverse lever at back of motor should move about 1/2-5/8 in order to shift to reverse. you got the right plan on how to adjust the clutch, BUT !!..this has no effect on why it won't shift through all gears !
  13. you got that shaft ?, i bet i know where you can find one !..lol. as for the rings ?, a simple ebay search will locate aftermarket rings, been there..done that. you can get the whole cylinder, topend gaskets, rings, piston ( aftermarket ) to fit this atv. yes..i know its china aftermarket ?!. but when it comes to old parts that are no longer around ?, you have no choice but to bite the bullet, and do what ya gotta do to make it work.
  14. not sure how many times i've told you ?, but a bench grinder with a wire wheel is what i use along with a razor blade, my trusty old pocket knife is how i get the old gasket off the parts.
  15. yes, you should have all forward gears, starting in gear has nothing to do with it starting in gear right now, this starting in gear as it is right now is something stupid folks do to start it in gear. honda makes them with a neutral switch for safety reason..THEY DO NOT WANT YOU..OR A CHILD ?!..TO START THEM IN GEAR !..this keeps some kid from getting on it, cranking it up, throttle stuck wide open, and they take off !..lol. NO the neutral switch has nothing to do with why it will not go into reverse !. button on left front brake lever, you have to press it down, pull the brake lever in, then down shift the foot lever with your foot, this puts the atv into reverse. IF !!..the transmission is working right ?!. yes there is a cable adjustment for the reverse cable on left front brake lever, but if you are not pressing the red button, then pulling lever ?,it will not let you shift to reverse.
  16. you are welcome to join the chat room ( top of home page )..we can run it by you in there if ya get stumped ?.
  17. as long as its grounded like it is ?..yes the neutral light will always stay lit. yes..the switch is inside the rear engine cover that is over the flywheel, stator.
  18. this is what you get for working on those stupid 500's !..lol.
  19. they ground it to start it, as the neutral switch is bad, instead of replacing the switch ?, they took the stupid cheap way out, and grounded the wire to bypass the switch. as for no forward gears ?, this can be a few things, bad transmission ?, bad shift drum ?, clutch not right ?, hard to say. you may have to pull the motor, and split it to see if anything is bad inside the cases ?.
  20. just guessing here, but would the oil temp sensor cause this on this atv ?.
  21. hey fallguy666 !, yep..still around here...the rent is high here, so i tend to keep to rls instead..lol. good to see ya back !.
  22. is this where i get to say '' i told you so '' !..lol.
  23. lol..i see old age is catching up to you ?, or the beers are ?..lol.
  24. if you need any parts for it ?, holler at me, i bet i know where some are ?!..lol.
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