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    Prince Edward Island
544 profile views
  1. Your situation sounds like mine 😂 thank you I guess I’m getting bear claws 😂.
  2. I don’t normally have someone to ride but sometimes we do have company at the farm
  3. Yeah we discovered that yesterday 😂, there’s not many hills around my place. when I was teaching Khalil how to drive he may have lifted the front wheels
  4. I upgraded my tool box to this used 2up seat . It’s surprisingly comfortable.
  5. It’s home but now more trouble it now stalls when put in gear
  6. I get to take the Honda back home this week
  7. I can’t get it 😂 he call after I got home from the music store! And I’m freaking broke lol. how’ve you been
  8. Yeah I’m getting a little impatient. How long dose it take to put a set of rings in. They don’t even have a quote yet and I asked for one last Tuesday.
  9. No I might call after work . The had the rings in a few weeks ago surly they should have them installed by now
  10. I got word oh the Honda! They found the rings at last . I guess it was he couldn’t find anyone that had them in stock
  11. Just waiting on a set of rings and a head gaskets
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