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Posts posted by shadetree

  1. 4 hours ago, oilcanboyd said:

    1995 Foreman 400(TRX400FW)

    Hello everyone,

    I've been dealing with this for over a year now and could really use some help to shed some light on it. Last August, I encountered a problem with shifting beyond 2nd gear, which I was able to resolve  ( @shadetree, @toodeep, and @AKATV. thanks again) 

    After i got the front crankcase all back together, following the service manual of course. She has been shifting flawlessly and has never run better. However, since that time, I've been contending with a  weird noise issue that has left me scratching my head. To describe it, once the ATV reaches a specific temperature, roughly 2-3 minutes after starting, it starts emitting an irregular "Ting/Tong" sound. This isn't a constant knock or tick; it's quite random and not overwhelmingly loud when the vehicle is running, but still quite noticeable. What's alarming is that when I turn off the ATV and let it cool down, I hear one or, at times, two or three rather loud "Tings" as it cools down.

    I've attached a recording I made last year when the issue initially arose. This clip was recorded after letting the ATV warm up for a few minutes, followed by a 5-6 minute ride. After parking it, this is the sound I captured.  I understand that ATVs tend to make some thermal expansion/contraction noises when parked, but my concern is that these sounds are occurring even during leisurely riding, and when its cooling down it makes a very loud noise, you will hear what i am talking about in the clip.

    My best guess, based on the location of the sound, is that it might be related to the valve lash? but I am probably way wrong. I've been too worried to engage in any serious riding since the repair last September, so any help you can offer in solving this mystery would be greatly appreciated.

    PS: if you are able to check out the audio make sure to listen to the entire clip 

    that sound is what i think is the muffler !. the core parts are cooling off, this is my guess from hearing the sound bite you posted. very well can also be the muffler heat shield cooling down as well right near the head exhaust.

    Honda Audio.mp3 222.47 kB · 3 downloads


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  2. 23 minutes ago, _Wilson_™ said:

    So the guy with the loader showed up ? (Chat room talk) for those who are wandering what I'm talking about.... see what ya miss not coming to chat to hang with us ? Lol. @bcsman that was the other half of the idea ^^^^ lol..so far it's worked.. n noone the wiser..... 

    he showed up..just not with the tractor...but his sidexside..lol. we had to lay the stand base down up against the blind bottom while it was on my trailer, me climb inside the blind, and screw the floor to the base, then wrap a strap around my blind, hooked his 5000lb winch line to the strap, he pulled it up, while a few of us lifted the whole thing up from the backside. i also tied a rope around the back side , so once it got up, we could hold it from going all the way over. it worked out pretty dang good.

    • Like 6

  3. update: here is a couple pic's of my stand in its spot !. we left to go put my old stand up in its new spot, then i had to come back to trim some trees, put some brush/limbs around the base, i did not get any pics of this being done. i still need to put the carpet back down inside, put the chair back together. i'll prob head back down there to do this later on before nov 11th. i really love how it turned out. the pic of the guy in orange is al, he's the guy leasing the land that is letting me hunt here. the pile of guys are a few camp members that came to help put my stand up.





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  4. 28 minutes ago, retro said:


    No you're right, the alternator charges the battery, but the Rancher has a no-spark issue and won't start. Stator windings are not part of the ignition circuit. The pulse gen is part of it though, but open wiring to & from the CDI seems to be issue so far.

    then i would say bad reg/rec ?..or bad c.d.i. ?..he said the c.d.i.smelt burnt ?..lights blown, tells me the reg/rec went out, and these parts got fried.

  5. 36 minutes ago, Chesnuts54 said:

    @retro I was told they were the same year, the CDI’s look identical and same color wires! I know that doesn’t mean anything but it was worth the try. 

    Yes that is correct .. I’m going to double check now so we’re all on the same page and there is no confusion here. Give me 10 mins and I’ll give you an update.


    Also, yes the ATV has the fenders off and i began inspecting everything. I didn’t see anything that looked out of place except for the fact that my CDI looked a little melted(barely noticeable) and It smelt like burnt plastic, which is what made me the think the voltage reg/rec was what caused the voltage to spike. I also checked my grounds and see they were rusty and I cleaned it up real nice and still no luck. I also want to add that the guy I bought the ATV from said that the headlights worked but it seemed to me that when I got it they were blown. I assumed they fouled at the same time as the CDI burned out.


    normally, when lights blow, fuses blow..this is a sign of an over load from a bad reg/rec.

    • Like 1

  6. 17 minutes ago, retro said:


    Hi Shade,


    This is a battery powered DC ignition system rather than AC stator windings energized. This Rancher seems to have at least two open circuit wires inside the harness... we just getting started on identifying those.

    it does not get voltage from stator at all ?..what recharges the battery then ?. if the stator fails...( from what i've been taught ) then the reg/rec can't recharge the battery...or am i missing something ?.

  7. 1 hour ago, Chesnuts54 said:

    Hello there, I have checked the fuses and they are still in 1 piece .. no broken contacts. I’m confused as to “ohm out” the stator and coil?. As for the kill switch I tested continuity when the switch was off and when it was on and it seems to be working as it should. I can also confirm that my neutral light is on! Thanks 

    ohm'ing out the stator ( service manual tells you what spec's you should see ) is using a multimeter on the stator wire side only, putting meter on the correct setting ( look at service manual for this model ), it will tell you what reading you should be getting when you probe the connector side ( stator only ! ) with red and black probe stuck into each connector at once, look at meter, it will show you some numbers when you do this. then, take just the red probe, stick into each yellow connector on stator side only !, black probe to a good ground, watch meter...you should not see any numbers show up on meter ?..if you do ?, your stator has an open circuit, in other words..it won't fire spark plug !. little lesson here : stators generate AC votlage, this voltage goes to the reg/rec, this reg/rec converts the AC voltage to DC voltage, this DC voltage is what travels to your c.d.i. , it then heads to spark plug coil to fire spark plug.

  8. as fish said above ^^^..with a 12vdc test light, key on, attached to neg on battery, probe BOTH sides of all fuses, you should get a lit test light when you do this test , if you do not ?, then that fuse is bad. you will also need to ohm out the stator, if it has an open circuit ?, you will not get spark. you need to ohm out the spark plug coil to see if its in spec ?. you can probe the wires leading to '' kill switch '' to make sure you are getting power in...and power out of kill switch ?. you need to test ignition switch, make sure you are getting power in..and power out of this ?. last but not least for now ?..YOU MUST HAVE A GREEN NUETRAL LIGHT ON DASH ?!..if you do not ?, you will never get any spark on spark plug !.

    • Like 2

  9. 20 minutes ago, jeepwm69 said:


    Still a lot cheaper than buying one of those premade "Redneck Blinds" and you'd still have to build a platform for them too!

    oh trust me...i priced those blinds out...good lord !..and flimsy as all get out !. and yes..you still have to build the platform, and some of them do not even come with windows !.

    • Like 1

  10. 46 minutes ago, PROV said:

    I dropped mine off for service today. Was hunting some rough country way out in the boonies. A quarter mile from a logging road my machine made quite a lurch and shudder and wouldn't move. The boot coming off the rear of the engine must have had a cut I didn't see. Water washed out the grease and the clay did the rest. Blew the U-joint. Buddy I was with towed me to the road. Was able to get a text out and the gang brought a trailer 8 miles to pick me up. I was relieved it didn't break where we had been. Towing out of there would have been an adventure of it's own. Had to borrow a machine from my son until mine is fixed. It's a 2005 500 Foreman in great shape. I can say if I had to ride that all the time I would have to quit riding. 2 days of riding and my wrists, back and hind end hurt enough to quit and come home. I wouldn't give up power steering and independent suspension for anything!!




    p.s. ?..wth is that ??..IRS..and what is this ?..lol. whata wuss..i'm 59, and i've learned to deal with old school honda's !. once you learn on an old '89 trx350D foreman ?..you learn real quick how to ride without all those ''' extra '' parts on them !..lol

    • Haha 3

  11. update: ok, first trip out today was to academy sports to purchase 4 brackets to use 4x4 post in. these seem very well thought out for Rasing a deer stand. then off i went to lowes to buy some lumber. got 4-4x4x10' treated post, 3-2x6x8', and some treated 2x4x10' , 2x4x12' for bracing and to make a ladder. here is all this loaded on my trailer. still need to load all my tools and such that will go in my truck bed.



    • Like 4

  12. 4 hours ago, jeepwm69 said:

    Well at least lumber has come down a bit.


    I got sheets of 1/4" plywood for $22ish to reroof my shop this summer.  Last year the same sheets of CDX were $80ish.

    indeed, lumber prices have came down a tad. spent 250 bucks today for another load of lumber..sigh..lol. least it will be built right !.

  13. update: well...the game plan has changed once again !..lol. spoke to al tonight ( earlier ) he say's we'll just build you a bottom frame stand from scratch. the game plan is to give the old stand to another member so he has a better stand than what he has now, for helping us get my stand up. ok..this means building a whole new bottom frame to sit my new stand on. so now i have to buy even more lumber to make this happen..lol. i'm off to lowes tomorrow to pick up more lumber it seems.

    • Like 4

  14. 10 minutes ago, Fishfiles said:

    The guys round here buy this camo stuff from Academy , Tractor Supply has it some times 

    i bought some of that when i had the old blind, it was ok when you are up high ?, but when i ( was ) going to have my new blind on the ground ?, you can see right through one window , right out to the window behind me, in other words, the deer could make me out. so i went with black curtains, and let me tell ya..standing in front of the main window i shoot out of, and looking in..you can not see anything inside..let alone the light coming from the window behind me, it works very well.

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  15. 22 hours ago, jeepwm69 said:


    She'll learn to drive the footshift.  Both of my older daughters learned on a footshift, and were driving them by the time they were 10-12 (under close supervision).  The footshift is the best and most reliable of the Honda transmissions.  Let her learn it.  We need kids to be flexible and adapt instead of trying to change the world around them.

    indeed ^^^^ !. my gf has never rode a atv in her whole life, i built this trx450fm for her ( she moved to tn now, it stayed with me to sell now..sigh ) anyway..it took a few short min's to teach her how to shift it, she did great in no time..although she was having issues with when to down shift ?..but got passed that really quick. it takes time..but deff easy once you learn how to shift them.

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  16. On 10/10/2023 at 11:05 AM, jeepwm69 said:

    I get to burn a vacation day Friday to accompany people who have been hunting without permission some land Dad has, apparently for several years, while they remove their stands and feeders from Dad's land.


    In the early 80's, Dad found 240 acres for sale.  He couldn't afford to buy the whole place, but thought that the property was a bargain, so he asked a friend if he wanted to go 50/50.  The other guy balked, so dad said he'd do 2/3 and the other guy could do 1/3.


    They bought it, with Dad getting 160 and the other guy 80.  They were allowed to hunt ours, and us theirs, but no one was allowed to hunt without being with a family member of one of the two families.


    This worked well till about 10 years ago.  Dad's friend passed away, and his son is a grade A POS.  Enough to where I won't speak to him if I see him.  The son sold the 80 without ever telling us he was selling it.  He also cut all the timber over 24" off the place before he sold it (RUINED the timber stand on that part of the place).  The guy who bought it asked Dad for the same agreement about hunting, which Dad agreed to.  That said, Dad is weird about such things and required a lease for the guy, and in that lease it stated that if he sold the adjoining 80, his lease on Dad's ground was immediately null and void.


    Guy needed money 4-5 years ago, and sold the 80.  He then leased hunting rights from the new owners, but Dad told him he no longer had the right to hunt Dad's 160.


    A few weeks ago, the boy my daughter has been dating for 4-5 years asked me about the property (he apparently saw it on the county property map that shows the owners).  I told him it was Dad's, and told him good luck.  My father never let ANYONE hunt that property unless he or I were physically present.  Not even my closest friends when we were young.  The boy asked, and Dad says "Sure, you can keep an eye on it for me, and hunt it.  ONLY you, no one else"   No telling what all other stipulations were in that lease Dad made the boy sign LOL.


    Boy goes out to walk the property.  Asks if there is an easier way in that hiking ridges and valleys through the public land to get there, and I tell him we have an easement using a road on that 80, tell him I'll get him a key.  Key doesn't work.  Someone has changed locks.   I was there bank in the spring and my key worked then........


    I contact the group that owns the 80, and they say "Nope, not us, and no one is leasing the 80 from us any more".  I tell them I'm going to cut locks and put new on, which I did.  I left notes on the gates stating "Private Property, No Trespassing" with Dad's name and my cell number (Dad never answers his phone). 


    Boy goes in there Friday and finds stands, feeders, and game cameras in several places.  Power line easement is one giant long food plot.  Tell him to grab the game cams and we find the guy who isn't supposed to be there anymore (the guy who owned the 80 for a couple of years).  Tell that to Dad and the owners of the 80, and tell them to talk and figure out how to handle it.  The next morning I get a call at dawn from the previous owners son, who had found the notes on the gates.  


    Apparently they had an auto-renewal on the lease with the current owners of the 80, but hadn't paid or even talked to the owners since 2021.  They weren't supposed to be on Dad's land at all as of the moment they sold that 80.


    Dad tells them to get their stuff off the land, and now I get to burn a vacation day Friday to stand watch while they get their stuff.  They said they were going to remove bridges and culverts they put in too, and we had to have the family lawyer tell them that they weren't allowed to remove improvements that they did to leased land (bridges are in bad shape, and don't really care about the culverts, but Dad doesn't want them destroying the place with equipment, so it has to stay).


    It never ceases to amaze me how stupid, unethical, and entitled people become when it comes to hunting.


    On a bright note, the boy is getting sole access to land that is covered in food plots.  Bet he really kisses my daughter's ! now!

    just wow..what a read jeep !. thank goodness catfish knows al ( the guy's land i hunt on ). we met up a few years back one day i was out at catfishes place. catfish and al are out in front, al brought an old atc 200 that needed fixing, and of course catfish does not like working on atc's anymore, and low and behold, he calls me over..indroduces me to al, who i meet, al tells me the story on this atc, which he uses only on his 200 acre he leases. he tells me, '' i can either pay you to fix it ?..or i'll give you hunting rights on my lease '' ?.oh heck..i just hit the state lottery !..rofl. i said in a heartbeat '' i will fix it like its brand new..and i'll take the hunting rights '' !..we agreed..shook hands..and i've been hunting there for about 3-4 yrs now. took my very first 5 pointer that very first year there !. great group of members there, they all are very helpful. one of the members is the guy with a large tractor that is going to be there this weekend to help me get my new blind to my spot, and ( hopefully ) up on the metal stand that is there ?..lol. 

    • Like 3

  17. 9 hours ago, _Wilson_™ said:


    No not the flip downs (windows) .... the space above ....yer chair.. but doesn't matter, a space that small won't make much deference. 

    i have black curtains , made them from king size sheets, they hang down from those white curtain rods, you deff can not see inside from the outside now.

  18. update: got some good news ( i think ?..lol ) spoke to one of the guys that has a tractor, he say's he can pull my blind on the trailer all the way to my spot. he also say's we'll get it up on that stand one way or another..hmmm..lol. i may have to pull it all back apart , and piece it back together all on the top side ?, but i'm cool with that, just means i'll have to re-seal all my trim corner boards. i also got some info from al on the hight of this stand ( old stand ), so now i know what lumber to buy to shore it up to handle the extra weight. got my black curtains hung, got some king size black sheets from wally world, they work great !, can't see through one window, all the way to the other window behind it, so i say i scored big time on that !. last but not least, after looking over my '' camo '' paint work ?, i decided i did not like the way it looked ?, soooo..i went bridge over pass graffiti on it !, lol.here's some pics of how it looks now, i must say...it looks 10 times better than what it did look like.





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  19. 11 minutes ago, _Wilson_™ said:

    Looks great! You going to leave down the upper part open ? 



    not following you ?, upper part ?..you mean the windows ?, if you look closely...you can see the plexiglass being held up with a wood turner on the side. all winodws fold up when in use..and fold down, locked shut when not using them.

  20. here is the shade shack all loaded onto the trailer, still have to run some heavy duty straps from one side of the blind..through the windows..and hook to other side of trailer, these straps are rated for 3500lbs !. if anything breaks ?..it will be the blind before these straps !...lol p.s. i finished screwing the tin down this morning, looks good too me.




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  21. thanks !. yeah..we don't have anything like that down yunder to raise it up 12 ft ?!..lol. if i can get hight on the stand from ground up under the top part ?, i may end up getting some 4x4 treated post to prop unto the china legs ?!..lol. just need to get with al and see what he says ?, i'd love to have it back up on the stand that is there, after all..i built the base/floor to sit right down over that top section anyway.

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