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Everything posted by shadetree

  1. haha..i've used the 5 gal bucket many times, i've learned to ruff it !..lol.
  2. what i have is pretty strong, i chucked it up in my bench vise, gave it a strong pull, it held. the problem i had with it in my gizmo is that when you run it through a drilled hole in metal ?, that hole has sharp edges, this is why i broke. but the 1/4 rope held !.
  3. shadetree


    @ 7 am this morning, it was 25 here !...brrrrrrrrrrr..lol.
  4. update: ok, i spent all day today getting this problem worked on. first thing i did was snag the drop down pipe, first try, the masonry line broke ( i knew it would, thin line through a sharp drilled hole ) so i drilled the hole out on my flapper to stick some 1/4 nylon rope through the larger hole in the flapper. got it down in the 2 inch casing, the drop line was only about 4ft or less down from the top, i was able to get the standing water out, slide the gizmo down into the drop pipe, quick yank, got it '' hooked '', easily pulled the drop pipe up. stopped by lowes, picked up a 1 inch foot valve, seeing how i was already doing all this work, may as well replace that while i can get the drop down pipe out !. got that taken care of. now to fix the bad 2 inch casing !?!. took me a few to get too it, used a short version of hack saw blade to whack it off, then used my angle grinder to level the top off. then glued a new 2 inch coupler down on the old casing, i then cut a 12 inch long piece to act as a riser. mounted the adapter to the new 2 inch pvcp pipe, used two large hose clamps wrapped around the 2 inch riser, stuck a piece of flat bar with a bend in it, up against the pvc pipe, tightened down the hose clamps around the flat bar's bend. then drilled a hole in the well house wall, used concrete bolt to attach the upper end to the wall. I then got the pump mounted on top of the adapter with a rubber gasket ( yes...it did leak i found out later ), bolted the pump to the adapter, got all my plumbing pipes ran back to the pressure tank. i then used another piece of flat bar to attach the very top of the motor lid, then on the other end, used another concrete bolt, attached it to the wall again. this pump ain't gonna fall over again !. by then, it was 4pm, i called it day, came back home, will head back down there tomorrow, and fix the gasket leak. considering i had to start from scratch to get this all back together ?, i'm one sore MF'R right now !..lol. enjoy the pic's of my hard labor !. oh..before i forget ?!!..i poured a half gallon of clorox bleach down the well before i slid the drop down pipe back down, still need to flush that for a bit tomorrow. p.s. in case yer wondering how i got the top of the 2 inch casing squared off ?, i used a hack saw blade, bent to almost the width of the concrete ?, then slowly...AND I MEAN SLOWLY !..worked it back and forth to cut the 2 inch casing '' some what level ''....then i used my angle grinder to smooth the top edge down better. it took a few min's to get this part done !.
  5. anywhere between 90 and 100 psi is normal for that model. you can down load the service manual from our site here, the psi specs will tell you what you should aim for.
  6. ummm..50 psi is too low for this trx350 rancher.
  7. if he was smart ?, he'd say '' i'm selling it ! ''..lol.
  8. yep..back firing means the timing is off ?, or the c.d.i. is messing up ?. i would check the timing before you go buying parts.
  9. yeah, thats the ' fetch it ' tool i mentioned, he wants 700 bucks for it ??!!..he can keep it..lol.
  10. valves are wrong ?, or a bad cam chain ?, or..the valve seats in the head are lose ?.
  11. depends on how it was treated during those 2k miles ?.
  12. got a late night phone call from my gal, she claims no water coming from well ?, great !!. breaker box is locked, key is here, had to make the late night drive over there, kill the power to well pump. open lid on well house, well pump has fallen over, breaking all pipes leading to pressure tank, sooo..it lost its prime you could say ?! messed up the top of well casing from getting too hot from running dry, but the worse part is..the pick up pipe fell down in the well !. its 1 inch i think ? ( i hope anyway ! ). watched some video's on youtube on how to get these pipes out ?. well..it seems hard at first, until i watched a guy pull a broken pipe out of his well with a tool like the one i made in the picture, only difference is mine is much smaller ?, but the concept is the same !. soooooooo..if any of ya'll run into this problem ?..make one of these tools...it works !..well...it worked on some test pipe i have here at home, same pipe that is down in my well. the concept works off a piviot piece of metal to grab the inner diameter of the pipe, once you drop it down your well..let it get inside the pickup pipe, then give the string ( or rope ) a soft tug..the metal flipper part flips out..wedging the ends against the inner part of the pipe, works on pvc..and metal pipes !. make sure to tie a good strong rope, cable to the tool..YOU DO NOT WANT IT TO DROP DOWN IN THE WELL !.
  13. i don't see an in-line microwave ?
  14. i wonder what the polaris guy's would look like ?..hmmm...rofl.
  15. welcome, wow..that is one clean 250r !!!..holy crap...did you just take it out of the crate ?.. very nice...watch out for that power band !!!!..lol.
  16. rear tine tiller are great, but the name champion ?..everything i've seen, and had in my eye sight about this name has been junk. many moons ago i had a troy built rear tine tiller, it never failed me.
  17. rofl..lord..someone give that motorcycle rider a medal..that as at least a 10 !,,lol.
  18. i don't think its a good idea to pour a concrete slab over those pipes ?, if you ever need to repair or replace any of them ?,,oh boy !..lol.
  19. i'd think by the time i got to the next exit ?..i'd be without a job !..lol.
  20. i'm pretty sure i got the system flushed out ?..seeing how i got leaks, and adding fluid ?..lol. i picked up another 5 gals of hydro oil, 125 otd...sigh. also picked up my pump parts from this dealer, they called to tell me they came in. can't put the tractor back together until i get that oil seal and plug in ?, they show to be here tuesday ?. oh what fun i'm having !..lol.
  21. i hear ya, driveways and gas stations here an there all have dips going into them and out, it gets high dollar replacing parts that gets wrecked, sad about yer wifes bike, thats a cute little thing !.
  22. no, no magnets on this tractor.
  23. oh my !..thats a sure fire way to make the wife a tad mad i bet ?..lol. this is the very reason why i decided to raise my camper, to keep crap like this from taking place !..lol.
  24. yeah..this camper was meant to be pulled by light cars and trucks, i have no issue at all pulling it with my 1/2 ton silverado. i'm set up to pull over 10k if i wanted too ?. i have the toe package. even with my camper being so light ?, i still use a WDH, only because i haul my 450 foreman in the truck bed..lol.
  25. very nice fishfiles !!..i have a wilton bench vise, that puppy was high dollar !. and i use it almost every day, best vise out there on the market.
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