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    Eastern Townships, Quebec
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  1. Howdy 😄 Hope all is good!
  2. Hehe yep I'm still here! And yep @_Wilson_™ I'm in the Eastern Townships of Quebe. Can't wait for my vacations in August and September. Bought myself a new trailer as my old Costco one started to crack pretty badly even after repairs. It's a little heavy but I go slow enough to not feel the bumps even when it's loaded with wood. Also new tires on the 300, not sure if I had posted about that. As you can see I also had to rigg something up for my left fender... Not the best but it'll do while I find my inner fender lol
  3. Hey Retro, indeed been a long time. I've been insanely busy but doing well! Hope all is good with you and the community here. I see it's been growing nicely 🙂
  4. Yep I did! Front fender? Lets just say I deserved it. Saw a dead tree (approx 10ft, 10 inches dia) that was in the way of making a trail. Figured I'd give it a nudge and make it fall (lazyness of not getting my saw out). Well, a part of it fell on the fender (left side) where I was missing the inner fender. It chooched the fender a little bit too low and cracked it near the rack post. The plastics are already scrap though so I've been looking for some but they're rare over here.
  5. Heh... Little update. My girlfriend found the mudflare. It was right beside my camp, must've been looking with my eyes closed. However, now I need the full front fender... Rough rides!
  6. Haha! I saw the exact same bike for sale not far from my place. Many people are jacking up the prices though because of Covid. Unfortunately 8500$ for a 2011 is way out of my budget.
  7. Thanks guys. I'll try to back track the trails I made this weekend. When I bought from USA I used to ship to the border and cross to go get it. I'm like 40 minutes away from the border so shipping costs exceed way above what I can fetch it for by crossing. But since they are closed for who knows how long, I might need to get it shipped out here.
  8. Hey guys, Went for a ride in the woods on a Friday night and was making some trails... Seem to have lost the left fender flare and left inner fender 😅. Not on the bike and can't find 'em in the woods anymore! Front Mudguard LEFT 61866HC5690ZA Front Inner Fender LEFT 61867HC5970 Trying my hand here incase someone has them for sale. If not I'll have to wait until mid October once the tall grass/weeds/brush dies out & try to look for it again.
  9. How do you like the King Quad? I'm shopping for a new bike that I can put tracks on for winter. Apparently King Quads are awesome but I have a hard time seeing me with something else than a Honda. I was thinking Foreman 520...
  10. I'd still use wheels in the summer time but I'd use my tracks in the winter. Basically trying to swap my firewood cutting time to be done in the winter as I'd have more time then. Just not sure which is a better work horse, Rubicon or Foreman... I'll be going to the dealer on Friday to see whats up. @toodeep How much $$ did the tracks put you back for? They are around 4k cnd here.
  11. Hey guys, I've been thinking about getting myself a new ATV with tracks for winter time. I've got a 1975 snowmobile that goes great when its very cold and the trails are packed. However when there's a snow storm and I need to stop/go, this thing acts more like a submarine. Last winter was enough to almost make me burn it on the side of the trail. My father bought a used Yamaha 660 Grizz with tracks and I gotta say it gave me the fizz. I'm not ready to jump ships though and go to Yamaha. I'd rather stay with Honda. My goal is to work with this machine, no trail riding. Mainly hauling wood up steep hills so I need something that can take a beating and yet provide enough power to have winter tracks on. I'd have a sleigh in the back for the winter months. I'm a complete noob to the newer models and was wondering if anyone has any insight on the new Honda Foremans or Honda Rubicons? I need a work horse. Almost forgot to mention, I'm 100% keeping my 300 as well. I'd hate myself if I sold it. Thoughts?
  12. Those videos always make me laugh / cringe. I'll stick to my axe 😅 Infact, I should be cutting wood... Lowest amount of wood I have in 6 years. Only 4 cords done and by this time I have an easy 20. I'll have to look for some standing dead/dried wood. Haven't we figured out how to do 40 hours in a day yet? Heck I barely have time to visit the forums nowdays!
  13. @FishFiles Yes he was writing in French. Also you were close: "Parlez-vous français?" 😆
  14. Bonjour, Si possible essayez d'écrire en anglais. Vous aurez beaucoup plus d'informations en utilisant l'anglais au lieu du français cars la majorité des gens ici parlent en anglais.
  15. Haha yeah! This covid business had me very busy but work related things are getting a bit more back to normal. Heck I've barely been on my 4 wheeler or cut any wood in 3 months!
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