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Everything posted by _Wilson_™

  1. Dang! Wishe I'd known..... I used to haul grain over to waverly....the grainery is right next to the river.... Heck ya... lots of rain...I'm glad no we seem to be getting a real, just hope all those who need a good rain get it soon..... Let me know next time your down this way... It's not all that far to waverly... For a drive to meet a good friend.
  2. Id sware that badge looks like a vicious fan clutch.......... Looks like a few defrent vehicle parts made up that trike.... Slickess! Even the old metal tractor seat... Lol!
  3. ASP doesn't mess around.... They have that trooper who's now a specailist at pits ..... They have also provided him with the mucle car to chase um down... I think a dodge hellcat... Now the long pursuit of that white hellcat multi state 190 mph chase ? Ended up going to Texas as a specail persuit unit... These guys arnt messing around any longer... Used to, chases were called off.... But now i don't think they're are playing that game any longer because everyone and there mother now choose to run.... The only reason i can think of is because ..... They mostly get a slap on the wrist... And just cause they have a lineces revoked doesn't matter...What they need for these new ECU / ECM managed cars is electromagnetic interference .... Ive even seen some semi trucks shut off because the owner runs a high amp pusher ive seen them key the cb mic... truck stutters and slowly shuts off... in my case i have two both texas stars... one 500-V amp the other 667-V (variable power) over 700 watts on usb, n lsb (upper side band) (lower side band) Or like on star.... but i can see the addiction to the chase.... I can't recall anytime when more vehicle chases have taken place... I'm all in for dodge high performance cars.... But along with high horse power white knuckle performance cars... You get idiots who just are too stupid to even been issued a drivers lineces .... Lol!
  4. Slammed ... pardon the Quick detour.... But are you talking Loretta Lynns ?? At hurricane mills tn ?
  5. There's a few more acciciated with this pic.... Posting soon....
  6. Ha! Purdy slick ideer..... Um..... This don't belong here cuz it's not a purchase, but is new... Well..... Anyways... Here's also a better loseup of the hairline crack .... Like before... Never even heard of this happening... Ifs it's due to the quality of county water.... I can see why it corroded... Which reminds me filter check time.... And here's that crack.... Deltas sending me a brand new complete replacement... I can't say enough good things about customer support. A+++++
  7. For the flooding we had going on....... Lol! But i like your idea better! Lets go!!
  8. You can see the driver ran that stop.... The rail way stop signal arm was ontop of the load for just a few in the 1st part....what an idiot trying to out run a freight train with a load that long.... I hope they took his specail driving permits away...
  9. So I'm a plumber today ....... Kitchen sink drain flange seal replacement,,,. Also have to replace the delta faucet arm.... Never seen one just up and crack from temp changes (cold to hot) temp metal shrink / expansion fatigue, i could see a chance if the domestic hot water from the hardy wood boiler was involved .... You can see the crack how it's spread some via the water stains..... Never seen one crack like that before... Hm.... Deltas quality falling to the road side too ?!....... Sigh... Welcome to the disposable world.....
  10. Hm....... Who does she remind you of ? (Face) Ashly Judd could almost pass for twins...... Beautiful but leftist and nuts....
  11. Ya, me as well ...Interesting setup on the drive.... Wish we could see the left side.
  12. Lol! That old dingbat could dude herself up like Tammy Fay Bakker.... And she'd still BE an a--hole ...... I refuse to insult horses....
  13. Dang sure does, Atc... I been thinking kind the same but drew a blank at what other vehicle it reminded me of.... It Also reminds me of the short wheel job in the movie desperado ia chevy .... 1947....When i looked that up says chevy advance design 1947...
  14. https://spotthestation.nasa.gov/home.cfm https://www.isslocation.com/ You might give these a try fish.... I Been watching these two pages (time permitting) off and on... I Still haven't tuned in on the downlink...time sure does get away...
  15. _Wilson_™


    You know.... I never thought about this really very much... But i have to say the reports and just plain friendly talk about the weather on this thread alone. .. Is better then any other weather site or news etc etc... For exact imformation on current weather conditions from each members location... It took me along time to convince my younger sister... Don't completely take the weather forcasted for your location by some media outlet 500 miles away going by instruments alone >>> Seriously !! Your best to pay attention to those live on scene reports or from people who live where it's happening.. Or if your so addicted like my desease is..... Lol! Get involed in ham... Haha!! I won't post her response ..... Sigh..
  16. This one..... Flashy....we have a couple guys that drive these type rigs, but I'm not fam with the shape of that dump trailer.... Fish ? Oh snd another thing that got my eye .... (Might not even be worth mentioning) and i wish i had a better side shot, but the quarter flaps (between the front tandem / rear of the fuel tank) the two trucks I've seen here both Pete day cabs .... Ones maroon over black the other is matalic green over black ... All the slicks alumny pertz.... Both trailers bout the same as these pics... No idea what they haul, sept a-- lol! ....
  17. _Wilson_™


    Sorry..... If i could I'd sent it your way.... We's facing just the opposite ... Too much rain... If it's keeps up... Crops will mold at the base, mold will become a problem if it hasn't already... I've been o busy haven't had time to keep up with all the wet weather related issues.. Wash outs flooded road water rescues ... I did catch the tell end of something that happened on the I-road (65) i believe a vehicle hydroplaned and took out one of those highway signs... The big ones... I've been keeping a close track on flooding close by.. Not to mention my storm shelter... Which shockingly... Hasn't had one drop get in... I recon.. My seal job worked, least for now.. Going to make some changes soon... Yaw know how i think about the BS global warming mess, but i will say the extreme wet weather.. Here is very unusual .. Bro... I hope y'all get some much needed relief soon.
  18. Did that service truck have a clutch pack type locking rear end ?
  19. Thats Sure paints a interesting picture.... Lol! Wtf is wrong with those people ?!
  20. Orange and white ! Tenn vols!
  21. _Wilson_™


    Rain rain and more rain ....... Rain rain go way come back another .............................................. Day............lol! 2.29 inches for the week, and i don't think that's correct.... I think it's been more... 3.39 for the month, 12 inches total...I'd have to look way back in this string to see when i cleared the history on the station memory, but it's close to more then we've had in a few years.
  22. Looks like she had a couple good blows upside the head by a ugly stick....On top of kneeling.... Dog a-- ----- ! Don't love America ? Get the f out!
  23. I can just (kinda) think the camra guy is thinking... Don't run my way! And Kinda looks like the camra guy is getting ready to get gone....lol!
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